Category Archives: Modern Life

Bring back the V-neck

look at those aborted v-necksThere’s a big thunderstorm in Perth today so I am staying in and blogging, ignoring the shop I have to do and any other chores.

Groover is watching the Eagles get thrashed by Collingwood and I find myself irritated by their jumpers. It seems to be a trend that the new footy jerseys have this little bit across the V that I think looks NAFF.

Is it just so their clothing sponsor can show their logo?

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A V-neck is so much more stylish. And there’s even the chance of seeing a tuft of manly hair to get the ladies excited.

C’mon you footy teams – bring back the V-neck. You know I’m right.

Are you glad to see me or is that a light sabre in your pocket?

I was lying on the couch. Prone. Tired. Too tired to go to bed. When Groover leapt up and said:

“I downloaded a groovy application for my phone today I think you’ll like…”

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Bwah ha ha ha…

Where is my billionaire?

Today it’s a bit of a bits and bobs post…

I learned that 62% of billionaires marry brunettes. Where’s mine? Or are you not telling me something Groover?

Groover's 40th

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I’m loving Angela’s Ashes. I thought it would be depressing but in fact I find it inspiring.

And I’m thinking about doing this. Just thinking mind…

The Iron-y of Karratha

Millstream Road
Tom Price to Karratha Road

I spent today in Karratha. A balmy 32C. My bones were warmed. The people there, friendly and welcoming.

But you know, it’s not the most attractive place. Housing is at a critical shortage and it seems unless you know someone and that someone has a spare room – you can’t find anywhere affordable to rent. Certainly not on a government salary.

There is one shopping mall.

There is a hospital but if you’re pregnant – forget it – you either fly to Perth or travel two hours to Port Hedland.

It takes months to see a dentist – even if you have a toothache, there is one gynaecologist, there’s even a month long waiting list to get a haircut. And if you’re car breaks down… well I hope it doesn’t.

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Because the agreements the big companies struck with the government when they first developed the area 30+ years ago are still in place, Rio Tinto, Woodside, etc pay less in local taxes than small businesses.

And because the shire gets funding based on numbers of rate-paying residents and so many of the workers in the North west are Fly-in Fly-out workers – the shire cannot afford to improve many of the services.

This town, and many others in the area are sitting on a goldmine… or rather an iron ore mine and natural gas line. The government collects millions of dollars in royalties and yet a trickle gets back to the people that live there.

So when I hear the State Government whine about WA supporting the whole of Australia at the moment – about how the Commonwealth take more than their fair share of the taxes raised – I think about how the residents of Karratha must feel watching all that money roll out of town and watching a debate over a Ferris Wheel and whether or not it should be erected on the Perth foreshore.

At least they’ve got a nice road.

Why I don’t like painting houses

Don’t get me wrong – I’m up for helping out my brother when he needs me so I went round to his house on Sunday to see how he was going with tarting up his house – which he is renting out while he lives in Melbourne… on the way there…

Port Beach

Sunday afternoon and all the cargo liners head out to sea…

Before we began

The aim was to paint an undercoat over the green paint in the kitchen.

The paint mixers

Of course first we had to mix the paint and luckily the earlier gardening provided a good stirrer.

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Nearly finished

Dippity fills in the last little bit of the undercoat.

Interestingly my brother said at one stage: “I feel as if I’m painting out part of my soul..” He’d painted the wall green when he’d first moved in. Still it’ll keep the tenants happy.

Dippity had a great time. My brother’s walls got painted. I wore gloves, an apron, took my shoes off and rolled my jeans up but still managed to get green paint on the underside of my foot which ended up staining my ugg boots.

Not. Happy. Jan.

(Damn… did I just admit to wearing ugg boots out of the house?!)

The facts about fiction

I got up this morning – bleary eyed – after a late night with friends at ours. We’d played Singstar (oh my poor neighbours), 500 and Visualeyes and it is possible that the Kahlua flowed a little too freely.

Falling into the black leather computer chair, before even putting on the kettle or cleaning the kitchen this morning, I checked this blog. Sonia (whose been known to tell a tale or two in her time) had commented overnight and my Entrecard widget was now showing Ken Armstong’s Writing Stuff.

I don’t know much about young Ken. He’s a playwright. He lives in Ireland. He’s close to my age. He tells a good story. I like him.

Looking for a shamrock

Yes there’s definitely a touch of the Blarney about him.

Today he writes about how he “enhances” his stories to tell a tale. How he weaves facts from different events into a story.

Immediately I was inspired to try it out. I write for a living. How hard can it be?

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Perhaps I am more literal than literary.

The interesting thing about Ken’s post today is that by “enhancing” his story he arrives closer to the truth than the bare facts would allow.

