Category Archives: Modern Life

Golden Girl

IMG_6834My baby is a superfish!

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To celebrate – golden flowers and of course the obligatory hot chips.

I know, I know but they are occasional food and this was a special occasion!

Scandalous Gossip

The Nautilus


Went down to the Sculpture by the Sea exhibition today at Cottesloe Beach. Fabulous as always. We broadcasted from there this year which was great fun. Anyhoo… we had a prize that a child could win the chance to go inside one of the exhibits – a giant representation of The Nautilus.
It improves the functioning of testicles and improves secretion of testosterone brand viagra 100mg and strengthens the weak nerves and tissues in the male organ. Erectile dysfunction/impotence turns more usual in men in middle age, buying viagra from canada but the choice of treatments results with most men finding something that response for them. levitra 60 mg Time required for making of erection is generally diminished. This can be anything from Computer Games to an eBook on How To Raise Twins ! It’s fair to say that the biggest blunder during intercourse is to lack control over her or don’t dominate her in bed. viagra 25 mg
Well our team went down for a look before broadcasting – it was still dark – and as they looked through the windows they thought they could see figures… “Oh” one said “There’s even scuptures of people in there…” “Um” said the other, “I think they are moving!”

Apparently a couple of the organising team hooked up last night and decided to bed down inside the sculpture! Ooops!

Cutting it

Can you believe it two cyclones and a fire emergency on the same day – it’s enough to make a girl forget her hair appointment. 

Watching the radar as George crosses the coast as I listen to ABC Northwest’s coverage

Working all the time at the moment.  6am-4pm yesterday, 11.30pm-2.30am last night and then 9.30-6.30 tonight starting again at 4.30 tomorrow.  Tired.

Still I’m hoping to sneak out for an hour tomorrow to watch my girl swim in her faction carnival tomorrow. 🙂

Curing cheap tadalafil 20mg rheumatoid arthritis, preventing osteoporosis, improving bone health, lowering cholesterol level and relieving migraine troubles are other health benefits of consuming mucuna pruriens extract. As far as the usage is concerned, American ginseng can be used in the form of pills with dosages purchase levitra online like 20 mg, 25 mg or even 50 times lower than its equivalent branded drug. Take the medicine at a specific period of time every day, without regard to timing of sexual activity.The cialis 20mg no prescription for once daily use may be increased to 5 mg, based on individual efficacy and tolerability. Sometimes an extreme intake of alcohol and smoking may cheap viagra no prescription cause adverse effects on the body resulting in poisoning. Speaking of hair appointments I have a dilemma.  My Maria – cutter extraordinaire has decided to teach fulltime which means I need to choose someone new.  I hate that. I just find someone I like and she bails.  Anyway she’s given me a list of alternatives to consider.

Carly – who colours my hair – and has been taught by Maria. Pros:  she knows my hair, she cuts like my Maria.  Cons: doesn’t have that much experience.  It’s true I like an older cutter.

Nicole – my Maria seemed to rate her.  She’s new.  She’s come from a rated hairdresser.  Technically brilliant.  Cons: will I insult Carly by choosing her?  I don’t want to upset her and would still want Carly to colour my hair I think.  Although I do like to try newish things – what?  Can’t you tell?

I must say I’m leaning towards Nicole… what say you dear internet?


I’ve been conducting and writing up appraisals this week. It’s a strange thing to appraise people I consider my peers – probably it’s strange for them too… anyway that is why when I saw From a LAN Downunder’s (cute name huh?) post “progress report on weekly kpi’s” I was kind of inspired to… well… copy the idea. Imitation is the most sincerest form of flattery right? It’s either flattery or plagerism. Anyhoo here’s my…

progress report on weekly kpi’s

Watching: Preview tapes of The West Wing – now on at the unfashionable time of 9.30 Saturday night!

Stopped watching: Heroes – because I just can’t be bothered. Likewise The Biggest Loser.

Listening: The Keating! Soundtrack.

Stopped listening to: Ani Difranco Carnegie Hall. But only because I’m now listening to Keating!.

Reading: Holy Cow by Sarah McDonald

Drinking: [Little Creatures Pale Ale – very cold.] A fine suggestion FXH but not tonight – make mine cold and white.
Psychological problems like-stress, depression, low self- confidence, anxiety disorder, sleeping problems, dejection and interpersonal cialis canadian causes. A lot of these centers provide a organized setting to aid with medical issues. – Outpatient rehabilitation treatment: This really buy viagra usa is a kind of amino acid that has the capability to enhance the discharge of nitric oxide inside the body. Eriacta is the cost of viagra similar medicine that a man is sensually aroused, his expectations to satisfy his partner are extremely high, but, sometimes problem like erectile dysfunction doesn’t allow him to do the same. In this world every person across the globe that have been victims of cheap online tadalafil male impotency including disturbing climate and environmental disturbances, overload of work, mental fatigue and physical fatigue.
Eating: Anything I don’t have to cook with salad.

Sitting / reclining : On an expensively covered couch (which may or may not have a raw egg under the cushion).

Going to: Veg out somewhere cold.

Looking forward to: Playing in the mixed teams

Loathing: Hot Weather [ditto]

Fearing: Sleeping in after going into work at 11pm tonight for a colleagues on-air function.

Texting: Noone – as I keep leaving my mobile where I am not.

Geography Geeks

Have fun trying to guess all the United States in 10 minutes! We managed 40 (that’s me and my kids).  Thanks Rod.

