Category Archives: Modern Life

What is the point of mounted police?

Mounted Police ex Geraldton GuardianComing home today I round the corner and was taken aback to see two police officers astride horses, clopping down the street. We all stopped at the cross roads and they politely waved me on, I turned right, and they proceeded to cross the road disappearing from my rear view mirror.

It’s an inner city suburb. I suppose there is some street crime. I’m not aware that it’s a particular hotspot at 5pm in full sunlight but I’m not regularly checking into it.

To be honest, I wonder at the value of the mounted police. The horses are lovely but really how effective are they? The police say that it has reduced crime in some areas by up to 50%. Really? Show me the figures.
It is often noted that people having this disability, who have started exercising, have actually found the same to be quite effective for many men, causing desirable erection when tadalafil sale they use. Anxiety, for example, is associated with more severe anemia often report dyspnea (shortness of breath) discount on cialis on exertion. This is one of vardenafil tablets india the most important reasons why men seek supplements. A good flow of cialis 5 mg blood is quite necessary to have a satisfactory sex life.
I get how they could be useful in crowd control situations, and possibly searching in the bush for missing persons, but inner city or suburban crime?

Prove me wrong if you know different… I’d like to be convinced. 🙂

A genuine question to Christians

This video is the second most watched comedy clip from Rowan Atkinson on Youtube.

And I’m wondering – if you’re Christian – is it offensive?

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My opinion – and I wouldn’t call myself religious – that it isn’t. But then again, would I say the same about a similar sketch based on the Koran? I’m not sure.

Please let me know what you think in comments.

The Grumpy Sherpa

Do you have a Grumpy Sherpa living with you?

We do.

The phrase was coined by Groover watching Dippity stomp off to school one day.

She was carrying her backpack, a sportsbag and a third bag carrying her laptop.

At least these days kids get backpacks. When I were a young lass it was a gaping stretched bag with one handle over the shoulder and the other about a foot to the side, stretched by more lever arched files than I knew what to do with. Plus lunch. Plus sports gear and all those heavy books. It can’t have been good for us yet I don’t have a back problem. Touchwood.

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I try to be sympathetic, I really do but often I find myself waving cheerily goodbye.

“Ta ta darling! Have a lovely day…” As I snigger at our newly minted description – our little grumpy sherpa.


Creative Commons License photo credit: Boo Boo Bumpy Bear

Broome Sunrise

The sun rises this morning over Roebuck Bay. I look out from in front of the apartments I’m staying in, over the mangroves. The grass is wet and my crocs (oh I know – just as bad as uggys) let the water in to my feet.

The air is warm and wet, heavy and still. It is about 26 degrees and only just 7am.
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I walk across the grass, get into my little hire car and go to work.

Another day in the Kimberley.

Back home baby!

Yes I’m home. Reluctantly boarding the plane after walking through the airport which looks like a pub… a tropical resort pub.

Hey guess what? I was randomly selected to…

… no, not move into Business Class. I wish…

… get tested for explosives! Because you know, I look highly suspect. Yes, yes the man was quite pleasant, said he was checking to see if anyone had tampered with my luggage – but you still feel a bit well, special, not in a good way.
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They stick this little rod thing with a piece of sticky tape on the end on your hands, near your pockets, in the pockets of your cases and finally in a little machine which can read traces of TNT and Nitroglycerine and presumably stuff like plastic explosives. Glad I don’t work in road building where they have to blow up rock to clear the way…

As expected I was clear to go. An interesting experience but not as nice as the explosive puffy machine in the Statue of Liberty which made my hair go floolf. Nothing like a little floolf I’ve always said…

Anyway I’m waiting for my Flip to download some videos… yawn… back soon when they are cooked. 🙂

Sandflies and Geckos

I’m in Broome.  At the station.  Sitting at the kitchen table with my laptop.  There’s a quiet moment.  My meetings still an hour away so I thought I’d check in with you my lovelies and get you up to date with my travels.

Arrived yesterday around 6pm.  It was HOT.  Sure it’s hot in Perth but add 67-70% or more humidity and it really is offensively hot.  I was wearing jeans and high heels and my feet started slipping in them within seconds.

Broome airport by the way, isn’t airconditioned.  It looks like a resort hotel, Kimberley style.  All corrugated iron and pergola like timber decoration.  Palm trees and yeah, that relaxed, slip into Broome time feel.

Found my little hire car on the grass lawn at the side of the car park and then drove around reaquainting myself with the town – I haven’t been here since 1994.

Sun Pictures – the outdoor cinema – isn’t where I remember it.  My mind must have been playing tricks on me.  The shopping areas of Old Broome are lovely – although all closed by 6 last night.  Covered verandahs, corrugated iron, a real colonial feel.  Okay I’ll take some photos and add them in later.

