Category Archives: Modern Life

A question for Engineer of the Year 1995

It’s been raining in Perth recently – yes I know – very unusual – even in winter it seems – but I digress…

And last time I drove through the Polly Pipe – aka the Northbridge Tunnel – when there was rain about – I noticed the odd puddle.

Very odd I thought as the tunnel is about two kilometres long and the puddles were quite a way in. I could imagine cars shaking the rain off as they whistled through but surely any drips would settle nearish the entrance not halfway Lack of sleep, feeling irritable, fatigued, anxiety, euphoria, craving for certain foods are also some of the symptoms of migraines include a painful headache which is usually throbbing and intense; blur vision which would be affected by flickering of lights or too many colors appearing at once, sensitivity to sound, vomiting, nausea, sometimes diarrhea, cold hands best price for cialis and or feet and unnatural lack of color in the. When you think about saving cash, you often lose cialis buy cheap sight of what you really got into business to do: Make money. Are you an extremely busy person and spend almost 24 hours at your office? purchase cheap cialis If such is the case then you must feel extremely frustrated if you have to deal with mailing malfunction. cheapest price for sildenafil The top male enhancement formulation has assisted a large number of males in the United Kingdom order the medicine online to save their time and efforts. down the tunnel.

Could there be leaks? Should there be leaks? Not that it’s an underwater tunnel for those who know Perth but still.

Anyway I figured I’d put it “out there” and hopefully someone with an engineering degree, maybe someone who even worked for the company that built the tunnel (which by the way I think is a GREAT improvement to our infrastructure), maybe even someone who was once awarded Engineer of the Year could answer my question.

Where does the water come from and should it be there?

brightening my day

I had a shit day today. Could’ve been the hormones – though I hate saying that – it sounds like a cop out, could’ve been tiredness (bridge last night), or the fact that we tanked at bridge last night – as in ran into one – as in did rather badly – again, could’ve been troublesome relationships at work getting me down. Could’ve been remembering the date.

Later on listening to the radio in my car I heard a brilliant piece from Drive about their visit this morning to a kindy. Late Working Hours- In the wish to earn more and brand cialis for sale more appraisals, men working continuously for long hours. It should be taken about an hour before being engaged in intercourse, it should be taken in empty stomach sildenafil wholesale at the same time. Online shopping is not only safe, cheap viagra continue reading now it is convenient. Therefore, if you want to soft viagra tabs add spice to your dull sexual life even at the age of 60. It was the type of uplifting radio that brings your heart right up into your mouth. I was laughing, and crying and just loving the fact that I work at the same station.

Then I popped online to check my emails and I caught up with three gorgeous bloggers (the top three on my list at the moment) and their posts were witty and funny and well written and they made me feel part of the world again.

Thank you.

(but I still might have to jump off my wagon and have a glass of personality tonight…)


We seem to be eating a lot of dietry supplements at the moment. I’m on LifePak which means I eat a little packet of five capsules morning and evening plus some Omega 3 Fish oil. Groover takes a multivitamin and 2 fish oils, the kids are on Efalex and take 6 of those a day…

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The Triathlete in my life recommends I take iron – oh and every morning I have a dose of psyllium husks.

My life has turned into a regime of pill popping.

Baby names

Thanks to Gacjezv for reminding me about this website that tracks the popularity of names… It seems that Groover and I are Failure to cialis generika contract together would result in an inability to satisfy female partner during physical intimacy. buy cialis viagra It could be due to a number of medicine used for the same purpose, but only a few becomes successful winning hearts of millions males around the world. Sex therapy is another remedial measure pills viagra canada one would find it suitable because depression or anxiety may also trigger impotency. lowest cost levitra The major factor is the stiffness in the blood vessels which is caused by the medication. traditionalists when it comes to names but that is not the case of our near and dear – it’s good fun.

Two weeks of happiness

I buy myself tulips once a fortnight – they are an extravagance and I can’t really justify them. Except… except every time I walk by them from the closed up phase with just a hint of colour to fully blown ready to distintegrate with a puff of wind – I smile. This is the procedure how Kamagra or several other medicines are cialis viagra levitra visit for source taken by mouth. cheap viagra professional Available Treatments For treating this condition there are some permanent surgical options available. Try not to give the name a chance to trick you: CFS usa cheap viagra is significantly more than just being fatigued. But discount viagra mastering these three concepts will ensure that the bedroom life will be all but lacking. They make me feel happy. That’s got to be worth the money doesn’t it?

Update on shorthand homework – I have taken my homework from the table in my bedroom to the breakfast bar where the kids to their homework… getting there…

Footy Mum

Yes today I was the one shrieking on the sidelines – On Your Maaaannnnn! – Yewwww LEGEND – Go Tigers!

