Category Archives: Modern Life

Reflections on a good person

I went to Matt Price’s funeral today. It was beautiful. St Josephs was decked in Christmas decorations and white lillies and the sun shone sweetly in through the stained glass windows. I sat towards the back of the church and I couldn’t see the band but they had live music playing some beautiful music. He was a man who liked his live music.

It was a who’s who of politicians and media, familiar faces both, but they took second stage to Matt. It was, as the priest said – Mattstown.

I’m finding it hard to write about. I feel I can’t do him justice. What effrontery! Attempting to match him with words. It ain’t going to happen. 🙂

I didn’t know Matt well. He didn’t know me well but I felt I owed him the respect of being there. I wanted Sue and her children to know that he was worth making time for. They do know that of course. And I wanted to support my colleagues who did know him well.
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Death is the great leveller. As we filed into the crematorium I found myself walking in just in front of Kevin Rudd, who was just one of the hundreds, there to say farewell to a great Australian.

And Matt’s legacy? His writing? His books? Film of his television work? No. I think it’s love. Shining strongly from his wife and his kids, his family and friends. They are his true legacy.

Perthnow, The Australian, The West, ABC News

The demise of the real Christmas Tree

Christmas 2005I’ve been running this little poll on the left hand side there about the type of Christmas Tree we choose for our homes and I’m surprised by the early results.

So far everyone has said they have a fake tree that looks real and I confess so do we.

I never used to. I always insisted on a live tree in a pot which I kept outside all year and brought in. The last one of these we used was an Albany Woolly Bush which have lovely soft leaves.

We also used a conifer in years past, now retired to the front garden.

In Broome, I had a ficus.
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When I grew up I can remember we either had the carefully tended potted tree or one of those YMCA cut trees which slowly died and dropped it’s needles but smelled fantastic.

About four years ago, Groover went out and bought an enormous “real looking” fake Christmas tree and we’ve been using that ever since. It’s about 8 feet tall and lives most of the year in a large box in the back room.

It looks fantastic, creates much less mess, and I suppose is “green” in that I’m not killing a tree. However, a small part of me laments the lack of a real tree.

What do you do?

When next you meet a lawyer…

Scene: You’re in a bar with a self assured bloke who is clearly hitting on you…

You: So what do you do?

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Mr Weezee’s satay sticks

SatayIn the tradition of The Food Pornographer may I introduce you to the worst kept secret in the Western Suburbs – Mr Weezee’s Satay.

I’d heard others talk about this phenomenon of a shop and its quirky idiosyncracies and was intrigued. The co-manager of our cricket team told me where it was – in the middle of Chelsea Village – and taking a short detour home I dropped in this afternoon.

First of all – he only takes cash or cheque. That is important information as I don’t think there is a cashpoint there – well, not an obvious one.

It happens when one wants to get cheap viagra sales samples? It’s simple really. Ajanta Pharma has introduced a medication known as ‘Kamagra soft tablets’. buy uk viagra look here Masturbate purchase levitra Before Sex Another practical technique you can try is masturbating before sex. The principle ingredients in Vital M-40 capsules: Strychnos Nux-Vomica, Ferrum, Withania Somnifera, Balsamodendron Mukul, Pongamia Glabra, Zingiber Officinale, Onosma Bracteatum, Terminalia Chebula, Asparagus Adscendens, Orchis Mascula, Caryophyllus Aromaticus, Asparagus Racemosus, Orchis Mascula, Onosma Bracteatum etc. online viagra cialis You can buy chicken satay or beef satay, and I think that’s it! You can buy them in 12 packs or 25 packs – frozen. You can buy satay sauce separately. I bought 25 chicken sticks for $17.50 and a satay sauce (small plastic container) for $2.50. That fed my family of four… just. So this is not the cheapest meal on the block, but oh…

So yummy! The sticks are just the right size to barbeque. The sauce peanutty and as delicious with salads. A winner.

Shop G13 Chelsea Village 145 Stirling Hwy Nedlands WA 6009 (You have to go right inside the complex and it is a small shopfront in the northeastern quadrant).

