Category Archives: Modern Life


I haven’t felt well today.  Over indulged in some rather fine red wine last night.  It was good fun.  I gave myself a leave pass to play bridge in the afternoon and then stayed on to dinner at Pavorottis (in Hampton Road… okay hearty Italian – you know the sort) and more drinking back at a house overlooking the river.

The lady who owns the house impressively breeds seahorses.  How many people do you know who do that?  I only know one.  She has two marine tanks and several freshwater ponds.  We stayed up late, playing Oh Hell and I got home rather worse for wear (though apparently not disgracing myself) and hit the Panadol. 

Today while no headache, I definitely feel a bit seedy.
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But its back to work tomorrow.  Sigh.  And my cold seems to have settled.  Touchwood.

One hour before Big Brother starts…

Seeing clearly

glassesHere I type, wearing my new spectacles. Still getting used to the whole deal, in particular the change in focus to the screen. Reading is so clear I can’t believe I could read before!

They are different to how I remember them too. I didn’t think you could see the blue at the front and I thought the arms were blue – they are on the other side. And they are wider across my face.

So here is where you tell me that I look vastly more intelligent and way younger! 🙂

Man this multifocal thing makes me feel dizzy!
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I could hardly bear to listen to the news today – that whole Virginia Tech massacre chilled me and then the story of the 14-yr-old boy left me feeling sick. I am feeling poorly anyway because I’m getting a cold. But a glass of white and two cold tablets is helping that.

Did anyone see South Park (World of Warcraft episode) last night. The best episode I’ve seen. Hilarious.

Meanwhile, I cleaned out the back room today and discovered my old roller blades. As Numberoneson has the same size feet as me at the moment I thought he could have a go but Junior Poshi got in first and has not taken them off. Note to self: Must get knee pads.


In the news today encouragement for mothers to breastfeed their toddlers to the age of 4. 

Yes apparently the world average is 4.2 years. And feeding longer leads to protection against cancer particularly if you are over 25.

Just another reason to feel guilty I guess.

HOW TO CONSIDER Doctor authorization is should prior early treating lowest cost levitra this medication. It was shown in research that DHEA can possibly enhance the quality of life by people suffering from erectile problems. cheapest levitra generic Though the results are slow, but the amazing outcome of it viagra cialis levitra in removing impotency and other sexual issues, is excellent. An STD is a sexually transmitted disease viagra fast shipping that you have to watch out for. The 9-year-old sitting next to me though says “This is crapola! You would miss out on juice and its gross and embarrassing. Even though I have no experience.”

The 12-year-old thinks it would be embarrassing too. “I’d need 50% of people doing it before I would feel comfortable.”

So… not that guilty.


My 9 year-old has just used Milly to vacuum her own The tadalafil 40mg india toxins of acute Infective Diseases such as diphtheria, shingles, typhoid fever, malaria, scarlet fever, septicemia. Males always viagra pills cheap try hard to give better performance in the bed. Tongkat Ali viagra sample india instructs the glands to continue the production cycle. The pills help achieve generic levitra pills multiple orgasms and add excitement to your intimacy. room – without being asked.  It was fun she said.

Suck it up

Right that’s it! Cellobella had had enough. Fed up with an enormous Hoover, heavy, impractical and bloody useless she held her hand over the base of the vacuum. As she suspected it didn’t suck.

This beast of an appliance had been the bane of her life since Groover had proudly extracted it, shining, dark red and enormous from its box several years ago. I’m afraid she wasn’t very grateful for the expensive purchase.

What is that?

It’s a vacuum cleaner.

Why did you buy an upright vacuum cleaner? Did you not ask me what I wanted? Did I not clearly articulate that I wanted a light, quiet, pull along model?

Yes you did.

Did you not also consult with our cleaner (sadly no longer with the household because she couldn’t stand the bloody vacuum cleaner)?


Did she not say she would prefer to use a light pull along cleaner which is better for her back.



Choice said it was the best.

Well I’m not bloody using it.

Two years ago…

So maybe we could sell that wretched thing… where is that write up from Choice?

Um… I can’t find it?

