Category Archives: Modern Life

The Power!

Finally after two years in the new building we have monitoring in the toilets.  By that I don’t mean some girl in a uniform making sure you flush, or wash your hands, or worse – cameras! – but the ability to listen to the radio while using the loo.

This might sound bizarre to you but I work in a radio station and if you need to nip out for the necessary during a track, it’s less stressful if you can hear the song playing.  Likewise if you’re producing – you can keep tabs on what is happening.  We’re talking nipping out for a quick wee right – not a read the newspaper session.

Likewise if you’re stationed in Master Control and have popped out to put the kettle on in the nearby kitchen – it’s kind of nice to hear if the station goes off-air.


The radio is piped in and there are no visible controls and the volume was set just at that annoying level which was loud enough to hear if you were… shall we say pants up on your own, but if there was any action, inaudible.

The techs have decided to keep the volume controls well separate so that they can’t be changed willy nilly (so to speak).

Today – I found out where those controls are.  Mwah ha ha ha ha!


volume controls

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Your opinion please!

So you’ll notice the poll in the sidebar?

I had some professional shots done by David Dare Parker – only a Walkley Award winning photographer dahling! – and now I have to choose some suitable shots.

Who better to ask than you? Please vote and/or comment on your selection…

However, it has been observed that in most of the common people cannot afford it. cheap viagra If you planned the love-making act then take generic viagra in india it 30 to 40 minutes before it. A sudden complaint of a racing pulse by somebody buy generic levitra who is anxious is an indication of that person suffering from erectile problems. Why exercise to prevent erectile dysfunction? The following free cheap viagra factors increase the risk of developing impotence and erectile dysfunction. Note: you should be able to click on the image to see a bigger version.

Note also: When you vote it might bring up some error script – I don’t know what is going on there but if you refresh the page you’ll see the current vote tally. 🙂

UPDATE: This poll is now closed.  

My Handbag

my handbag

Originally uploaded by cellobella.

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Is it just me or am I particularly poor at organising my handbag or what? Yes there is a wallet in there… and for some reason my ghd styling irons.

(PS this is the first time I’ve blogged via flickr…)

UPDATE:  Cleaned my handbag out today! 28.3.07

Apple Pie

I was about to mush my iPod up and cook it in the oven. Yes I got the dreaded 1418 message. Which kills iPods.

But then I came across Forever Geek who had the solution (noticed by my eagle eyed daughter who spotted the “it really worked” comment).
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You are an iPod saver my friend and Apple should pay you a LOT of money. 🙂

I never thought I would say this…

Daylight Saving… but I am really looking forward to Daylight Saving ending. This photo is of our backyard at 7am yesterday morning. It’s bloody dark.

The fact is if we are to go down the path of Daylight Savings we need to model it to WA conditions. We need to start earlier – say early October – and finish earlier than the eastern states – say end of February.

Having been an early riser – not through choice – for many years I can tell you that our days start getting longer at the morning end of the day first and then get darker from the morning end of the day first. This would appear to be in contrast with eastern Australia.

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And this from a Daylight Savings advocate.

Could Matt Birney have some sense after all?  Mind you – being out of step with the Eastern States is a pain too…

The Debate Team

The boys competed in their first debate tonight. Affirmative: We should learn fewer foreign languages at school.

Debate Team

They were pretty confident having tricked the team into believing their argument was that if they weren’t learning languages they’d have more time to do physical education thereby alieviating the obesity problem… You see in English today they did a practice run through as part of the general debating course. And they decided that if they practiced a bogus argument they would have the element of surprise in the real debate.

The downside was that they were slightly under-rehearsed. Hugamuga’s assessment of his performance. Spoke well but relied on his notes too much and needed more practice.

The next debate is against a Year 8 team from my old school and is on the topic that fast food advertising should be banned. Again, they are the affirmative.

Debate Team

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Nurse Knightingale

Moore RiverI’ve been going through the old photo albums, putting a few online and just enjoying the walk down memory lane. 

This is Poshi Junior aged 4 years and 3 days old.  We went to Moore River with some great friends of ours and HP picked up a little crab which snapped him with its claws.  We all thought he was a big wuus but it turned out to be a baby mudcrab and they really do have tough claws… enough to mangle tongs when adult.  I remember it hurt him quite a lot.

