Category Archives: Modern Life

I’ve lost my keys

And I need some internet voodoo to find them!

So I got to work at 6am yesterday, dropped my bag on my desk and went into the studio for a quick cross.  Then back at my desk doing emails and stuff which included making a powerpoint presentation – such fun – at about 11am I had a meeting with the promos guy then I walked across the road to buy a coffee and then for the rest of the day I stayed in the office.

At 5pm when I suddenly realised what the time was I couldn’t find my keys!

After searching the studio, the promo guy’s studio, the coffee shop, the route I walked in, my bag, the office, I still couldn’t find my keys and they haven’t shown up yet despite an all-staff email.
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So dear friends – I need your help – please send me your “You will find your keys!”  energy.  Just the thought will help and tomorrow…

I. Will. Find. My. Keys.

(Just going in now to put a knot in the teatowel)

Update on the school situation

My daughterSo what did we do about the school situation?

We got her into the private school. She took the last place left.

I rang our school to see what they could do but really, they seemed a bit stuck.  For a start, none of the others had told them so they didn’t know all the girls were going. The principal rang around to try and change their minds but as one mum put it – it was all a little bit too late.

You see they wanted some kind of certainty.  We don’t know yet what is happening in Grade 6/7 next year – what teacher they will get and to be honest, you kind of need to know now or you miss out on getting a place elsewhere.

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Parents need to see that the school is committed to having a strong Year 7 class and are prepared to put a good teacher in place.  I think if the mums could have seen that we were getting a good teacher, they might have stayed.  But… it’s all too late now.

I’m sad.  You make such an emotional commitment to a school who you’ve invested with your child’s future, that leaving, especially in the hurried and forced way we did, feels like betrayal.

Still, the new school looks good.  The Orientation Day seemed a success and it will be interesting to see how my girl goes now that she is one of 54 in her year as opposed to one of 5.


My larder My Larder

It has been a while since I organised my larder. Maybe years? Certainly it hasn’t been properly cleaned out since 2005.

Shocking I know.

There is something internally cleansing about taking everything out, throwing out the sunflower seeds reduced to dust; re-discovering empty tupperware containers named brown rice and self-raising flour; finding the old jar of cloves – use by date April 1996!

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The oldest thing in my larder

I walk around my house and end up back in the kitchen, just staring at my organised shelves and feel good about myself.

To think! This could happen every week! I could tidy up the linen cupboard, the wardrobe, the kids’ wardrobes, the cupboard in the laundry, the back room! I could write a menu plan! Hang on. That’s taking things too far.

For now I will simply rejoice in my organised, clutter-free larder.

Peer pressure to change schools

My Junior Poshi is 10, grade 5. There are five girls in her class at the local public primary school which is on the same block as we live. In other words, she doesn’t have to cross a road to get to school. It’s a great little school and we’ve been happy to send her there. She got into PEAC which has been fantastic but now things have changed.

The other four girls are going to a very expensive private school around the corner next year. It started with one and now all the rest have followed. Now, JP is booked into this school in year 8 and I’ve never been a big advocate of private schooling in primary school – I just don’t think it’s good value for money and besides I think mixed classes are good.

However, I can’t leave my daughter as the only girl in a small class at the local primary school. I don’t think that’s fair. She’d be miserable with all her friends gone…
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So here’s my choice: (a) Leave her where she is, (b) Send her to another government primary school or (c) bite the bullet, pay the fees and send her to the private school.

What would you do?

Think of me as an airport novel…

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Just a light read you don’t have to concentrate too much on. I don’t know whether to be gratified or offended! But at least you should be able to understand what I’m writing. I guess…

Thanks to Nic for the link. He thinks there is something fishy going on. Whatever, it’s a bit of fun.

Maybe it’s just that I don’t use very big words.

Tackle it Friday


(Regular readers will get while I’m grinning at today’s post title…)

For the last two weeks I’ve been acting as the boss, the big cahouna, the BSD*, the chief commandant and so have been working from my boss’s office… and I’ve made myself at home.

My bits and pieces have spread over her immaculately left desk, I’ve moved the screen so I don’t crick my neck and therefore the phone and generally it’s a mess.

Well it’s my last day.  So before I went tonight – I had to tackle the clutter I’ve made and make it look nice.

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Noone would even know I’d been there… mwah ha ha ha…

* Big Swinging Dick

A not so emergency patient

Junior Poshi was ill today. I took her to mum’s for some TLC and she called me at about 11am to say she felt worse.

Last time she had a tummy ache she saw the doctor who said go to emergency and she threw up and felt better and we went home.

So I picked her up, and on route to the doctor, she threw up, and when we got there the doctor still thought there was a chance of appendicitis. We waited in emergency and eventually got seen by a couple of doctors who said well… they thought it was gastro and to go home.
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I was impressed with the efficiency of emergency at PMH and the friendliness and non-judgemental attitude of the staff. Thank you.

So we’re home. And I’m tired and hungry. And my house is a mess. And I don’t want to make dinner. Can you give a kid with gastro pizza?

The daily blog or should that be slog?

Thanks to the Community Blogger Award I’ve been stretching my wings somewhat and finding lots of new blogs to sample and enjoy and one of the things I’ve noticed is that a lot of bloggers are very organised in their blogs.

There’s Menu Plan Monday, Monday Missions, Fun Monday, Tackle It Tuesday, Jump One Jump Twosday, Philanthropy Tuesday, Wordless Wednesday, Heads and Tails, Flashback Friday… it goes on and on.

Now I have nothing against having a plan – I plan at least two blogs a week – and they both revolve around Australian Idol – Sunday and Monday – I know… tragic. And my other “thing” that I do is every time I finish a book I blog a “review”. I say “review” advisedly as sometimes they are simply. “I read this book. I didn’t hate it.” And this is for me so I can look back and think to myself – hey I did read a few novels this year by gum!

I note that most of these theme memes (and I’m sure there are others for the rest of the week) are for the start of the week which I think could act as a good kickstart to your blogging week. They also give you an “assignment” and sometimes having some restrictions on what to blog makes you more creative rather than overwhelmed with the possibilities. It forces you for example to find “that photo” for Wordless Wednesday or Flashback Friday.

Some of them like Menu Plan Monday and Tackle it Tuesday – give acknowledgement and encouragement to do those mindless and unthanked tasks we might avoid otherwise.

(In fact I’ve been toying with the idea of Menu Plan Monday because really, it would be a good thing if I planned beyond the one day occasionally… And if I did Tackle it Tuesday there would be a lot fewer half empty packets of cereal in my larder and not so many moths.)

But I don’t want to feel hemmed in on my blog.

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And my fear is that if I started doing the weekly meme-theme thang that it would soon become not a daily blog but daily slog. That I would come to resent the computer and my blog because it was giving me homework.

I’ve never been good at homework. Or housework come to think of it.

I’m also fearful that I’d get stuck in a routine and my blog would become less interesting… at least, less interesting to me.

Are my fears groundless?

Are you a fan of the weekly task blog? Do you find it helps your writing/planning/life?

Do you like to read other meme/theme blogs?

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What I liked were the very geeky questions.

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OMG! I’ve moved up an age bracket!

Boo hoo hoo….

I won the office sweep!

Ground breaking news. Whooo hoooo.

I won the $5 office sweep – $60!

A great return… well not quite that good as I was also in three other $2 sweeps, another $5 sweep and three $1 sweeps… all of which were dud.
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But hey hey! I’m a winner!!!

See it’s good to be at work on Melbourne Cup day.