Category Archives: Modern Life

To my mad daughter

photo 034It is September.  Today’s maximum was just 19.1 and you decide you want to go swimming.

Are you a polar bear?!!

If that pool is more than 16 degrees I’d be surprised.  It’s FREEZING!

But luckily thanks to Nick the pool boy – sparkling clean.
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Drew – this photo set is especially for you. 🙂

photo 036 photo 035 photo 033 photo 032 photo 030 


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And the Nice Blogger Award goes to…

One of the things that makes a blogger a nice one is the willingness of that blogger to comment on other people’s blogs.  Commenting makes a blogger feel loved.  As does linking but I digress.

Nice Matters AwardSo I’m awarding the Nice Blogger Award to the three people who have commented most often on my blog in the last year.  (generated through the Top Commentators plug-in)


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Thank you.  I love getting your feedback.  And that goes to all of you who have commented or linked to this blog.  🙂

Countdown Spectacular

I went with some trepidation to Burswood on Wednesday night to see the Countdown Spectacular..  Trepidation because I’d been invited backstage by a rather persistant flirt and wasn’t sure if I was going to go.  But James had given it such a good rap that I was expecting a great concert so flirt or not there I went.

We were sitting not too far from the stage in the cavernous Dome.  It was cold.  There were three big screens which had fantastic definition and a revolving stage.

22 acts were part of the show and they did one, two or three songs depending on how many hits they had.  There were Countdown dancers who ran to the front of the stage to create a party atmosphere during the first track.  Molly and JPY were the co-hosts and were… a little irritating with their oh so rehearsed ad-libbing.

Walking on Sunshine – one of my faves – was first with Katrina from Katrina and the Waves.  Other songs I enjoyed – and stood up and danced to – were:  Some Girls and Lay Your Love on Me by Racey (yes I know he was a bit on the sleazy side but I still love the songs), the whole Doc Neeson set, and My Sharona by The Knack.

I also loved Martha Davis – what a class act – and Birtles Shorrock Goble (what was once The Little River Band).  And the backing singers when they did a medley of other hits was entertaining too. I didn’t like Rick Springfield much apart from Jesse’s Girl. 
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The highlight for me though was John Schumann from Redgum singing I was only 19.  One of my favourite tracks of all time.  It was one of the first concerts I went to as a Uni student – at the concert hall and I was second row from the front.  The Caught in the Act tour.  19 was at the top of the charts in Australia for 40 weeks!  It is still as moving and poignant today.

If I closed my eyes I could have been there, 20 years ago, but opening my eyes and seeing the high definition images of these old people, well, it just made me feel old and a bit sad.

I may only just be in Generation X but I sure don’t want to feel like a baby boomer and I did that night.

Did I go backstage?  No.

Spring Cleaning

Do you spring clean? 

If so what does it entail?
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I don’t recall EVER spring cleaning or my mother doing it either… so was bemused to see Carol’s recent post… could I be alone?  And somewhat *gulp* dirty?

Name dropping

Just said goodbye to a studio audience here at work who came to see our Countdown special. It’s a great show, we line up the stars from the Countdown Spectacular and get an insight into their lives and get to see them perform up close and personal. This year I saw most of the show, last year I was up in the studio producing.

Some highlights:
Being asked -with 10 minutes to go – to find a slider for one of Doc Neeson’s guitarists – found a water glass that did the job.
Martha Davis from The Motels – what a class act.
Richard Clayton – also very good.
Peter Rowsthorn who absolutely took the piss out of Kath and Kim on the commercial network. Hilarious and naughty.
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Backstage I discovered why they called themselves – Racey. I met Richard Gower who is not very tall but oh so coming onto me. Inviting me backstage, telling me he’d like to “eat me all up”. Ewwww. Flirting is fun but just that little bit too far. 🙂 He still does those Racey moves we remember though – and very well too.

Of course it nearly was an enormous disaster. Yesterday the host made a call to check everything was okay for the next day but the promoter said no… you you mean today… er no… the audience is coming in tomorrow. OMG! She worked some miracle and we rang the audience and asked them to come in a bit earlier and most of them did.

