Category Archives: Modern Life

Baby Wisdom – The lesson of the bucket

bucketboySometimes babies can get a bit worked up – you know, they just can’t stop crying, they don’t even know quite why they are crying, they just are.

You’ve changed their nappy, they’ve had a bottle, they are probably a bit overtired and there is just nothing you can do to settle them.

Mary – my health nurse – what a legend – suggested putting baby in a bucket.

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This endeths the lesson.

If you have some baby wisdom to share – please do!

Baby Shower

I went to my first baby shower this afternoon. Not having been to one I guess I was a little at a loss as to what to expect. I kind of thought it would be like a kitchen tea – you sit around and hand over some cute little useful gadget for the kitchen – so I bought a groovy little practical thing for the baby to be.

There was a lot of food. The table was groaning with it. The mother-to-be, Miss Lithuania – looked radiant and very pregnant (3 weeks to go) and the room was full of goodwill. This baby will be a happy one with all the positive energy around today.

But we didn’t open presents – although one girl was telling me of a baby shower where they all sat around and opened the gifts and they were very expensive gifts too – then you had to share a pearl of wisdom.

I guess it’s another of those traditions that we do just because they are “tradition”. I mean it’s not as if these days you don’t already have a gadget drawer in the kitchen chock full of peelers, garlic presses and apple corers by the time you get married, and likewise by the time you get to the hospital you’ve pretty much got everything. We are so much more affluent generally than our parents were.

So if it’s not about the gifts, what’s it for? I come back to goodwill. You all hope for and wish for the best.

I kind of wish it was the sort of thing you do after the baby’s born though… I would have liked a cuddle.

Feline was there and we decided that we’d offer our baby wisdom anyway – even though it’s a long time since we’ve had our babies – via our blogs. So be warned… just occasionally… you’ll see some baby wisdom on this blog…
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It also made me want to seek out my old photo albums and look at my two scallywags when they were newborn and gorgeous. (they still have their moments)

Warning: I do not think it amusing or charming when some people say “all babies are ugly except to their mothers”.

Boy 8lb 2oz

babyboy newbornboy boycolour

Girl 7lb 2oz

girljustborn babyonthephone baby

Drug test the teachers!

Who are today’s role models? Not politicians, not journalists and sportstars would claim not them (except that they are).

What about teachers?

They are with our children 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, 40 weeks of the year. Should we drug test them?

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Personally – if I was a teacher – I’d need the drugs just to cope.

And if I were Ben Cousins – I’d sue.

Sweetly smiling (even at the worst pick up lines)

Blogpond’s Meg awarded me the You Make Me Smile Award! Thank you. It made me smile. 🙂

You Make me Smile

I’d like to pass this back across the Nullabor to Carol, whose exploits in a Sydney Swans commercial really did make me smile, to I Drew whose witty observations are appreciated, and also to Feline Groovy because she always cheers me up – and introduced me to saying “Shhhhh” everytime we go past the turn off to Secret Harbour on the way down south. 🙂

I went out last Friday night.

Yes I know you think it’s amazing and it was because I rarely go out to a pub on a Friday night – or any night for that matter. In fact to illustrate how rare it is, I started off at the wrong pub.

I thought I was meeting my friend at Black Toms in Subiaco… at the Vic right. But Black Toms hasn’t been there for four or five years. Oh no. It’s been on Ord St in West Perth. So I’m standing around looking out for my friend in the wrong suburb.

Which leads me to my entry into “The Best Pick-Up Lines Contest” on The King Speaks.

I was standing with my friend leaning on the piano, as you do, at the real Black Toms some half an hour later. Holding a rather nice Shiraz and looking if not hot, at least more relaxed when a fairly well sauced (and by that I mean he’d been on the sauce for a while) mining type came up to me and said (this is my entry):

Hey! Where have you been all my life?

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He held my attention until he started bagging Perth. I mean, you don’t have to like it – but I don’t want to hear it. Not when I’m out to have a good time without you. I don’t want to spend my Friday night defending my home town to some inebriated idiot from Brisbane. Don’t like it? I’m sure you know where the airport is. (Whoops, starting to rant again…)

So the line did get him a (short) conversation…

Have you ever been to a Parliamentary press gallery? I was up at Parliament House in Perth today (just down the road from Black Toms incidentally) and wandered in to admire the view.

