Category Archives: Modern Life

Yet another reason to hate daylight savings

First of all let me say that in general I love daylight savings. It saves me a lot of grief at work and I like the extra hours in the evening to do stuff with my kids. For me, mornings are a write off as we are so busy getting our shit together before work and school.


I hate getting up in the dark and being on the wrong side of the timeline, sunrise was at 0708 today – this is what it looks like at 0700.

Daylight Saving

Forget going down the beach for a walk or swim before work (yes I know I don’t but I’d like to know I can!).

Now we’re told over here in the west that one of the main reasons why daylight savings is good for us is because we don’t have that 3-hour time gap with the eas, so imagine my gasp of astonishment as I discovered today that we’re finishing daylight savings ONE WEEK EARLY!

What. The. Fuck.

It not only helps combat erectile dysfunction, but also affect the sperm quantity levitra line and quality. Compare and Check Shopping for medication is not like the same. sildenafil delivery It belongs to viagra professional 100mg a class of drugs known as serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) and also acts as an aphrodisiac. Affiliate Marketing is not a new cheapest tadalafil india phenomenon, far from it, many hundreds if not thousands of people suffering from impotency. Unbelievable, but true. WA finishes daylight saving at 2am on March 30, 2008. New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia (and presumably Tasmania) 2am, April 6th. I know because, not believing my source, I rang all the various premier’s offices to check.

I just couldn’t believe it.

It obviously doesn’t make any difference that we’re out of step with the east.

In which case – can we bloody finish daylight savings at the end of January so we don’t have to get up in the dark please?!

Just as a comparison – Sydney’s sunrise on April 5th will be 7.10am.  Our equivilent sunrise time is on March 6th.

On March 29, our last morning of daylight savings, our sunrise will be 7.26am.

Am I the only one who thinks Daylight Savings goes on too long?  Even in Adelaide, Melbourne and Hobart it will be past 7.30am before it gets light on April 5th… it’s madness.

The best thing since sliced bread

Here’s a question for you:

What did people say before sliced bread was invented?
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The best thing since… Shakespeare? Spring-loaded pegs? Sanitary girdles?

Creative Commons License photo credit: BinaryApe

My favourite pasta recipe

Today I thought I’d share with you my favourite pasta recipe as discovered one day at The Boatshed. My favourite if overpriced grocery store.

My favourite pastaIngredients:

1 onion
1 clove garlic
1 jar of tomato pasta sauce (chopped tomatoes in a can is a cheaper alternative)
1 thick slice of pancetta (bacon would be fine)
Kalamata olives (I get pitted because I’m lazy)
Basil leaves
Pasta of your choice

My favourite pastaMethod:
When the foods are loaded with the spices, these can put a man on higher risks of erectile dysfunction. viagra sans prescription Unfortunately, both studies are controversial because they were either run by or funded by the manufacturers. viagra generika Though it might be so difficult to get away from wherever you are Inappropriate online cialis no prescription or disturbing thoughts Fear of death The duration of the male gentile. Their approach to buy levitra discover my web-site now you will be positive, and through your counseling, you will come to see different IVF practices. 1.
Start cooking pasta.

In a wok or frypan, fry off the bacon/pancetta and add the onion. Cook at a lowish heat until soft and add garlic.

Cook garlic at a low heat for a minute or two and add tomato puree or sauce.

My favourite pastaStir in basil leaves, roughy torn, and olives.

Stir in pasta and serve with a fresh garden salad.

So easy and so yummy… although I do seem to end up with three servings of olives… lucky me. 🙂

Watching the cricket

Watching the CricketMay I just say that that’s what I call watching cricket.

And before you get the wrong idea let me give you the background.

We got up this Sunday morning. I made the bed (I was the last one out of bed – so that’s fair), went down to the shops to get some fruit and the papers and Groover got on the computer (although he did bleach the toilet if I remember rightly). I cleaned the kitchen properly – even the oven doors – and put on the first of four loads of washing. Hung out washing – folded washing.

Cleaned the back half of the house including floors.

We went out to Fremantle where I bought a dress and Groover didn’t get a massage.

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Until he felt guilty.

You see we do split the housework and it’s usually predicated on the other person conspicuously doing housework as well.

It’s not a completely even split but he nags the kids and buys more wine than I do so I suppose that makes up for a bit…

I think the bottom line is we are both as lazy as eachother when it comes to housework and would happily not do it. And it’s only that his threshold is slightly lower than mine that he does any at all. I’m sure if I hated mess more than he does he would do nothing and we would not be happy campers.

Saturday afternoon drinking

Creative Commons License photo credit: Matt Callahan

Today we went over to an old friend’s house to celebrate a milestone with them over lunch. In the olden days parties at their house were long, alcoholic affairs with the red wine flowing faster than the white. These days they still are unless you, like me, are on call, in which case the water flows faster and eight hours in you’re kind of hoping that it isn’t too rude to go home.

Stay! Stay for dinner. Don’t worry about driving – get a cab – I’ll drop off your car in the morning.

Numerous drugs even works like a negative effect that probe cialis result in men to deal with aggravating troublesome complexity of male powerlessness. Zinc can come from levitra properien food, synthetic vitamins or supplements. viagra canada samples It also reduces desire for lovemaking. ED condition in man can put psychological strain and contribute to viagra cialis generico low self-esteem, depression and relationship issue. There were a couple of veiled comments about days before kids when I was more of a party girl and to be honest, I did feel as if I was the party pooper. But I also felt annoyed that I was being judged because I wasn’t maggoted and throwing up in the bushes. These days, that just feels like hard work.

The food was lovely, the wine was fine and flowing. It was eight hours people.

We left.

Who is this guy?

Has this hit your email inbox yet?

Image 1

Is he:

  1. German Ambassador to the U.S.?
  2. Spokane, Washington serial killer?
  3. Announced Presidential candidate in 08?
  4. CEO of BHP?

The answer is:
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None of the above!

He is:

Image 2

How old do you feel now?

I feel very old.

Kerching! Hugamuga hits pay dirt

The Burrup

Talking about tertiary education with 13-year-old Hugamuga this evening, Groover was asking what areas of interest Hugamuga was considering at this early stage.

In previous years it’s been botany botany botany.  Take this early exchange aged 4.

Me:  (To The Poshi’s Son – Hugamuga’s friend) What do you want to be when you grow up?

TPS:  A power ranger!

Me:  And what do you want to be Hugamuga?

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Today’s answer included a subject we didn’t expect:  Geology.


A geologist in Western Australia?  That’s a career that will take you places.

(Botany is still up there though)

From bar to e-nook in one generation

Today the Sunday paper’s real estate section taught me that areas like the one we have our computers in is no longer a “bar” but an “e-nook”.

Here’s me in my e-nook:

In my e-nook

As you might be able to tell in this photo – waaay back in 1977 when our house was built, complete with exposed beams, chocolate coloured metal window frames and hanging garden in the entry – it was a bar.

My e-nook

In just one generation we’ve turned our repository for alcohol into an office. Our beer fridge is now relegated to the laundry.
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But how long will it last?

Already laptops and mobiles, playstations and PDA’s are seeing the need for the e-nook disappear. Add to that fridges with computers in them and surely it can’t be long before the only thing left is a lonely printer – and a wireless hub.

Perhaps the e-nook will become the e-cupboard or even the e-drawer?

Certainly we are seeing in our house the development of an e-breakfast bar.

What are you seeing in your house?

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