Right. Well seeing as we are poor now and can’t afford a cleaner (particularly one who will bring her own vacuum) you will have to do the vacuuming!

Today… Groover leaves for Karratha. Cellobella decides to use the Hoover to clean the house. There is only so long one can go, crunching over the floor. It doesn’t suck.

Cellobella now owns a brand new Meile 5210. It is blue. It is small. It is light. It is quiet. It has a telescopic wand. It can lie down flat to get under chests of drawers. It sucks.

Next weekend, Groover can do the tidying and cleaning of surfaces, kitchen and bathrooms and Cellobella will be happy to take Milly out for a spin! 🙂

[Big Red now has been banished out the back]

And for the record, this is what Choice says about it: (it scored 2nd best of the range tested)


Good pointsMilly

  • Good dirt removal on carpet.
  • Excellent for dirt removal from a hard floor.
  • Good range of tools, with onboard storage.
  • Variable power.
  • Telescopic wand.
  • Very good reach from the power point.
  • Fairly lightweight.
  • Dustbag is easy to install and remove.

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Bad points

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The green test

I went to the Gardening Australia Expo today and came across the Eco Bokashi Bucket…

They look convenient.  A little bucket you can put in your kitchen to accept the kitchen scraps – including meat and paper – and doesn’t smell.

I just can’t believe they don’t smell?  Have you got one? Seen one working? Smelt one working??
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Also they are expensive – $100 for the starter kit which included 3 months worth of the microbe stuff, the bucket, a potato masher and a measuring cup.  Well it seems expensive to me for a bucket but… it would be very convenient – if it worked.  They didn’t have one on display working so I’m just not sure.

Having said that – if they’d given me a discount I would have bought one on the spot!


This is quite an amazing – if gross – photograph. Be warned – it may well put you off your tiny teddies.

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Love in modern times

Just saw the photos of my imaginary friend’s wedding and they are lovely – makes me feel all soft and gooey inside. Awwwww. 🙂

It’s been a week for romance – not that I’ve been getting any with Groover “on location” – another friend announced her engagement this week. She proposed. By post-it note. Now that has to be original doesn’t it?

It was one of those electronic post-it notes and she left it up on her shared computer at home. You know, the will you do me the honour… I’m serious! kind of note.

Anyway eventually, after some prompting he turned the computer on and said yes. Love in the electronic age. Interestingly I wouldn’t have picked an electronic proposal from that couple… they just don’t seem geeky enough! 🙂
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She is so happy and it lifted my week to see her so.

In other news, I’m playing in the mixed teams again. Again with The Physicist but this time with another pair. So far 2 draws and we’re ahead half-way through the third match. And speaking of The Physicist – he is starring in The Einstein Factor this Sunday night. His chosen topic – the works of Mahler. Yes, I know all the famous people dahling…

One more day and I’m on a week’s holiday… heaven.

Open Door Policy

Came home after four days away to find the back sliding doors  

W  I  D  E    O  P  E  N

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Ennuin Easter

EnnuinWe spent the last four days at Ennuin Station with some good friends from Hong Kong. It must of been such a culture shock for them after more than two years in Asia to be plonked down in the spare vast landscape of outback WA. The heat was so stifling that all we could do when they arrived was look at each other and wonder what the hell we were doing there – aren’t there beaches in WA??!

Then that night it rained. The 4mm cooled us down, the bush came alive with all its beautiful scents and Lake Deborah glistened in the early morning dew.

We walked to the lake and the kids had a ball skidding and sliding over the salty mud. Were not that happy when it dried on them leaving them with stinging limbs and a long walk home but they didn’t complain too much. It had been worth it.
Ennuin Ennuin Ennuin Ennuin Ennuin Ennuin

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Ennuin Ennuin Ennuin Ennuin Ennuin Ennuin

We lit a campfire that night as the sun set behind us and the moon rose over Lake Deborah, and used the coals to heat two old iron baths on the ridge. And we soaked and sipped wine, put our heads back to wonder at the milky way… “hey it actually looks milky there are so many stars…” Not a bad part of the world to be in.

Ennuin Ennuin Ennuin