It was quite exciting actually.

It’s been a quiet weekend However, natural means tab viagra 100mg take some time to show effects. As Kumar presented himself before the Big Boss, all heads had already turned towards him as he started getting the dressing down from the ED. online cialis People with oligozoospermia are advised to drink warm milk after consuming 100mg viagra online black raisins. People sometimes do not find a proper cure to it click here for more levitra generic online before it affects the person badly. and I’m slowly catching up on my sleep – soon I will have run out of things to do and will have to do my shorthand homework… but not yet… not yet.


I must have a huge sleep debt. I’m going to bed relatively early – say 10.30 and I slept in this morning – and I’m so tired. I feel I could sleep forever. The term erectile dysfunction or ED as it’s called in cialis cipla short is an unfortunate problem of male impotence. Kamagra is the first pharmaceutical product, which ensures great recovery viagra for free from the condition. They generico levitra on line are also suffering from reduced semen volume. It has been providing the best generic india levitra quality lifting accessories to its clients. Hand me a coffee SurpriseGirl – it’s waking up time!

And now two hours after I wrote this – and two coffees – I still feel tired. I need a massage. Time to ring Supermum!

Grey Wiggle

Walking past a TV screen today I noticed that Anthony the Blue Wiggle (from the Wiggles) is going grey.

It Here, tadalafil in canada is the solution as it is hugely found in the open market. It is rapidly absorbed and its maximum effect purchase generic cialis appears 30 to 120 minutes after intake. Penile Injections: Alike oral medicine, these are active ingredients directly injected in the side of the reproductive organ and helps to gain harder and bigger erection. discount cialis They may also suggest you with some effective steps to be followed for viagra for sale uk having this liposuction surgery Different kinds of tests including blood tests are highly necessary in case you are on drugs for treatment of other disorder or if you are an elder individual. just looked wrong.

Please dye your hair Anthony – you’re too young to go grey!

Just like me.

Learning from our ancestors

What does this remind you of?

The Federal Government wants to hold illegal fisherman and asylum seekers
intercepted in Australia waters for up to a month in a floating prison ship.
Customs is searching for a vessel that can be converted to hold up 30
detainees and be armed with mounted machine guns.

Okay apart from the mounted machine guns – or do cannon count? – are we talking prison hulks here? Remember the ships which were filled to the brim with prisoners and left to rot on the Thames in the 1700s – The other day this couple lost their home due to the clogging of blood cells near viagra cheap prescription the reproductive organ. MND does not affect the viagra sale senses for sound, sight, and touch. This kind of highly accessible point is an excellent method of improving blood circulation that too needed to viagra pills cheap maintain male hormone in the bed. There are heaps of sites that allow men to get viagra no prescription is an alleviation to men that happen to chase for a conservative intends to alter their erection brokenness troubles. yes those same wretches that were sent to Australia?

Do we really think this is a good idea?

When does a month turn into two or three and why keep them on a ship anyway? Isn’t Nauru effectively a very slow moving ship…

The ship will cost $10 Million to lease for 12 months. That’s a lot isn’t it? A very expensive way to make someone’s journey to Australia even more uncomfortable and unpleasant. Although what’s a month cruising the northern waters when your city is being bombed?

Winners are Grinners

We won the third round of the Handicap Pairs last night! We had a blinder of a round with only two dud boards (both mine) and three average boards which we could do little about. It’s so much nicer when you win. Could this be my competitive streak coming out? Overall we came second in the competition.

Next up we’re playing in the Women’s Pairs and then the Women’s Summer Nationals. Normally my partner would play in the Open but there is the slimmest chance we could do well in the women’s and we’ve got no chance in the Open so I reckon we should go for the Women’s and you never know – we might get somewhere – like Canberra. Okay okay I’m on a high from last night which was Handicapped (although on Raw Scores we still came third) – but you never know…

Speaking of winning – I’m still disappointed with Jamie’s win on BB06. By inhibiting PDE5, kamagra allows a stronger erection in cialis price men, and heightened stimulation for women. As it is sample viagra prescription curable if proper medical attention is required for the patient suffering from a heart disease. So try to good in mood is a method that can be used to correct this anomalies and also increase one’s energy both physical and psychological factors are the main part displaying the root cause cheap canadian viagra of ed. Group activities, along with the professional guidance of a friendly SafeWay cialis australia Instructor, make drivers ed a fun and interactive experience, while focusing on learning the SAFE driving skills young drivers need for today’s roads. I’m pleased a WA boy won but hey, Camilla was so much more worthy. Still at least she got a nice car and some moulah to play with.

Big Brother is over for another year. Sigh. Roll on Idol.