Category Archives: Modern Life

What makes a holiday?

If you’re not going away and you’ve only got a short break – say just one week – what turns time off into a true holiday?

For one colleague who recently took a week off it was making sure everyday she had a walk on the beach, drank a latte, and saw a movie.

I’ve decided for me, this week will be about getting my fitness and health back on track.  I’ve signed up for a FreshStart at a local gym.  This basically means I get a couple of hours workout everyday, a planned diet, a massage and time for me.
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And maybe even time to clean out the pantry.

What makes a short break a holiday for you?

A weighty issue

I didn’t realise how much my weight fluctuates throughout the day.  Now that I have scales of course I weigh myself continually. The interest will wear off I’m sure.

By my reckoning my weight changes by about 2 kilos over the day… can that be right?
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Did I tell you I’m on holidays?

It’s in.

Yes my application is in and it is amazing how good that feels. Firstly it is an affirmation to sit down and write an application to tell someone you are good, and secondly it’s a relief to have it off my plate.

I guess I’ve been waiting for this to happen for at least 12 months.

Now that it’s out of the way I have space in my life to concentrate on me!  I’m going on a bit of a health kick, one that includes moderate amounts of red wine, coffee and tea.  I’ve been reading a book called “Very Wellness” by a local naturopath Val Allen. According to her ‘O’ blood types should avoid wheat and dairy products where possible. Suits me. I prefer goat’s cheese anyway.

Today I spent a lot of money on exotic weird flours like spelt (which is an ancient type of wheat but allowed), rice and a weird bread called Essene Bread.  I also bought a proper blender for smoothies for breakfast. Yum yum.

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Tonight we had veal steaks “crumbed” in rice flour, egg then sesame seeds and ground almonds.  It was pretty good.

Tomorrow I’m going to try and make her lamb tagine.

I’ve even bought some bathroom scales…

Heavy Metal

It’s rare to come across a yummy recipe that is also not only good for you but able to provide some health benefits as well. My mum had this recipe out as a dip last night at dinner and let me tell you – it is delicious! She sent me the recipe…

Heavy metal poisoning is rampant. It is a major cause of hormonal imbalances, can, thyroid problems, neurological disturbances, learning problems, depression, food allergies, parasites, etc. etc. This is a great recipe that is not only easy to make but also really yummy, and it tells you how to remove heavy metals from the body!

Coriander is truly a healing food. One friend suffering from high blood pressure due to mercury poisoning had her blood pressure return to normal after eating two teaspoons of this pesto daily for only a week. So whether you need to detoxify heavy metals from your body or just wish to use it as a preventative measure, 2 teaspoons a day is all you need to take. This pesto has now become a regular in my diet.


4 cloves garlic
1/3 cup Brazil nuts (selenium, magnesium)
1/3 cup sunflower seeds (cysteine)
Internet is a cipla cialis great place for people who are suffering from the problem of sexual impotency. People are discount levitra no rx trusted and treated as responsible, caring, and committed adults – which is how they then behave. Physically, an injury to pelvic area, wholesale viagra from canada spinal cord, or neural disorders can jeopardize a woman’s craving for intercourse, contributing to female sexual response. 5. avocado – high concentration of folic acid which increases energy, drive, and stamina – note: place avocado (and banana) in a blender, not your juicer, or it will clog the appliance. 6. Your habit of being over worried and order viagra stress can increase biochemical toxicity. 1/3 cup pumpkin seeds (zinc, magnesium)
2 cups packed fresh Coriander (or Chinese parsley) (Vitamin A)
2/3 cup flaxseed oil
4 tablespoons lemon juice (Vitamin C) – use ripe lemons
2 tsp dulse powder (Asian produce stores – seems to be red coloured seaweed)
Sea salt to taste (or 6-12 Algatene capsules’ contents)

Process the Coriander and flaxseed oil in a blender until the coriander is chopped. Add the garlic, nuts and seeds, dulse and lemon juice and mix until the mixture is finely blended into a paste. Add a pinch to sea salt to taste and blend again. Store in dark glass jars if possible. It freezes well, so purchase Coriander in season and fill enough jars to last through the year.

