Category Archives: Modern Life

A wet day in Perth

Wet Day

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Not for the dinner table

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PS: Not really a good diet to try… Ewwww.

It’s a croc!

crocsI don’t mean to be judgemental but what were was the New Zealand Olympic Committee thinking?

Crocs? As part of the official uniform?

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Okay I know I own a pair but I wouldn’t wear them to an occasion!

When to let your teenager off the leash

Today is Hugamuga’s Independence Day.

Adventure World Dec 22nd 2002 005
This is Hugamuga in 2002, a somewhat younger version – aged 8, I wouldn’t have let him go alone at this age. đŸ™‚

Today, he met his friends on the train, travelled to Adventure World (two trains and a bus), enjoyed the day with his mates and returned home. He was responsible for organising himself, his money and his lunch. I did ask that he ring me when he left home so I knew he was on the road (and could begin worrying). He’s 13.

It was a scheme dreamed up by his friends at school. This one mate worked out the plan and invited his classmates and then whoever showed up showed up. Four showed up.

They had a blast. Roaming Adventure World in a little pack. I asked Hugamuga:

“So is it more fun with there with his mates or his family” (we go every year for a work Christmas party)
“Oh with my family of course!”
As a result, the prevention of an egg takes place from ripening and after being released from the ovaries after every month. levitra professional With the changing civilizations and modernization, the number of admission-seekers always exceeds that of the available dosages of cost of viagra pills viagra has been manufactured and tested clinically. viagra on line are blue sex pills that helps for Erection . is a medicine used by males to increase hair on the body and face. female viagra samples Chiropractors are advocates of prevention and regularly provide injury prevention awareness, helping people lead healthier lifestyles. 5mg cialis These can include walking, cross, going swimming, yoga exercise and a lot more. “We’ll go anyway…” I say sagely.
“Definitely with my mates!”

Yeah right.

My heart was in my mouth. Sure it’s just a mum cutting another of the apron strings (guffaws of laughter from friends imagining me wearing an apron), another step towards independence… but it was a milestone.

Not that I wrap the kids in cotton wool. I’ve let them walk to the corner shop on their own for years. I encourage them to walk to school, to their friends houses. Hugamuga rides his bike to training on his own…

Two trains and a bus.


The baby name wizard’s name voyager

Name Voyager is a fun web-gadget. You just type in your name and the wizard tells you how popular it’s been over the ages.

So my little family in order of number of times the name was used per million babies born today:

very popular
Ranked in the top 25/1000 in 2006.

Then Hugamuga:
getting more popular
No 371 in 2006.

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Groover\'s name voyager graph
Ranked 826 in 2006.

And finally Dippity:
er... none
Not in the top 1000 since the 1960s.

Emily is the most popular girls’ name in 2006, and for boys? Jacob. The lists.
Naming trends… did you know that hundreds of babies are named “Unique” in the US every year? Poor darlings.

Warning: This is a BIG timewaster!

Would you run in the torch relay?

Groover asked me the other day: “If I’d been selected to run in the Olympic Torch Relay in Canberra – would I pull out?” and it’s a question that has been plaguing me all week.

I imagine the thrill of being asked. The honour. The excitement of representing my chosen field, my family, my country, my Olympic representatives – the athletes who have trained so hard and for so long – in such a public event.

Then the dilemma. Does running mean that I support China’s action in Tibet? And if it does, can I live with myself if I run?

And then the horror of watching the other relays – in London, in Paris, in San Franscisco – and the debacle they’ve turned into. Watching other runners being caught up in the protest. Being attacked.

Being shoved into a warehouse as organisers try and work out what to do next.

Being surrounded by a phalanx of secret service guards.

Where is the honour in that? Where is the glory? Where is the pride?

So imagine. You’re sitting at home watching the news on the telly. Your torch relay uniform, clean and sparkling new is in its box. Your brand new sandshoes gleam. And you, with your heart in your mouth, have to decide whether you’ll take part.
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It’s easy to say “No I won’t take part” from your lounge room when you don’t have to make that decision but if you were actually in those gleaming new sandshoes… would you withdraw?

I am torn on this question.

What I will say on behalf of those who decided to run is that at least they have provided a very public platform for the protesters.

What about our athletes? Do they boycott? What difference would it really make? Did boycotting Moscow back in 1980 really achieve all that much? Could you turn your back on four years of training, of dreams?

Sport and politics should not mix. Is that possible in the real world?

So in summary: I think I would run in the relay as it is a great forum for the Tibetans to make their protest. I don’t think athletes should boycott the games, after all we don’t expect our companies to give up their trade contracts. And at this stage I think Kevin Rudd should consider not going to the Games although, I can’t imagine the Chinese would care if he were there or not.

Your thoughts?

Creative Commons License photo credit: Monster Pete

How to spell diarrhoea

On a recent holiday the question was asked: How many people in this house can spell diarrhoea correctly?


Groover insisted that he didn’t know anyone who could spell it off the bat, even those who profess to be good spellers.

This proved to be the case with an English major, teacher and journalist all failing admirably to spell it correctly. We’re not counting the engineer who can’t spell for toffee (or even possibly toffee).

It took us a while to even check the right spelling in the dictionary because we couldn’t find it due to the weird and unusual ways we were spelling it. Although, to be fair, we had put the engineer on dictionary duty.

So when we finally found the blasted word we decided we’d better make up a mnemonic to remember it and here’s what we came up with:
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Disaster in Arse, Run Run Hide, Or Explosion Arrives

Another one found on the net is:

Dash In A Real Rush, Hurry Or Else Accident!

