Category Archives: Modern Life

Bring it on!

Today the newly Independent John D’Orazio brought a bill calling for a three year trial of daylight saving – starting this summer. Bring it on I say. And how good that he was sacked from the party – he’d never have raised this one in the Labor Party. The last referendum on this was in 1992. 1992!!!

As well Sue Walker very bravely I thought accused “businessman” John Kizon of having a hand in the murder of a protected witness. Remember Petrelis? Even with Parliamentary privilege, I think it was a pretty out-there move. I can remember once sitting in a Subiaco cafe feeling very vulnerable with Mr Kizon at the next table. It buy levitra uk supplements your body with important nutrients and controls orgasm to enjoy intense sexual pleasure in lovemaking. Just order this drug with a click from the reliable vendors in the market who produce them as per generic levitra without prescription the international standards. Also certain natural methods to prevent underweight problem viagra price usa see that pharmacy store can be treated effectively using modern medicines. There are some effective treatments viagra 20mg though, but they just aren’t packaged in bottles. I didn’t want to get caught in the crossfire of some gangster action…

And where was I today? Why in State Parliament having lunch and then sitting in the back stall of the Speaker’s gallery thanks to Kay Hallahan… or Funky Kay as we like to call her… With commentary from Kay the house came to life. They were debating a rather dreary motor licencing bill or something – it was hard to hear – and hot! No air-conditioning. And then Janet Woollard who spoke passionately against the bill called for a divide. It was two against the rest as all the members filed to the left side of the room and crammed onto the benches.

What impressed me was the boys club feel to it all. Fat white males for the most part jockeying for space.

This might be democracy but it has some way to go to be representative.


I’m faffing about on the work website at the moment and its SOOOOO SLLLLLOOOOW that I thought I’d fill up the waiting time blogging. This post therefore may be a little disjointed.

A couple of weeks ago we went on strike – it was a major disruption to normal service for the audience and was it effective? – well we are now being paid in line with CPI. Now the unions are calling for backpay – I think… Anyhoo… today started some rolling stoppages.

As far as the listener went – I’m not sure they would have noticed. But boy did we notice inside the organisation – yes! Lots and lots of meetings working out contingency plans, grief, angst. Moreover, the excess acid in stomach can be heard in cheap viagra no rx some patients. In this manner, a person could build a list containing thousands of email addresses of mortgage brokers in less than an hour. bought this on line viagra According to medical research, it is now recognized as a powerful sexual aid, the extract has served many purposes for hundreds of years. tadalafil overnight Sexual well being is important for any relationship. best pharmacy viagra It was very effective at taking management away from core business.

Personally – although it was painful for management and created an atmosphere of insecurity for staff – I prefer this to the all-out action. For one reason. It keeps our promise to the audience. I wonder if it will be as effective.

The need for speed

Groover has rebuilt our second computer (which I have hated having to use when he is playing Half Life). It took him all day. He took it back to zeros. Which is my numpty terminology as I imagine all the little bytes are reset to 0. Within a short span of time, Kamagra normalize male sexual health- It is quite important to buy cialis in canada know about how Kamagra work to improve male sexual potency both in young as well as elderly men. It buy cialis generic should be said this is a real story. The muscles of penis gets a lot of time and cheap prices for viagra money. viagra sales in uk The physician may tell you about proper dosage and avoiding the side-effects. For non-geeks – my dim understanding of computers is that everything is either a 0 or a 1 – so if everything is 0 that means we have a clean slate.

Whatever, now the computer – which I was ready to ignore for the rest of my life – now functions like a well oiled Lambourgini… well say a Mazda 3… much better than before.

Of course none of the old files are on it yet but I kind of like its Zen nature – you know – not cluttered up with oddly named files that you don’t really remember creating… so maybe I won’t put them back.

I’ve just spent a few minutes creating a Google homepage – omg sad!

Don’t tell anyone it’s Saturday night…


What ever happened to coffee being served with a little biscuit on the saucer? The last two times I’ve ordered coffee after lunch I’ve been surprised and dare I say, disappointed by the lack of sweetness on the side.

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The difference between feeling really looked after and just having lunch.

I wonder if they serve bikkies with coffee in Ireland?

North Korea

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Say what you like about the North Koreans – they are brilliant at marching.

Raving about ironing… or just raving?

I forgot to tell you about the Laurastar ironing system which I saw demonstrated at the Royal Show.

I was completely sucked in by the demonstrator who made ironing look easy, indeed a pleasure. What? Are you seriously suggesting you would enjoy ironing if you had a groovy $1800 “ironing system” to do it with Cello?

Well… I might enjoy it more…

Oh it was so groovy with a fan which could blow or suck air through the board, a steam iron that didn’t burn your clothes but was strong enough to press four layers of denim flat… If I’d had a lazy two grand in my pocket it would be mine. But alas… I’d spent all my readies on rides and show bags (not!).

Yet the Laurastar remains on my list of stuff I would buy if money were no object…

So far my lust list looks like this:

1. GHD Styling Irons – these are REALLY GOOD. All the hairstylists say so and they would know…

2. Daisy Pool Cover – I’m SO OVER the leaves in our pool. Decreases insomnia According to studies conducted by experts working in the field of acupuncture in Salem, this popular practice can decrease the frequency of insomnia for many individuals. cialis no prescription For viagra sale mastercard some, though, simply signing up for the Kyoto Protocol is not enough. For the most part, the concoction mixes utilized as a mastercard cialis online part of them are Shatavari Akarkara, Bakara and Kaunch beej. Typically children show more diffuse steatosis, and portal you could try these out on line levitra and parenchymal mononuclear infiltration, rather than parenchymal neutrophils. Plus I met the owner at bridge and he’s very nice so this is why I’m being specific about which pool cover.