Coriander has been proven to chelate toxic metals from our bodies in a relatively short period of time. Combined with the benefits of the other ingredients, this recipe is a powerful tissue cleanser.

Two teaspoons of this pesto daily for three weeks is purportedly enough to increase the urinary excretion of mercury, lead and aluminum, thus effectively removing these toxic metals from our bodies. We can consider doing this cleanse for three weeks at least once a year. The pesto is delicious on toast, baked potatoes, and pasta.

Cake stall

immy_miranda I came home today to a slice of sponge (well without baking powder it was more like shortcake but yummy none-the-less) and a cup of tea. 

My gorgeous girl had been baking.

As she had with her friend Panda over the weekend.  They planned, shopped, cooked and sold cupcakes and chocolate chip biccies and the biccies in particular were very nice indeed.

One such medicine is Kamagra, which comes both in the form of Kamagra tablets sildenafil delivery and jellies. There are also very rare cases of low cost levitra allergies reported after the intake of this medicine. The outcome of the tadalafil online no prescription medication helps in understanding the consequences of such stresses. What you order tadalafil no prescription have to be careful about though is that the site you order from be safe as far as payment gateways are concerned. All up their little stall (in the rain) made them five dollars each which they were happy with.

Next time they are going to try and time their opening hours to fit in with the morning footy crowd.

Oh and yes, I’ve written my CV, pulled together answers to selection criteria and found the grabs for my audition cd.  So does that make me brave or a coward?  That will be for you to find out!

Applying oneself

Still haven’t written my job application yet and time is ticking away.

I think my dilemma boils down to two things.  Either:

1.  I don’t want the job, or
This might go a long way in choosing the proper package and faculty in on-line drivers ED. the best technique to use in this pharmacy shop on sale now generic levitra 5mg cutting on value is to invariably compare between the assorted schools. Most internet marketing experts recommend sending your list 2-3 messages a week to keep cialis no prescription them hooked without feeling overwhelmed. 6. Sildenafil limits PDE 5 to stop the breaking, allowing the stream of blood to the penis enabling to smooth the supply courses and muscles achieving a rock hard erection. generic viagra from india This is an invitation to experience purchase levitra yourself as a flowing river of YES energy pouring through you.
2.  I don’t want my colleagues to hate me.

So whether I apply or not will either be an expression of great courage or unbelievable weakness and it could apply to both scenarios.

Sunday evening

What was it that Douglas Adams wrote about Sunday Afternoons…

In the end, it was Sunday afternoons he couldn’t cope with, and that terrible listlessness that starts to set in at about 2:55 when you know you’ve taken all the baths you can usefully take that day, that however hard you stare at any given paragraph in the newspaper you will never actually read it, or use the revolutionary new pruning technique it describes, and that as you stare at the clock the hands will move relentlessly on to four o’clock, and you will enter the Long Dark Teatime of the Soul.

See that sort of Sunday Afternoon is what you get when you sleep in til 10am and go out for lunch with an old neighbour who has moved to Islamabad and then pick up your daughter who has spent the weekend at a friend’s making and selling cookies.  You pick up some dvds so the kids don’t get too bored while you’re at work and burn the house down and it’s raining so you curl up and watch Cheaper By The Dozen 2 which is as bad as the first one but less funny and you still haven’t picked up the clothes on your bedroom floor, folded the washing or cleaned any part of the house.

So instead you check your emails and then find that you have a couple of comments on your blog that you weren’t notified about and you flick through your favourite blogs and find out that one friend has crashed his car and another has made a difficult decision regarding her health and another blogger has written a dissertation on the theory of blog karma and you’re not quite sure how your karma is going…

And your dad has dropped off a pile of whiting fillets but you’re not sure you can be bothered cooking fish for tea, and you still haven’t written your CV, and your son is still coughing though thankfully is much better, and you have a slight ache in the back of your neck and know you really should go and do some exercise or maybe even clean the pool as it is greener than the lawn but hey, it’s dark out so you don’t.
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And you’re thinking about a fellow you saw at a party last night who goes by the name of a small furry marsupial only found on Rottnest Island who you met in 1992 in Broome and who went out briefly with a good friend of yours and is now into emergency medicine and the uni crowd who were there too who you see maybe once or twice a year but only for the last three or four years and how weird it was to have found contact with them after all this time…

You’re too tired even to read another chapter of Robin Hobb’s latest novel Renegade’s Magic, which really is rather good and you really should start being a good mother again and get started on dinner and anyway who is going to read a blog post this long! So enough about me, what do you think of my new banners? Sure they are not the proper art I’ve featured before but I kind of like some of them.

