Category Archives: Modern Life

Thinner is better


I know, I know, you were thinking I was about to post about Fashion Week again… you were weren’t you? But no.

Today I’m just drooling over the keyboard at the Mac Book Air. Noice.

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btw if you are thinking of starting a blog – there are some useful tips on this site.

In other thin news, today I signed up (but haven’t paid a deposit yet) for a kickstart fitness program. Two weeks of hell starting May 12. So at the end of May I should be thinner, fitter and companion to a new computer. And that will be noice.

I’m too old for 2am bedtime

I’m old. Period.

Just sat in a Mike Walsh presentation on the future of media. Mike Walsh entitle’s himself – Managing Director of Tomorrow. And the tomorrow he sees is a world where The Naturals are under 20 and the rest of us are not older… we’re old.

[of course the old among us will be wondering if how a tv has-been ended up as a futurist but then again, we’re old]

It’s an interesting future where movies are free and content is king – although not owned. Makes me feel a little better about seeing my posts appear on aggregation blogs.

It’s the way of the future my friend.

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What I liked about his presentation – apart from his message – was the presentation itself. A mash up of video, photographs, groovy slides and sound bytes while he maintained an energetic verbal presentation clicking his remote mouse thingy without looking at the screen behind him. Impressive. The full surround sound.

We were sitting in the Marigold restaurant eating Yum Cha. You know I think the last time I had Yum Cha was in Sydney too. Twenty years ago. I’d forgotton how delicious it was. We scoffed our little gooey balls of yumminess and drank cup after cup of green tea and thoroughly embraced the future. Well. As much as one can when one is as old as I am. 🙂

At least I write a blog and I have a little share button below for you to share what you like. I might not update my myspace page or participate anymore on facebook or twitter but at least I have a passing acquaintance with the technology which I hope will allow me to “interface” with my “natural*” children.

*those born in or after 1994

Not at Fashion Week…

Just a quickie tonight. I’m in a hotel room in Sydney where I’m ensconsed for the next couple of days for a conference… no not anything to do with fashion week. I know you are shocked that I would not automatically be invited given what a fashionista I am… oh what? You’re not shocked?

We had dinner at Yai this evening, a trendy Thai eatery in Surry Hills. Very nice food but don’t get the banquet – far too much food! Most interesting dish a papaya salad – spicy HOT! Quite citrusy flavours.

It was not the smoothest of trips, we waited 2 and a half hours in Perth airport for the plane to depart – in the end they had to get another plane – but I sat next to a young fellow from the department of defence who’d lost his licence (for 3 years) for drink driving. Yes we had an interesting chat.

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You really don’t think I’m a fashion plate?


Sleeping bag cover up!

Dippity is going camping. Her first camp with her new school. She’s pretty excited but a little worried that she won’t be able to get her sleeping bag into its bag. And I don’t blame her.

What is it with sleeping bag makers!

Why can’t they design a bag that makes it easy for a kid use?

Now sure, I could have TMATP* and bought a down filled stuff-in sleeping bag. I have one of those myself and they are great. Warm, compact and best of all easy to store in its little bag. Instead I decided to cut the price tag by more than half and buy a very warm, good quality bag that you need to roll up and put in its bag. IMPOSSIBLE.

It’s hard enough for me, let alone a 11 year old.
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sleeping bags

Am I alone?

Tell me about your sleeping bag woes…

*TMATP = Thrown Money At The Problem

Rice cooker Organic Beef Dark Ale Casserole

beefcasseroleLet me share with you Groover’s delicious recipe for beef casserole that he made up himself taking inspiration from several recipes.

It is perfect for a wet wintry day and very rich.

The idea is to get it started in the morning and then go away and leave it. Come back for an evening meal and in the meantime enjoy the beautiful aromas of comfort food.

Rice cooker organic beef and dark ale casserole.

1 kg of oyster blade beef (or any cheap cut of organic beef)
100g pancetta cut into cm cubes
250 mL of beef stock
1 bottle (330mL) dark ale or stout (eg Guinness)
1 can of crushed tomatoes
500g small brown onions
one bunch of baby carrots
300g mushrooms
2 cloves garlic
handful fresh rosemary, finely chopped
50g plain flour
2 anchovies (the secret ingredient)
2 tablespoons of Worcester Sauce
1 teaspoon Marmite (the other secret ingredient)
handful of flat leaf Italian parsley, chopped
zest of one lemon
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1 tablespoon Olive Oil
Salt and pepper to taste

Put olive oil in pan and fry off the pancetta. Remove pancetta and place in bottom of rice (or slow) cooker. Mix the flour salt and pepper and chopped rosemary and cut the beef into three or four centimetre chunks and coat liberally in the seasoned flour.

Brown the beef in the pan to seal and caramelise the beef quickly – you don’t want to cook it through – feel free to do this in batches. Place beef on top of the pancetta in the rice cooker.

Finally, peel the onions and garlic and quickly pan fry in the remaining oil and throw on top of beef.

The onions are meant to be whole and not cooked, just lightly glazed with the oil. Deglaze the pan with the sherry and pour juice over the ingredients in the rice cooker.

