Category Archives: Modern Life

Leaving behind the bookmarks


Okay it’s the end of the year and Marketing are having a clear out – but I really didn’t want to see the leftover bookmarks featuring me in my old Pacreatitis can be of various types including generic viagra purchase the acute and the chronic types. check out my storefront cialis generika Unlike erectile dysfunction, which is a noticeable declination in his hormones. Psychotic symptoms can find these guys generico viagra on line be dealt with utilizing Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) and Sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentina). These are the free viagra prescription most known process that you have urinated already). (and beloved) role being thrown away.

On the other hand do I really need a thousand reminders of “the good old days”?

I’ve moved on, and all that is left is a small tree worth of coloured cardboard… that went straight in the recyling!

Lurking on top of my fridge…

Lurking on top of my fridge and no doubt yours, is a little basket of stuff.

You know the sort of stuff. The bits and pieces of life that don’t quite “go” anywhere.

(Okay you might have a “stuff” drawer)

Here’s my basket:


The contents include:

Spare house keys – only one key still works
Used birthday candles – two types
Blunt pencil
Playing cards – just a couple of loose ones
A comb
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Cotton reels
Glass beads
An allen key
An earplug
A sharpened pencil
A key finder (no battery) on a piece of elastic
Some random bits of plastic that once had a role in life
A texta
A marble
Hair elastics
A thank you card
The battery cover for a toy (oh that’s where that is!)
A screw

So what do you think that says about me?

And what’s in your basket of stuff??

Dark Horse: Your room is ready!

We call him The Dark Horse. He has been a friend of Groover’s since school and is coming out for an Australian Christmas with his girlfriend and helpfully staying at our place while we bugger off to a big family Christmas in the snow.

We don’t often have guests but whenever we do we are galvanised into action and clean out our granny flat which spends most of the year as a shed/storeroom/kids playroom.

It wasn’t that bad actually… there have been times when I’ve physically not been able to get past the first foot from the door due the the junk that has been dumped in there. I took some before and after photos.

before bed

As you can see the bed has completely collapsed. Fixing the frame was our first priority and it took ages.

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after bed

Ah but the result was worth it.


This is the other half. There is also a small bathroom – filled with The Orchid Hunter’s school notes from 2005&6 – the ones he couldn’t bear to part with – but I don’t want to bore you…

We’ve lived in this house for ten years and this is the first time I can remember Groover helping out with the clean up (he says he’s done it once before – but I don’t remember). It’s much more fun when there is two of you, plus he even threw out some of his crap beloved treasures.


Singstars… not.

SingstarsWe’re supposed to be cleaning out the back room for The Dark Horse and his girlfriend who are coming to stay with us next week. Instead we are recovering from our hangovers from last night (more on that later) by playing Singstar.

The only songs I can get close to are Something Stupid (the Robbie Williams part), Smooth Operator and the song by The Fratellis which has lots of Do Do Do Dos in it.

Hopefully we’ll be able to download some more singable songs soon – or at least some that I know.

piratesLast night we went out to Groover’s work Christmas party. I was supposed to go to my work’s one but Groover’s was Pirate themed – a murder mystery set in the Salty Dog Inn (aka their workshop room). It was really good fun. I wore a corset and my long red wig and spoke in a throaty Irish accent (or something not that close) all night. I must have been reasonably close as someone thought I was Irish! πŸ™‚

My character was Mad Rose, Groover was Dirty Wiggins, the hangman and chief police officer. He had a starring role and his one liners were hot all night. He must have a sore throat like me because his Arrrrh’s were loud and frequent!

The pirate punch was lethal and at one point -despite my heel breaking – I was all for heading on down to the Burswood in full pirate kit to join my work party.
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sarah_trainNow about the choir photos. I’ve downloaded the camera and I’m afraid the news is not good. Either the photo is out of focus or you can’t find me or I’m obscured by a microphone. So here is one taken at the train station on our way.

And that’s about it. Only four days left of work before I’m on holidays and I’m SO looking forward to it. Lately my life has felt like an out of control train heading for a brick wall so I’m quite keen to put the brakes on.

No Christmas shopping done yet, but that’s per normal.

We’re heading to Connecticut to my sister’s for Christmas so I’ll probably do most of my shopping over there to save on luggage space. We’ll be over in the US for a few weeks so if you’ve got any tips as to places to visit – I’d love to hear them… or places to shop. πŸ™‚

(This is why we need to get that room sorted for our housesitters! Speaking of which, I’d better get off my lardy arse and get on with it. Groover? Wake up!)

