Category Archives: Modern Life

Out and about in my New York coat

Rainy night in Melbourne

In Melbourne for a training course.

The forecast is for 14 degrees every day, except one which is 13.

Freezing for a Perth girl and I’m very glad to have my New York coat bought after being stranded in Vancouver in their worst snow storm in a 130 years (although it was worse in Victoria BC).

The snow was thigh high.

I was 5 months pregnant.

Planes weren’t going anywhere and we only had hand luggage.

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I became quite attached to the coat and with reluctance handed it back when we got back to the airport.

The first thing I bought in New York was my own coat.

Now I live in Perth so the opportunities to wear my coat are limited.

And… it looks a bit like a dressing gown.

But I am so glad of it here in Melbourne.

UPDATE: And I haven’t stopped wearing it. This week in Perth the weather has been dire and my coat is my new best friend.

Blisters and crabs – rowing day 2

Sunrise over Perth

I love rowing.

The getting up isn’t easy.

The cold water that numbs your feet isn’t pleasant.

But the camaraderie, the joy of gliding across a still river, the moment when you are all in sync (and I mean moment) makes up for it all.

It is a true team sport where you absolutely rely on everyone “pulling together”.

And when you get it right it feels fantastic.

I only caught a crab once.

Today I remembered to bring socks and my comfort level skyrocketed.

The UWA Boatshed

After the boats were put away (in the more modern shed next door to the one pictured), we went upstairs to the clubrooms for a cuppa and crumpet.

Crumpets! Oh how I love their buttery goodness.
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Downstairs where the boats are, the wood is old and soft, the floorboards wide, the walls have names painted in thick white paint – the 1988 team the last thing you see as you exit the shed and there is the faint smell of rotting fish.

Apparently the smell used to be really bad and everyone thought it was the shed until a member, a professor at UWA, crawled underneath and discovered that rats had been storing blowies under the shed.

I can’t imagine how foul that would have been to clean up but he did it, and placed some rat bait and now the smell is bearable.

Last time I got away lightly and despite sitting on a plane for half a day, had no stiffness or soreness.

Today I think might be different.

We really rowed today. All the way to the Narrows and back.

Dolphins were seen, but not by me sitting in the bow trying to keep in time with everyone in front.

When I got out I had wobbly legs – a sure sign of lactic acid build up.

And I have blisters!


Is it acceptable for a rower to wear gloves?

White noise

Just a quickie for those of you with babies who are hard to settle.

A colleague of mine swears by an app called White Noise.

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And looking at the website – it works for adults too.

Gee it’s getting dark early…

Sunset from East Perth

It should be expected right?

So why am I always surprised when the sun sets earlier in winter?

I think it must be that it seems to happen so quickly.

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I no complain.

I like winter.

Lamb chops anyone?

My version

So I tried the sticky lamb chops from Kathryn’s website.

They were very tasty and the honey foamed satisfyingly in the pan.

I think for me and Dippity they were a little sweet and I’d probably halve the honey next time.
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The boys loved them.

Oh yeah.

And I forgot to add the spring onions.

Food blog you should visit

I went down to rowing this morning… It was my daughter’s first day and I’m down to help with the breakfast next week so I thought I should find out what I was supposed to do.

Dippity emerged dripping and happy.

As a first timer she was in a single scull (is that what they are called?) presumably until she can learn not to fall in.

Waiting for the girls to come up for breakfast I caught up with Kathryn who I have known since St Georges’ days.

She has a blog which I will be making a firm favourite.

Family Meal Rescue

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I am going to try this chicken recipe tomorrow night.

Here’s what it’s supposed to look like:

Proscuitto, spinach, bocconcini roast chicken with roasted tomatoes from Family Meal Rescue

Actually a few of the mums are thinking about learning to row – why should the kids have all the fun?

Hmmm interesting.

Early morning pretty

Early morning sunrise

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One good thing about my daughter starting rowing at school, is that I was up early enough this morning to enjoy the sunrise.
more sunrise

And if that wasn’t enough… this:


The wall and one’s proximity to it

Morning sunlight

Every morning I walk past this wall and at the time I walk with the sun just rising, the light is very beautiful.

A golden yellowish wash to the day.

I say every morning, but I really mean most mornings.

This morning I slept in and dreamt.

Something about my wedding candles and supplying a church.

And so now, at the other end of the day what I really should be doing is putting on my sandshoes and doing my “morning” lap.

But I’m not.

I have tracky daks on.

I have ugg boots on.
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I have a glass of sav blanc.

I feel as if I’ve been given a free night, as I had got the idea in my head that I was playing bridge tonight erroneously.

And, to be honest, the thought was a little exhausting.

Last week I played bridge until 11pm and felt as if I had hit the wall the next day… run over.

Tired in the way that only a night out in Fremantle can alleviate.

It makes me think that my days of going out late on a Thursday night could be over.

*worried look*

Far better to slip on the sheepskin and cuddle up in front of the telly.

Loving the new season of Game of Thrones btw.

First world problem: glasses in the rain

I don’t know if you know dear reader, but I am now wearing glasses full time.

Four eyes

Which has been fine because the weather has been fine.

But today it rained.

And of course my glasses fogged up and got covered in raindrops.


And of course those of you who have seen me daily wrestling with my overstuffed handbag to find my pass, keys, wallet, playing cards, headphones, phone, other phone, book, kindle, nail file, water bottle, book would realise that a quick dip into my bag to pull out my glasses case and get out the special little glasses shammy to clean them is just not possible.

Just another first world problem to put up with.
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When I first got my glasses, some were kind enough to point out my resemblance to the character of Velma in Scooby Doo.

In fact, when I, AS A JOKE PEOPLE, used a photo of Velma as my avatar on Facebook, you commented “Great photo” not realising that it was Linda Cardellini.

My alter ego

I don’t even suit orange (although I do like that funky little utility belt).

Still.  It could be worse.

Original Velma

People who wear glasses – what do you do about the rain problem?

Yeah no, not into these


Seen today at the carpark at work. On a scooter. (I don’t think the bub is born yet)

Not for me

What is it with these stickers?

They. Are. Everywhere.

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Sorry world.

Harsh but fair

But I must say I don’t care that he doesn’t care, even though I don’t care either.

Sign me up for the next season of Grumpy Old Women.