I think ours is a little more… earthy? A little less school-friendly perhaps.

Which one do you prefer? Or do you have your own?

The power of the itch

Scratch it babyI’ve got an itchy foot. An actual itchy foot, not wanderlust. Or maybe it is wanderlust too? It’s just at the top of my left foot near where the leg starts but on the flat of the top of the foot… if that makes sense.

Have you ever noticed that if you start thinking about an itchy foot or somewhere else and you don’t scratch it immediately that all of a sudden other bits start getting itchy… like your right shoulder, the back of your left thigh where it’s against the chair, your head… And then you scratch your foot but it’s too late …your shoulder, thigh, damn now my chin niggles at you.

What’s going on?! It was just my foot one minute ago!

Does that ever happen to you?

It’s like when you hear someone talking about nits – that’s it! I’m scratching my head. Even if there is no, absolutely no chance of me having them, I’ve been living on my own in the desert for a month, no contact with children and my head is shaved anyway… suddenly it’s itchy.

Sorry. Are you scratching your head now?

That was just mean wasn’t it? But isn’t it true!!
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It’s like our bodies are pre-programmed for suggestion… maybe it comes from when we were apes… I mean we’re still apes but when we were in the jungle picking lice off eachother… maybe it’s hard-wired into our DNA to scratch so that others will come over and groom us, pick the odd crawly out of our hair…

After all that saying “I’ll scratch your back, if you scratch mine” had to be based on something…

GROOVER! What are you doing? My back! Oooooooh darling that’s it… a bit to the left… ahhhhh.

What? You’ve got an itch where?

Isn’t it time for me to be putting on the dinner…

Creative Commons License photo credit: belgianchocolate

2020 – I’m just not engaged

Can you name these players?

No, not the cricket game… the 2020 Summit!

(I bet John Howard wishes it were a cricket game…)

Yeah the summit. Where 1000 Australians will discuss matters of import such as:
* Productivity Agenda – education, skills, training, science and innovation
* Australian Economy – the future of the Australian economy
* Sustainability and Climate Change – population, sustainability, climate change and water
* Rural Australia – future directions for rural industries and rural communities
* Health – a long-term national health strategy – including the challenges of preventative health, workforce planning and the ageing population
* Communities and Families – strengthening communities, supporting families and social inclusion
* Indigenous Australia – options for the future of Indigenous Australia
* Creative Australia – towards a creative Australia: the future of the arts, film and design
* Australian Governance – the future of Australian governance: renewed democracy, a more open government (including the role of the media), the structure of the Federation and the rights and responsibilities of citizens
* Australia’s Future in the World – Australia’s future security and prosperity in a rapidly changing region and world
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Sorry, where were we?

Yeah the summit. I don’t know why but this one just hasn’t captured my imagination. I’m sure it’s all very worthy. I’m sure some good stuff will come out of it. Eventually. I’m not saying it shouldn’t go ahead. But… I’m not excited.

And if that makes me a head-in-the-sand, political neophyte who couldn’t give a toss about the future of this great country… well.


Because I wish I were more engaged! I wish I did care a little more. I wish I had time to read the briefing papers and think about the issues involved. To have my say. To stand up and make a difference.

Maybe, you just have to be there.

Maybe that’s one good reason why I’m not.


Swimmer statue in PerthWe’ve had 63 mm of rain in Perth today. The wettest start of April which more than doubles the previous record set in 1964. 90.6mm. W00t. Not good news for those promoting the second desalination plant in Binninup – always easier to get those things through when the dam levels are low, and not good news for those planning today’s Medieval Fayre.

Today I woke up at about 10am… I heard the sports guys on the radio going on about the rain and how it would probably clear by the afternoon in time for the clash between the Dockers and the Eagles and I rolled over and congratulated myself for taking the washing off the line.

I got up briefly. Made myself a coffee and crumpet and slothed back to bed and read a bit more of my (unexpectedly racy) novel.

A girlfried called and we chatted for awhile…

And as we were chatting, there was a knocking at my door…

Another friend had dropped by. I LOVE the drop in, although it was slightly inconvenient as I was as I say, on the phone and in my pjs. I made plans with my friend on the phone to catch up tomorrow, pulled on some jeans and went to see my visitor.

I had a lovely morning. We ended up going to Spotlight where I’m considering buying a sewing machine. Yes yes I know I’m not the world’s most obvious dressmaker and lets face it – do I really have the time – but oh those machines… I just love them. The fancy stitches which I’d never use, the LED lights, the bobbin racks and pull out accessories drawer.

I said to my friend… “Hmmm the NS10 only has a single needle. Do you really need the twin needle option?”
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She said yes.


I got home eventually and as I logged online remembered that it was the day of the Medieval Fayre. Hey nonny nonny and all that stuff. Having watched Gladiator (isn’t that a surprisingly good movie?) the night before I was even ready to watch a couple of geeks in armour throwing a sword around. I was.

Pulling the kids in the car we headed off to the city. “Isn’t this exciting!” I enthused as we passed the statue in the river, today sporting a towel and beach spade… “Something new to do together!”

Yes, full of the joys of spring we drove until reaching Supreme Court gardens where we saw the remnants of the fayre packed up. Stacks of white plastic chairs (oh so medieval!). The odd scattered tent. Puddles.

It was only 3.15 and the Fayre was supposed to finish at 5pm. It was so unfayre!

We went to see The Spiderwick Chronicles instead. Which was fayrely entertaining movie.