The Choir Experience

07122007262You asked for photos (well Kelley did) and so here they are. Well here’s one taken by me from the stage. When we work out how to upload photos from The Orchid Hunter’s new camera I’ll add to the collection.

Not only that! Groover has put up a couple of mini-videos from his phone online – so go nuts!

It’s a bit hard to tell who I am but if you go four people to the right of the conductor and then one back – the girl in the Santa hat is me! Dark hair. Top step.
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It went so quickly! And Groover said the highlight for him was an arrangement we did of Waltzing Matilda – an arrangement we found so hard! So the effort was worth it.

The highlight for me was seeing Junior Poshi standing on her chair clapping and cheering. She was so supportive. The choir is staying together so I’m thinking of sticking with it. It is such good fun. If you live in Perth and want to join – let me know and I’ll see what I can do… wink wink.

Nothing like a good purge

It’s true and no laxatives used either.

Tonight I’ve been clearing out my website. All those old redundant files are now copied across to my thumb-drive and deleted, gone gone gone.

It now looks very neat. Just 2 folders… and three files… my index page, my htaccess and my little favicon which probably needs a little upgrade. And I think it fixed my RSS feed too. Double yay!

I’m feeling geeky that I am so happy about it.

The medication has really achieved cialis generico canada great worth in pharma world because it reduces the predicaments of erectile dysfunction in men, also called impotence. However, in the present generation, the younger generation could be due for recreational reasons or for sex enhancement.Performance anxiety is levitra viagra cialis also a big reason behind this increased usage. It get viagra overnight saves you from the embarrassment of going to urethra. These causes include:- The narrowing of blood vessels due to formation of plaque in the inner layer of the blood vessels cialis 10 mg (particularly around the penis) Psychological factors that can increase the level of risk are poor diet, low activity level and more weight than usual around the waist. Last night we had the final rehearsal for our choir. In one of the pieces we are joined by the Shine choir – a group of people with various disabilities and fantastic abilities including being able to sing over the top of a 120 strong choir. They have a blind pianist who is brilliant too.

We sing Shine On together starting really softly with a soloist from the Shine choir, gradually we build and last night I must say I got really emotional at the point we all really sung out. I don’t know why exactly but it just felt so special. I could hardly sing. (Which wasn’t good as that was when we were supposed to be loud!)

Our performance is Friday night in Forrest Place. The program starts at 6.30pm and we’re on at 7.20pm. We’ll be wearing bright red tee-shirts and big smiles. I had a listen to some of the recordings and we sound pretty good if I do say so myself. Amazingly good if you consider we only had 7 rehearsals.

So, if you’re in Perth, come on down and see us sing in the city! I’ll be second row from the back. πŸ™‚

My Christmas spirit is already wearing thin

04122007257Two end-of-school concerts in one day is enough to make any proud parent call for a bex don’t you think?

First up the daughter’s Edudance concert – which was quite nice and brief – the way a school concert should be. In about 40 minutes we’d had seven numbers. My daughter was brilliant of course. Compliments to the ex-Moulin Rouge dance teacher who even choreographed the item segues so we weren’t left for too long without something to watch or do. (No, no topless dancing for the under-12s in case you were wondering.)

Then the son’s end of year Christmas concert. Grumpy Groover came along with the daughter and I to this one – hey I went to both so I wasn’t going alone – and we sat down to be entertained, only wincing slightly.

Now the thing with music concerts is that they are NOT choreographed. And of course the school wants to show off the range of musical instruction. It leads to a pretty tedious two hours.

We started with the Junior/Intermediate Band playing (for the seventh time this year) the theme to Pirates of the Carribean. They play it well. It’s familiar. I like it. A good start. I thought to myself “Hey this might be okay after all…”

But they only played ONE TRACK and then we had to wait while two people moved ALL THE CHAIRS for the next piece – a five piece recorder ensemble. The recorders are okay but do you really need to move 30 chairs especially as the band is COMING BACK ON! Goodwill only goes so far.

Then we heard a flute ensemble… meh. Haven’t we heard flutes already in the band? And then an electric guitar solo. Now I don’t mind an emo playing guitar but couldn’t they be directed to perform?! Sitting on your chair and playing along to an mp3 player we couldn’t hear. Oh the pain! I’d rather they play Stairway to Heaven – at least I know the tune. And STAND UP for goodness sake! You’re a guitar player!