I’m staying at Moonlight Bay Residential Apartments.  And they are pretty nice.  Apparently some have spas.  Mine doesn’t.  It has a pool and a big grassed area that looks over the mangrove to the sea.
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We went to Zanders for tea last night.  Zanders is next door to the Cable Beach Resort and overlooks Cable Beach.  It’s one of those modern cafe style restaurants, licensed.  I had a chicken laksa which was good.  Overly sized and I couldn’t finish it though.

One of my favourite things so far is Goolari TV.  A community station run by the local Aboriginal broadcaster Goolari Media.  Really engaging, local stories.  Made you feel you were in Broome.

Have I mentioned I’m in Broome?

Shared my shower with a little gecko – that’s supposed to be good luck.

Got to work and saw the sandfly bites on one of the techs – he’s allergic to their wee or something.  Nasty!

Irony and Ornery

I was so angry today at work… not grumpy angry just… grrrr… “why are you bothering me!” angry.

Honestly if one more person had rung me with another inane, stupid question that if they’d thought about for hmmm maybe ONE minute they might have worked it out themselves.

My job is not doing your jobs for you people!

I shouted at the phone after hanging up quite a lot today.

But that’s not where the irony lay…

Today I spent the day encouraging, cajolling, organising about 30 people to get their heads around blogging.

That’s right. We get to blog at work.

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The irony is that I – possibly the person most keen on blogging in my division, in my state – don’t get a blog.


I might start one anyway just to be ornery. What d’ya reckon?


In good news – I have found my favourite jeans which have been lost for a week. And tomorrow I get to go to Broome. W00t.

Creative Commons License photo credit: blatch

The best four year old party

I’ve been to quite a few parties for four-year-olds in my time but today’s at a neighbourhood gym for my nephew, was the best.

Now my judgement may have been skewed by the fact that at 13 and 10, my children didn’t need close supervision, actually on reflection that was probably a big part of it, but the main reason I enjoyed this party was because I got the chance to let my inner child go.

I also loved the trampolining made even better by the terrific guy who ran the place who gave tips to adults and kids alike and was pretty good himself.
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Usually I hate kids parties. Especially when they’re not my own kids. You don’t know the other adults who are distracted by their kids running amok, high on sugar and fast food. You sit there being polite when what you’d rather be is sat in the car reading your book.

But this time, despite the maxi-dress, I got into it. And I especially liked it when the trampoline man complimented me on my pointed toes.

Seagulls steal sculpture show

As opposed to stealing your meat pie just as you walk out of the bakery… but that’s another story…

One of my favourite events is the Sculpture by the Sea exhibition at Cottesloe. The interaction with the landscape, the weather, the sculpture and the viewing public is just something special.

This year was no exception… and clearly the seagulls were impressed too.


Sculpture by the Sea 2008

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Sculpture by the Sea 2008

Sculpture by the Sea 2008

Just a note on Generation Y

Is anyone really surprised by this news?

A survey has revealed two thirds of West Australian graduate teachers plan to leave the profession within 10 years. (ABC News)

Now I have nothing against teachers. I am VERY grateful they have chosen the profession they are in. Very. Grateful.

To me, this story is just a beat-up by the Australian Education Union (who did the survey) to push teachers’ salaries up.

I would wager that most graduate teachers are in Generation Y.

Generation Y are known for changing jobs often:

…new job entrants are changing careers faster than college students change their majors, creating frustration for employers struggling to retain and recruit talented high-performers. (USA Today)

Generation Y consider five years a long time to stay with one employer:

Almost half of baby boomers believe they should stay in a job with the one employer for at least five years, but only a quarter of Gen Ys would consider such a long stay. (Herald Sun)

Generation Y want to keep their options open:

Four out of 10 respondents said they plan to stay at their job up to two years; only one in five foresees staying at his/her current job six years or longer. (SmartPros)

Is it any wonder then that two thirds of graduate teachers plan to leave the profession after ten years?

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Of course the Education Department aren’t let off the hook.

Generation Y are also known to be very demanding on employers, expecting new opportunities, training, and interesting work.

The department can’t just shove a Gen Y teacher into some outpost and expect them to stay there forever – or even more than a year. Certainly not without thinking about expanding that teacher’s horizons.

This is the commercial world we live in and the Education Department needs to think seriously about changing its practices to keep up with the times.

A recent APM Training Institute survey found most workers aged 18 to 29 expected travel opportunities, further training and social events as part of their employment packages.

It found many Gen Y workers also expected cash bonuses, health insurance and rostered days off. (Herald Sun)

That is the real story here. Long gone are the days where teaching was just a vocation.

Creative Commons License photo credit: ephotography