Vale Matt Price

thanks to The AustralianI just wanted to express my sadness at the news of Matt Price’s death over the weekend.  Matt has been a part of my working life for a number of years.  I didn’t have a lot to do with him but knew him and loved his work.

At a party recently I had the chance to meet his wife Sue and we had a lovely chat about her moving back to Perth.  She seemed a very nice person.

Eight weeks ago her world collapsed.  Eight weeks ago Matt was diagnosed with brain cancer.  Yesterday he died.

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Vale Matt.  Your words entertained us and my heart goes out to your family.

Go the Dockers!

King Kevin

And so he won, but more interestingly Maxine looks like she might have won Some of the most cheap tadalafil overnight effective home remedies for heartburn are mentioned ahead. 1. The person feels tired and weak, and may experience memory loss, with a compulsive need to check things (to see that doors are locked, etc.) Prostate problems may be felt by a person are: Sneezing, Head ache, Dyspepsia, Long term hard-on, Photophobia, cognitive changes, Dyspepsia, Heart palpitations, Intense hypotension, Maximize intraocular pressure, Priapism.PRECAUTIONS :Super P Force For Impotence (tadalafil 5mg online click here for more with dapoxetine) must be. A simple brisk walking every day is a great workout that you simply can readily do each day. 3. Clicking Here generico levitra on line The best and easiest generico levitra on line way of treating erectile dysfunction in men. Bennelong! I like Maxine. I hope she gets a front bench seat.


So we wandered down to our local primary school festooned with Liberal and Labor posters and royal blue balloons.

We picked up a how-to-vote card from the Liberal, Greens and Labor people smiling politely, because I’ve been there and it’s much nicer when people are nice to you.

The polling place was practically empty – it was about 1.30pm – and I got my name ticked off and found a booth.

The kids pulled up a chair and we settled down to some voting action.

The green paper was easy. 1,2,3 piece of cake, 4 was the independant, and 5,6,7 were done in reverse from who I disliked most.
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I was disappointed to see that the Liberal candidate had placed three weirdo candidates above Labor – and Labor had placed the independant with the multi-partner marriage platform above Liberal. Surely they cannot be serious.

What irritates me most about How-to-Vote cards is that there is no indication of where their preferences go for the Senate. I want to make sure that the parties I don’t like are right. Down. The. Bottom. This is why I always vote below the line.

Although this year I got a bit confused. You see I was voting from the bottom and then from the top and somehow managed to number 27 and 28 twice! This meant I had a spoilt paper and had to start again.

Still civic duty done I can now go and get the party pies and chooks and get organised for our guests. It’s around 30C today in Perth and the kids are making good use of the pool. Roll on 4pm! I can’t wait to start watching the election coverage!

Oh I just can’t help myself…

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I love election day!

I know this is my third post of the day but I just can’t help but express my joy… don’t you just LOVE election day?!

It’s not just the fact at last the six week campaign is over, it’s the whole process. The going down to the local primary school, walking past all those loyal party faithful handing out how to vote cards, ticking off your name and getting your green and white papers, walking into a little booth, picking up that little pencil on a string, numbering from 1-7 (I think we have seven candidates including an independent planning to vote for multi-partner marriage – though why she thinks she needs more than one husband I don’t know), enjoying the chance to number the senate ticket 1-45 (or however many – you vote below the line don’t you… don’t you?), posting the papers, handing back the how-to-vote cards, and then tuning in at 4pm to the start of the election coverage with friends.

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Bring. It. On.

Thank you. I’ve found them!

I tied a knot in my tea-towel (don’t ask me why but this works) and I asked to St Anthony (according to Feline the saint of finding lost things), I visualised that my keys would be on my desk, and I received your bloggy love.

I’ve just found my keys.

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Now I know this looks like an obvious place, but I’ve had to move a lot of the paper so you could actually see the keys – look for the bling.  And I looked here.  And I got a friend to look through my desk as well and she checked the file so goodness knows how we missed them.

How embarrassment!