And I hope your Sunday was lovely… xx

Essential Oil recipe for Flu symptoms

This is the recipe my mum makes up for us when we have respiratory symptoms:

30 drops of Ravensara
45 drops of Eucalyptus Radiata
18 drops of Pine
16 drops of Myrtle
10 drops of Cypress
5 drops of Peppermint
You can definitely choose this herbal extract as a perfect tonic to boost both physical viagra purchase uk as well as mental health of a person. You will find that most probably, the things that managers did to the workforce destroyed the viagra generico cipla workforce’s ability to work. Excretory System: generic viagra pharmacy Guduchi strengthens the urinary system and its components of the human body is known as Urology. It improves functioning of excretory, circulatory, digestive and sildenafil canada pharmacy respiratory systems.
From the Young Living Reference Book.

Just mix it neat and use good quality oils – Essential Therapeutics, Mediterrana, In Essence are all brands mum knows are good, and she is happy to take your call if you’d like to talk to her directly – 0408 953 884.

Rub neat oil on the tops of the feet on the lung and head pressure areas, chest and back and you can also do inhalations three or four times a day either 4 drops of blend in hot water with a towel over your head or rub a couple of drops on your hands and breathe it in.

You can use any of these oils if you don’t have all of them.

Oh. My. God.

So my boy came down with a sudden flu on Wednesday. He’s been hacking his lungs up. He’s had a high fever barely controlled by Panadol and this morning I hear this on the news:

Princess Margaret Hospital in Perth has experienced an influx of young patients with flu-like symptoms following the deaths of three young children this week. It has been confirmed one of them died from influenza A, and doctors suspect the other two died from the same virus. Two of them were aged two, one was four. They say that they do get deaths from the elderly and already infirm but it’s unusual to get flu deaths from otherwise healthy children.

Now my boy is 12 but he was really lethargic and sicker than I’ve seen him in years.

I rushed into his bedroom this morning just to make sure he was alive (!!) and he is. And he is even feeling better… slightly better… he feels like he’s improving.

Yet for all the ailments and maladies we confront in this huge terrible planet, none have gained as much consideration, and as much restorative research subsidizing, as a basic discomfort that each man needs to handle all alone furthermore that is their inclination cialis france of unsustained erections . So what should you do if a cat scratches you? Most doctors recommend cleaning the wound with soap cipla generic viagra and water and applying a mild disinfectant. Who should take cialis sale visit that nows If you face loss of erection or weak erection is a cause of tiring activities they go through with. The pill takes at least 40 minutes to mix with blood and start working. super generic viagra So we’re not going to see the GP this morning as I’m sure there are others with younger kids whose parents will be panicking more than me. Luckily he is the Vitamin C kid – eating more mandarins than I thought humanly possible.

And of course there is my chicken soup.

Perhaps one of the best remedies so far has been Mum’s essential oils. She came over on Thursday with a potion that we’ve been applying to the tops of his feet, chest and back and also inhaling and he is coming good. Now I just want to find my diffuser and get some more supplies in!

Chicken Soup and Lemongrass

Chicken SoupI’ve come home early today. I think I’m coming down with Hugamuga’s Flu. He was hit hard Wednesday night and has a cough that lifts the rafters. His slight frame seems too fragile for such a nasty cold. He’s been in bed ever since. Well… in bed, on the computer and lying in front of the heater eating mandarins mostly. I think a hundred mandarins is all he’s eaten in the last two days.

So I’ve come home early with droopy eyes and a thick head to make sure I don’t get what he’s got or for that matter give what he’s got to the rest of the troops. I can’t be sick as I’m stepping into my boss’s shoes (luckily a size 9 like me) for the next week and then I get a week off.

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Bring on the Chicken Soup and then to bed. Cotton corner is calling.