What amused (and a little appalled) me was the graffitti on the press gallery bench. The long wooden shelf was covered in names, obscenities (though admittedly some were quite clever ones) and commentary.

I was amused because I saw so many names belonging to my colleagues or former colleagues many who have done great and good things with their careers.

And I was a little bit appalled because it is such a beautiful building, it felt sacreligious to have defaced it.

On balance though I’m glad it’s there as it has turned into a rich multilayered work of art. An anthropological survey of Parliamentary journalism through the decades.

It also goes to show how boring Parliament must be sometimes!

I wonder who was the first to write their name?

At the Business Woman of the Year awards

Two cute quotes in last year’s WA Business Woman of the Year, Asst Commissioner Barbara Etter’s speech yesterday at the 2007 awards:

Losing your integrity is like losing your virginity – you can’t get it back.

Beauty is just a light switch away.

The awards were interesting for me for a couple of reasons.  One, Hudson, one of the sponsors had a very odd ad played given that it was a luncheon celebrating women in business.  They are a recruitment company and for each type of job that they recruit for they had a picture of a stereotype.  The Asian geek for IT and Communications, the young pretty girl for Reception, the middle aged white male for Senior Executive.  Bleah.

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The other thing that was interesting was how soon the news that Ben Cousins got arrested swept through the “closed” room.  My boss sitting next to me got a text from a friend who had been sitting behind his car in the traffic when the cops closed in… and then all around the room people as the news hit the bulletins people started getting text messages and showing them to each other.  Our newsroom found out because a mate of one of our producer’s had also witnessed the arrest.

Perth is a small town.

Halloween Treat

halloweentreat2 Trish has given me a Halloween treat which is a really cute idea from Hootin Anni who is handing out treats to “Make NEW friends by choosing random visitors!!!”

When you think about it, it’s very much like Halloween itself… when there’s a knock at the door by some kid you’ve never seen before (or never seen dressed like that before – definitely random)… and you hand out a treat.

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Yummy Chocolate Chip Recipe

My boss’s husband maks these yummy cookies (she’s American so I can say cookies) and I am always hopeful she’ll share with me.

Here is the recipe – mainly so I don’t lose it. 🙂

Jon’s CCC Recipe

Preheat oven to 180 degrees.

CREAM: 1 cup of butter
adding gradually:
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup white sugar

It is rich in the vitamin B group of vitamins and has zinc, potassium, iron, fiber. tadalafil tablets prices Read more reasons about factors that affect fertility in: The testosterone is a type of hormone created in the testis and the production of this substance within testes are controlled by the anterior pituitary gland. cialis cheap canada However, there are some exceptions to use the medicine without prescription and they many involve- Stress related sildenafil uk buy erection disorders Sleep disorders related disorders Alcohol or smoke and deficiency of nutrition. They’re completely addicted to nicotine and know viagra in usa how tough it is for couples who do not have kids naturally. BEAT in 2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla essence

SIFT in 2 cups plus 3 Tablespoons plain flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda

STIR in 1 cup choc chips (I use dark chocolate but you can use milk if you prefer)
1 cup walnuts chopped, OPTIONAL

Drop the batter onto baking paper on baking sheet and bake for about 10 minutes.

I didn’t get the job

But don’t feel bad on my behalf… you see they are changing the management structure to include a third role which is kind of a 2IC role to my boss.  Details yet to be worked out… and there’s a three month trial to see if it works… and I’ll be acting and probably have to apply for it if they decide to go ahead.  At least I have my CV prepared!

It sounds pretty interesting – I get to do pilots and program development and I get to be on-air more.  If I could do it 4 days a week- that would be heaven! Oh and I do the online editor thang which is my ballywick anyway.  So it’s a win-win and the person doing my old job will be great.
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Anyway I’m flying to Melbourne next week for talks on how the new role will work so any tips on great places/shops to get a bit of shopping in… I should have some time on Thursday afternoon… 🙂