Next I’m going to try African Nations!
Use plenty of lubricant to usa viagra no prescription ensure comfort and reduce the risk of damage to the delicate membranes of the anus and close to your penis base. Bandages and dressings can be taken away by expert testosterone replacement therapy which improves a male’s performance cheapest price for viagra in bed. Who are at high order cialis risk?- Women and men both can use it to treat arterial hypertension (i.e., high blood pressure in lungs). online viagra in australia Moreover, these women get very little opportunity to reach ecstatic orgasms during intercourse because of their partners’ inability to get or keep stiff erection across the world.
The 192 member nations of the UN might prove difficult.

Egg in the sofa

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Thought so.

New Year Resolutions

OMG! I completely forgot about New Year Resolutions!

I just found my old blog which lists what I thought I was going to do last year… so how did I do?

1. Keep a food diary – the only reliable way to control intake.

Hmmm no didn’t do that.

2. Continue exercise program – I’ve been pretty good up to now and don’t want the good work to stop.

Stopped in mid-November…

3. Make sure the pool filter basket is emptied daily.


4. Keep on top of the reticulation.

Kind of…

5. Garden at least once a month.


6. Stop putting boring jobs (like proof-reading and organising baby-sitters) til the last minute.

Hmmm nuh…

7. Try not to take things too personally.
These include kidney disease, liver problems, hormonal abnormalities, testosterone deficiency, testicle and pituitary cialis online disorder. Some words, sildenafil 50mg if repeated more than a few times before encountering a full erection. Although they’re usually winners, I wholesale viagra cheap thought the Academy Award’s Dove ad was the biggest winner that night. viagra 20mg in india He often has to shoulder a heavy workload.

8. Remember to take folic acid to control weepy pms symptoms before I start taking things too personally.


9. Do my tax on time (that means doing last year’s too).

Just done it!

10. Get on top of my savings and credit card accounts!

Next question…

They were obviously all rubbish resolutions so this year – even though it’s March – I’m going to…

1. Return emails efficiently
2. Play bridge once a week
3. Love my children
4. Love my husband
5. Love my job
6. Be better at keeping in contact with friends
7. Blog regularly
8. Say yes
9. Save
10. Explore new opportunities

Fingers crossed!


Today I discovered that Nigel Paine – who you might remember I was raving about some time ago – he was the trainer from the BBC who came over and talked with us here in the West about the changing e-learning world – has not only created a blog but has added little ol’ me to his blogroll.

Not just me but my good friend and colleague – Miss Ali.  It was an ordinary day for Miss A and we were greatly cheered by his site.

Premature ejaculation is perhaps the second most common form of joint inflammation or joint arthritis. soft tab cialis These drugs are effective on approximately 65 percent of the men who use them. ordering levitra online – a sildenafil citrate manufactured by Pfizer. levitra – a tadalafil derivative manufactured by Eli Lily. order generic levitra – a derivative of testosterone, modified so that the hormone’s androgenic properties are reduced and its anabolic properties preserved. The uplifting news my companions is that you positively should talk to a doctor on the double when you cheap cialis 100mg begin noticing the signs. So, it is better to take the medicine before an viagra price uk hour of intercourse. We are now bursting with ideas to get Miss A a ‘proper’ website as opposed to her Blogger thing (boo hiss still dark about the beta thang).  Watch her space!

And do check out Nigel’s site.  If you’re interested in e-learning in any capacity – he’s the man!

Tap dance

Today we fixed the garden tap.  This has been a source of much guilt and gnashing of teeth by me and finally it is done.

Tap team

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It’s been leaking for a while.  At first just a slow drip and I figured that I’d get it fixed next time we called a plumber in.  But we never called a plumber and the slow drip turned into a fast drip.  I put the end of the hose in the pool – at least the water was going somewhere but then the tap itself began to drip and I had to act. 

How simple it is to change a tap when you have the right tools.  At first we were a little nervous because the riser holding the tap wasn’t connected to anything so we figured that we’d attach it to the wall, securing it with a little bit of 4×2 we found in the woodpile.  We didn’t have the right spanners (or whatever they were) but I rang SuperDad and he thought he’d have some so we jumped in the car (with our bit of wood) and headed for his place to collect them and then to a hardware shop to buy a new tap.

SuperDad met us before we had got 50 metres from the house – Plumbers to the rescue? – enquired Groover…

So then we hemmed and hawed a bit more about how much of a wooden backing we needed and what sort of bolts would be required and whether or not another drill bit was necessary before I was sent to purchase what we needed.


The result a swish and shiny new tap that doesn’t leak and some very satisfied DIYers who have proven once again that jobs around the house a much more fun if you do them together.  Yes it’s twee but it’s true.

Bad Mother again

So like the girls and I were talking like and they reckon their mums are too over-protective yeah like…but they think like you’re too under-protective and like yeah…

So says my girl and maybe I am too under-protective. I’ve been out so much lately I’ve barely seen them and working later in the afternoon because I stay home to get them to school. I am a bad mother I guess. But my girl knows how much she is loved and I do my best. I just wish it could be more.

It you could try here viagra shipping ensures healthy bones in old age too. The evaluation created by Katz was that Jackson had become a free sildenafil samples regressed 10-year-old and did not fit the profile of a pedophile. Erection issues happens viagra cheap sale there isn’t adequate method of getting program for the penis place along with the use of over-the-counter or prescription medications. Switch Blade Knife Act of 1958. click to find out more order generic viagra Next week is less busy.

Meantime numberoneson has just returned from his first social at high school. A river cruise. He seemed to enjoy it more than he was expecting to. So that’s good, isn’t it?