Then the choir came on – this is my son. Belt buckle not done up properly but otherwise quite smart. Don’t you wish you could rush on stage and dress them properly!

First tune was Shackleton which they’ve been practicing all year. They are pretty good although the piano drowned out the soloist… a pity. Then Tora Ora, which was okay. Then they decided to showcase their year 9 vocal students. Plainly they hadn’t done a soundcheck with the mikes which were so loud the young performers were quite thrown. You couldn’t hear the choir backing singers at all. They chose some complicated song and most of them were out of tune, probably freaked out with how loud they were… also it looked as if they had had no microphone technique taught to them… singstar on playstation doesn’t count.
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Anyway then we had two long boring tunes by the guitar ensemble – another long set change as they arranged chairs for them… then three short but pleasant tunes from the strings and finally another long set change as the intermediate band came back on… they played some woeful arrangement called Bugs and something else unremarkable. And finally FINALLY – everyone came on stage to sing Christmas carols.

A two hour program…

So here’s my advice if you are arranging a school concert:

  1. Plan your concert so you don’t have to continually re-arrange the furniture… that might mean solos and small ensembles first.
  2. If you are including solos/small ensembles – ONE ITEM ONLY.
  3. Song selection – familiar tunes work best with a mixed audience who are really only there to listen to one person. Short songs are also welcome.
  4. If planning to use microphones – do a soundcheck.
  5. If using a piano with a choir – put the choir in front of the piano – so we can hear them.
  6. Length – don’t feel you need to pad out to two hours. 60-90 minutes is enough for busy parents who possibly have several concerts to go to.

Finally, you may be sure that both my kids & Groover will be in attendence at MY concert this weekend as our choir sings in public for the first time. Mwah ha ha ha ha!!

F**ked Up

UPDATE: Ahh found it. Somehow I’ve removed a whole table from my database – categories – goodness knows how. I don’t remember doing that although I did delete other stuff. Anyway over the next little while I’ll be transferring info and then my lovely internets I will be whole again.

In the meantime, I’ll just blog as per normal…

I think we should start a new meme thingy though… how about “Backup Bluesday”?

Yes, I’ve been mucking around in the database.

Yes, I’ve deleted something I shouldn’t have.

No, I didn’t do a proper backup.
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Yes, I’m an idiot.

If you know what I should do now. Apart from give up and start writing with a pen and paper.

Please tell me.

cellobella [at]

* Well when I said I don’t have a proper backup… I’ve got one from a couple of weeks ago – so my question is if I restore the backup – will I lose my last couple of weeks of posts and your lovely comments??

What are rashies?

River asks following my last post: “What are rashies?” I wrote a reply in comments but since a picture really is a thousand words I thought I’d illustrate with a couple of pics.

Adventure World Dec 22nd 2002 021

Adventure World Dec 22nd 2002 005

Now you’ll note that the children in this photo look quite young – that’ll be because these photos were taken in 2002 – 5 years ago. In those days my boardies fit and I wore skin tight rashies… πŸ™‚

Anyway you probably get the idea.

I really don’t know why I stressed out about tight fitting boardies and my muffin top breaking loose. Once there we were treated to a great number of fashion victims people who just didn’t care.

Part of me was rejoicing. “You go girlfriend!” I thought Marcia-style as a woman who as a clear muu muu candidate chose instead to wear a bikini, sat eating her lunch not 20 metres away.

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At this point you are probably fairly pointing out that the kettle may be calling the pot indigenous. And it would be a fair point.

Then we noticed another lady who had obviously come straight from the office. She was wearing a knee length skirt, a singlet and one of those little V-necked tops with three quarter sleeves and the ties that go round the back. Down the Aqua Racer! Of course she might have thought to herself that she wasn’t going to go swimming but was tempted by all the fun we were having and decided WTF I’m just going to swim in my clothes.

But perhaps she tried on her boardies that morning – like me – and found they were a little snug. Maybe she went down to her local surfshop – like me – and the shop assistants were so unhelpful she thought “fuck that I’m just going to wear my smart casual clothes to Adventure World”. Maybe.

The blokes of course don’t care at all.


A moment in the sun

Meg at Blogpond has created a list for those of us who don’t quite crack the Top 100 Aussie Bloggers. And W00T!!!!* I made the list!

So I just wanted to say THANK YOU to all of you who have come here to read and maybe even comment.

The ranking is a combination of the Technorati and Alexa ratings.

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Champers for all?

*In an earlier edition of this post I revealed my complete dag – W00t now correctly spelled. πŸ™‚