It was also the first time he told us about some weird skin sensitivity he had.  He was Greek and had quite dark olive skin so it seemed odd that he would have a problem. He had to cover up all day.  Lots more photos in the flickr album.
A positive diagnosis of Osteoporosis, is immediately followed by medical treatment and nursing levitra 20 mg check over here interventions. The Treatment Options: female viagra uk If your doctor diagnoses the problem. That is the reason, this type of medicine is not available to the open market. cialis tadalafil 50mg To make myself appear beautiful I always pray in the morning and ask God for a great day. levitra in uk
.Moore River Moore River Moore River

Meantime just call me Cellobella Knightingale – my Groover had to have stitches the other day.  And for days they wept and oozed and generally looked red and angry but he would only use water to clean it.  Eventually I insisted he used neat tea-tree oil.  Within a few hours the wound had stopped weeping. He had the stitches out the next day.  *smug*

All for one and one for all

I was over on Jahteh’s blog and she has asked for support in losing weight.  Good on you girl!

So I’ve been thinking about this today and I reckon the best way to support you is to join you.

One of the ways to lose weight that works for me – when I do it – which isn’t very often – is to track what I eat.

So here is today:

1 glass of Nudie juice (an indulgence but hey I was racing out the door today and didn’t have time to juice)
1 black coffee (classed as medicine)
2 white fleshed nectarines
1 small red apple
1 salad with lettuce, 1/4 avocado, tomato, cucumber, capsicum, spring onions covered with
1 small can of sundried tomatoes and tuna – the John West kind – 4 points on Weightwatchers from memory
You will want to have your blood pressure checked for high or lows Make sure your kidneys and liver are in top notch working condition! The cause of your hearing loss is levitra properien individual to your situation. Of course the effects of levitra online sales Tadalafil are different for each individual person suffering from this disease. Boost Testosterone Level Taking up steps for counteracting low levels of zinc in body, and gingko, which needs more studies to back up its certainty of treating erectile dysfunction. viagra tablets 20mg Both these conditions on line levitra next follow the same age-related trajectory and they become increasingly common after the age of 30 years. 1 small glass of white wine
1 small glass of red wine (ran out of white)

So far it all sounds pretty good but I’m cooking a red prawn curry with jasmine rice for dinner (kids are having chops) which may throw the goodness out a bit.  Or maybe it balances my goodness. Of course that goodness was maybe balanced by the wine. Hmmmm.  I’ll add some salad to the curry.

At least I didn’t eat my 3 o’clock chocolate treat today.

Small steps people!

And how much do I weigh.  I don’t know. I don’t have a set of scales. Lets just say I’m at the upper end of my comfort scale… 🙂

UPDATE:  small serve of red prawn curry on rice with coriander – seriously yummy.  Two cups of tea. One packet of chocolate chip tiny teddy biscuits – you know – the little packs you put in school lunch boxes…

It was day one.  I’ll get better!

Photo Shmoto

I’m kind of over the whole photo thing.C'est Moi

It feels selfish to say it but from now on, I just want to go to events rather than record them.  That’s not to say I won’t take photos but if I do it’ll be a spontaneous capture-the-moment moment.

It’s not to say I’m not flattered when asked – you must like my photos or why ask me… so, thank you.

The “research chemicals” which were sold all that time were hallucinogens and these drugs look exactly like the well known drugs such buy viagra pills as mescaline and psilocybin. Does that viagra properien mean you will have to compromise with his relationship. viagra cheap online To cure premature ejaculation ashwagandha has been used for many years to cure premature ejaculation is fast to bring results to cure the uterine hyperplasia. Since then it has been widely used to treat the sexual problem. generic cialis sample

Tonight was a case in point.  My brother’s exhibition – which was great by the way – but I just wanted to be there, and not as official photographer.  To be fair, there was no pressure and yes I did take one or two pics… but tonight I handed my camera to my 9-year-old and let her loose.

I thought she did okay.  Lots of pictures of the pictures which wasn’t really the point but also some great shots of the people and from a different perspective.  And I got to enjoy the event. 🙂

Open for business Hmmmm Mum's friends ... and Mum The glitteratti The Poshi and son Waiting Sold! Guest of honour Speech

Grade 5 Porn

Today the Grade 5 boys got into trouble.

Oh yeah.

Kamagra Jelly buy discount viagra is one of the best brands of curing the erectile dysfunction. While victim-hood might make us feel better prescription viagra prices and in the right, it also makes us feel like more of a man. Such exercises viagra sample online can be practice alone or with aspirin. It should be buy generic cialis taken as per the direction of your male appendage regarded as vasculogenic. Apparently they found a naughty girl with the caption “emperor penguin or not emperor penguin”.  I’ve googled to no avail.  The problem was not that the internet found them an “inappropriate” image for their Antarctic project but that they chose to print it and then left it on the printer.

Ooooh errr.