Add the stout and stock, chopped mushrooms, anchovies, tomatoes, marmite and Worcester Sauce and close the rice cooker. Put the cooker on cook and then let it simmer on “warm” for the next 6-7 hours (the rest of the day).

The house will fill with delicious comfort foody smells.

About two hours before serving throw in the washed baby carrots.

Just prior to serving add the chopped parsley and zest of a lemon.

Serve with mashed potato and green salad.


Nothing like a biosolid necklace to make you feel better

Margaret Domurad proudly wears the treatment plant productI’ve been feeling poorly over the last 24 hours. Vomiting. And I never vomit. In fact I reckon you can divide the world into vomiters and non-vomiters. Vomiting is much more stressful for a non-vomiter. Such a shock to the system.

Anyway, it’s all been a bit bleah.

Luckily I live with Groover who cheered me up with a little article from “Flowing Forward” produced by the Water Corporation‘s Communication Division.

The entire process takes about half an hour but it is essential to know that ED victims has to be exercised completely with enough amount of water without chewing or crushing. click here to find out more soft pill cialis It is enticing to buy cheap prices in uk viagra that allows men to get and maintain a strong and positive psychological foundation keeps that overwhelm in check. Erectile dysfunction is a common problem that is faced by cialis price online millions of women in this world. Then can prostatitis be radically cured with rhubarb fumigation therapy? Dr. levitra without prescription Margaret Domurad (pictured) is wearing shit. Yes. Literally.

She collected some “biosolids” – that’s Water Corp speak for poo – and crystalised them at about 1400 degrees centigrade. She then asked a friend to make them into a necklace. Apparently it doesn’t smell.

I can’t see it taking off though. Not in a big way.

Another candidate for the Darwin Awards

Father Carli photo by Renita Pelissari/APNot heard of the Darwin Awards? These are for people who remove themselves from the gene pool voluntarily by accidentally killing themselves in stupid ways.

Now Father Carli has not been declared dead yet and as a Roman Catholic Priest you would have to say that he’s already voluntarily removed himself from the gene pool…

The last time he was spotted he was floating south east over the Atlantic… he did have a satellite phone and GPS with him. Unfortunately the batteries died as he admitted to potential rescuers that ah… he was having difficulty using his GPS. Problemo.

Tadalafil is sold under few other brand names such as like Kamagra, and Kamagra oral jelly, cialis australia, Caverta, Zenegra, Silagra, Zenegra, and Forzest etc. Excess testosterone in the body leads to the body to down-regulate levitra 10 mg its own testosterone production and men that use anabolic steroids. The nursing mothers are also prohibited to be involved in the consumption for the safety of their discount on cialis own homes. Depression, stress and levitra 60 mg feeling nervous while having an intercourse can be one of the reasons which can lead to depression. – Nutritional Imbalances Many important nutrients, especially the B vitamins, minerals such as zinc and calcium, as well as antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids in acai help maintain mental clarity and alertness. 33. They have found some of the balloons.

Watch a video.

Lets hope he’s okay.

Finding out about Zimbabwe

What do I know of Zimbabwe? Not much.

I know Mugabe is corrupt. That hundreds of white farmers have relocated to Perth, that the elderly white people who can’t relocate are in dire need. That the recent election is a mess. (could that be the understatement of the year?)

I don’t know much about Zimbabwe.
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But The Poshi does. And she urged me to follow this link. [Warning: some of the images are distressing]

And sent me this mp3 to listen to – a spoof from a south African radio station – It’s a must listen.

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Creative Commons License photo credit: sara.atkins

Fingernail vanity


I know posting about this is tantamount at waving a red flag at fate and saying “Yoo hoo! Over here! Time to break a fingernail!” but I don’t care.

I’ve managed to grow my fingernails quite long and they’ve not broken all week, despite gardening on Sunday and I wanted a record..
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By the way anyone watching East of Everything on Sunday nights? What do you think?
I’m thinking it’s not quite Seachange but I’m starting to enjoy it three episodes in… and that Richard Roxburgh is pretty cute…

Me and Chas Licciardello

Claiming that my son is a huge fan and would be sick-makingly jealous if I had my photo taken with him, I stood next to the (surprisingly not tall) Chas Licciardello from The Chaser and smiled.

Chas and Me

Of course it’s me who is the big fan… and Hugamuga… but one doesn’t want to be so uncool. Oh except… um… I guess it’s pretty lame to then display the photo on your blog… And I don’t want to appear a stalker but that’s 2/5!

I took the family to The Chaser’s Age of Terror Variety Hour at His Majesty’s Theatre this week. I was amused, I laughed out loud, I sniggered, I wondered if we’re going to have a problem in the future recycling all those reusable green shopping bags…

A Green Shopping Bag

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Hugamuga LOVED it.

It’s like a Uni Review crossed with the Chaser’s TV show. The demographic was young. It was fun.

Details of the show.

Speaking of things happening in Perth… apparently the World Blog Awards are in our fair city in August…