I’m going to go to the concert tonight – will I meet Richard backstage – only if my Groover comes with me – I’ll let you know what I think soon… 🙂

The Glasgow Factor

4000 5-star hotel rooms. That, apparently, was the first requirement for any city wanting to host APEC 2007. 4000!

In Australia the choice was between Sydney and a combined Gold Coast/Brisbane. Which is why, despite the logistical nightmares of going to Sydney, it was chosen.

Interestingly this week I was speaking to the Department of Premier and Cabinet’s Terrorism expert who told me that hazard management agencies in all the other cities were on high alert this week because of the Glasgow Factor.

What’s the Glasgow Factor? I hear you mutter at your monitor…

During acute exacerbations of COPD (worsening sample of viagra of COPD symptoms), the inflammatory response is further increased. Popular drugs such as Kamagra, order levitra online jelly can help you and your partner to work through the sexual issues. During this development process, I conducted an extensive, in depth analysis of over 150 marketing hits in various and diverse categories. cheapest line viagra Every time you take the pill make sure that you consult the doctor properly and then go ahead and take the lozenge for improved blood flow gives more strength to your junior and it plays better during the love-game. viagra online pharmacies Well remember the London Bombings? When they happened, the G8 was meeting in Glasgow. In other words, the terrorists may not necessarily target the city the officials are gathered in.

Do I feel alarmed?


Not even alert.

The lesson of Fred

Given today is Father’s Day, I thought I’d share with you a parenting tip from my dad.

It’s called “The Lesson of Fred”.

When your teenager, young adult begins to date, you may find an endless procession of boyfriends coming through your door. These boyfriends mean a lot to your young one and calling them the wrong name can result in abject mortification, especially if the young man is in the room.

(this happened to a colleague of mine recently)
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To avoid such fo-pahs and to save brain space needed to remember all these names, just do what my dad did. Call them all “Fred”, and only learn their names once they have made a real commitment to your child… like buying a house together or getting engaged. It’s simple and it works…

“So how’s Fred?”, you ask your daughter. “Is Fred coming to pick you up?” “Tell Fred you have to be home by 11 o’clock!” “Does Fred want to stay for dinner?”

It also encourages a certain level of respect, of distance. IMHO (now that I have a daughter), there is nothing wrong with a little bit of intimidation, and oh, how special they feel when you finally address them by name.

Coffee on a Saturday morning

I’m wavering.  I haven’t had a coffee since I did the detox in July and to be honest haven’t missed it.  Until now.

It’s a spectacular spring day.  The sun is shining, we were just in Kings Park and a coffee down at Napoleon St would be just lovely… sitting there in the sunshine reading the paper.  Or perhaps one from my coffee machine out in my garden overlooking my sparkling blue pool (thanks to my new friend – the pool boy)…
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Only the memory of those caffeine withdrawal symptoms is stopping me… but really I’m only talking about one coffee… just one…


I picked up this Jane Austen novel in a second hand booksale. I’d just caught part of Clueless on the telly – you know the movie with Alicia Silverstone – and it seemed like serendipity to then come across the book the story is based on.

So I read it. I last read the book when my orchid hunter was born. I went through a Jane Austen phase and read all of her novels and even a biography when the novels ran out. And of course I caught the movie.

It’s not my favourite JA novel but it is still quite charming. The English class system is thrown sharply into focus as Emma compares the various standings of the people around her as only one near the top of the pile can. The manners are charming too. It is hard to imagine calling someone Mr or Miss these days – unless they are a former teacher perhaps, and would anyone really be scandalised if you were to call someone by their first name?
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Hmmm well I do still cringe to remember how I addressed the then Prime Minister of Australia once… “Hi Paul” I (dare I say) gushed… well perhaps not gushed… but I was certainly somewhat casual. Hey I was young and probably overexcited.

So apart from Prime Ministers, and former teachers who probably still scare you a bit, and very old people – who else do you address with social title – why I spoke to the Administrator of Christmas Island just the other day (he’s like the governor) and he told me to call him Neil… can you think of anyone?