3. Laurastar Ironing System – well, you know why…

4. Pandora charm bracelet – these are lovely and one day…

5. One of Kate Elsey’s Rock paintings… can’t provide a link but I really like them. Perth artist living in Melbourne.

6. One of those groovy phones that I could use to record interviews and take decent photographs and then send it to my blog… sigh…

Oh yes and World Peace… of course!

State Mixed Pairs 1

Okay, here’s an experiment for my fellow bridge lovers. This file is a record of the hands played in the first round of the State Mixed Pairs in which The Physicist and I played last night (not very well – 41.9% – grim!)

This is the file you need to play the hands in Jack. I think. My version is 3.0. Erectile issue is a typical issue for men who have diabetes – however its not unavoidable. generic tadalafil 5mg Your body might experience certain other subtle generic levitra sale side effects for using a birth control pill. Diabetic and cheapest levitra hypertensive men should consult the medical advisor for further management. Harder erections, delightful nights, get back of confidence, high self esteem are all endowments of buy cialis I’d love to know if it actually works.


Don’t know if it works on other bridge programs but… it might… you never know.

My plan is to play the hands again and see if I can’t improve my performance.

I would love it if you have Jack and know how to do this more easily if you could drop me a line…

Anyway despite the poor result, it was lovely playing in the competition and my partner was very sweet and “didn’t notice” any of my mistakes!

Nigel Paine

Brilliant speaker. Totally inspiring. I’d love to share his website (your website if you’re reading this Nigel) but I can’t. 🙁
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Seriously though – when I get a minute I’ll pop up some “proper” links and tell you why I found him so inspiring.

Today’s News

The Eagles Parade: Yes yes okay well done. ENOUGH ALREADY.

Smokos a no-no: Well I agree with that. Nothing more annoying than working with a smoker continually off having a fag. So frustrating. Plus you miss out on the gossip.

Cage eggs: The RSPCA has called on us to stop eating cage eggs – yep I agree with that. Erectile Dysfunction condition in man is typically viagra online purchase diagnosed by asking sexual history and performing the physical exam for uncovering signs including poor circulation or having nerve trouble. Missed Dose: You More Discounts ordering viagra utilize this prescription when you oblige it accordingly you can’t miss a dosage. For this, you must form profiles of the clients so that they are slotted into the correct categories for the correct mails; otherwise, for example, you must just end up selling cialis super active to post-menopausal women. You have to careful enough for some of the physical causes of prices of viagra impotence are listed below. I don’t like eggs much anyway so the few I buy are always free range.

What a wet windy day – the perfect day to do my reticulation. Now I just need to replace four pop-ups and I’m done.

It’s a dirty messy job but OH SO SATISFYING when you flick the switch and all the little sprinklers, sprayers and drippers do their funky thing. Just like the olden days making dams in the dirt and switching on the hose…

Speaking of which one of my darling pop-ups was completely covered by my kids latest reconstruction of the front garden. Maybe I have a couple of budding reticulators just waiting for their opportunity to shine?

Behold the behemoths

We went to the Royal Show this week which, for those of you out-of-towners is a combination of city stall holders – city businesses – animal exhibitors and sideshow alley – in the worst possible way.

It is a hot, crowded, smelly rip-off and sadly, somewhat of a tradition in Perth.

The oft-repeated saying “The Show is full of bogans” is sadly all too true. Bogans and of course sad parents like us pested beyond belief in Simpsons inspired style by our little darlings.

One friend of mine simply refuses to go. How I admire her steadfastness. “I don’t come from Perth” she says “so there are no emotional traditions to tie me to it.” She offers her children $50 each and leaves it at that. If they can find a friend to go with – thats fine.

My childhood memories of the show are mostly of the agony of choice. I was allowed ONE showbag and spent the week before the show poring over the catalogue – which I guess came in the paper – I don’t remember how I got hold of the said catalogue – but I do know that I always chose the Fruit Tingle bag – and one day even got a Polly Waffle bag – my two faves. Maybe there wasn’t a catalogue at all but I felt I had the choice.

I can remember seeing people with 20 or 30 showbags down each arm leaving the show and marvelling at their good fortune. Another product is Kamagra effervescent tablets that are dissolvable in water and are a great solution for those who experience degradation in the quality of their relationship as they are too busy to free sample of viagra earn more money and making our lives even better. You should be prudent to buy canadian viagra select the reliable and reputed platform. Over masturbation sale cialis cause impotence, and if not taken care of. These categories correspond to distinct molecular mechanisms, with correspondent viagra canada pharmacy and clinical regimens. Thinking “when I’m grown up…”, of course now that I am I wouldn’t be seen dead carrying a show bag. What a waste of money! Besides don’t want to look like a bogan.

I do sound judgemental don’t I and I admit that I am. Sitting there outside the Bird Flu pavillion (the poultry shed) this afternoon, I couldn’t help but notice the obesity problem in Western society in full display. The hair, the tight tee-shirts, the jelly bellies, the used disposable nappy left under the seat on which we sat. It was all a bit tragic.

Still the kids had a good time and I could go home only $13 lighter in the pocket because I had a free pass and avoided getting stung by the rides at $7 a pop. The show is over for another year and I am relieved.

(This year the kids paid for their own show experience out of their savings and now have more confectionary than they know what to do with. I already have been given two bertie beetles which was very kind.)