And that is the magic of fiction.

When we read a novel, short story or play, we are taken not only to a new place, a new situation, but we experience new emotions. You can’t tell someone to “feel sad now – this is the sad bit”. It has to be contained within the writing to take you to that place within yourself… to make you reach for that tissue box.

Having read Ken’s analysis I find myself thinking that writing a story is much like creating a soup. A little bit of this, a little bit of that… the whole greater than the sum of it’s parts. From that boiled and bubbled cauldron comes a little bit of magic.

Which reminds me – I’d really better be getting on with cleaning the kitchen.

Six tips for great public speaking

Here’s what I learned from giving last night’s speech to 138 members of an exclusive men’s club. It was ladies night so I was speaking to the members and their wives. I was keen to do well as I was speaking in front of my parents and many of their close friends… not to mention Groover.

Ennuin Easter 2007

1. Choose your subject well

You are normally given a little leeway in what you can talk about – find out who your audience is. In my case it was an older audience – average age probably 65 – and I knew that most of them had grown up with my radio station so I went back and relived some of their history – and I tried to find links between the club and the story of the radio station.

2. Know your subject

Even though I didn’t write my speech till the night before I had been researching the topic for a while and knew the history well. This allowed me to tell the story without using notes… although it was helpful to write out the full speech to get a sense of how it might flow.

3. Test your equipment

I used archival audio pieces which enabled me to take a breath and re-group in my mind for the next section… but to do that the equipment had to work. First off I added about 4 minutes of blank sound after each piece – so that the tracks couldn’t run into each other. Secondly I went in early to test the equipment. Twice.

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4. Practice

I had several practices. One where I timed myself, and two others in front of two very supportive individuals – my boss and Groover. This helped me learn the material.

5. Trust yourself and have fun

Instead of reading word-for-word I just wrote a list of key memory-joggers for each paragraph – or section of my speech. Then I told stories around each key word. This helped to keep eye-contact with the audience and allowed me to ad-lib. And someone told me just before I started to enjoy it. Great advice! I was sad when it was over. 🙂 Warning – add about 5 minutes to your timed speech.

6. Have a clear end-point

You need to make sure your audience knows when you’re finished so they know when to clap. Make it easy for them with a good punch line and then a thank you.

I hope that helps you next time you have to give a speech or talk. It’s helpful to remember that the audience are willing you to do well – so use that energy!

More tips

How do you react to deadlines?

Me, I love deadlines – and a daily deadline is the best. Long term projects I end up doing at the last minute anyway so they feel like a daily deadline.

Freshwater Bay

Take this speech I am giving tomorrow night. I’ve known about it for weeks. And I’ve been gathering bits and pieces to put in it over that time and doing a lot of thinking but I’ve not been able to gear myself up to write it until tonight. Tonight. I am ashamed to write it down. But it is just the way I’ve always been.

The more nervous I am the harder I find it to get started. I’m a bit nervous. Public speaking is nothing like radio.

Interestingly it’s the opposite with Groover – the more nervous he is, the more he prepares until he over-prepares and (he says) loses all his spontaneity.

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Having said that, because I’ve lived with my topic for so long now and because I’m interested in it – I found it very easy to write and hopefully deliver tomorrow.

I was the same with exams – especially the big ones – and job interviews.

And I know I’m doing it! I just can’t seem to make myself change my behaviour.

So what about you? Are you a last-minute Laurissa or a pre-prepared Pete?

Stirling Highway Icon

In the olden days when I was a young reporter based in Bunbury (two hours south of Perth) and in love with a young salesman living in a flat in Cottesloe… bless him, he taped my rural report on rye grass and apple scab over his ex-girlfriend’s tape of favourite songs… I used to make the the trip to Perth nearly every weekend.

I knew I was almost at his place when I saw this sign – painted on the Allied Mills in North Fremantle:

Dingo Flour mill

The Dingo Flour sign – associated with the notorious entrepreneur Alan Bond – in his younger, sign-painting days – even though apparently he never actually painted it – is an icon on Stirling Highway.

To me it always signals the end of a long journey.

When I stopped there the other day to take this photo I got a bit carried away…
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Dingo Flour mill

Dingo Flour mill

Dingo Flour mill

Dingo Flour mill

And that young salesman was of course, my Groover.

The trouble with keys

Is they accumulate in odd places, in those drawers you keep meaning to clean out, like sand in a beach carpark or dust bunnies under the bed they drift together until you have no idea what they were for or even if they were yours in the first place.

My brother

I was at my brother’s house today. He has a studio built out the back and while he has been living in Melbourne has rented out the house in the front. The tenants have moved out and before the new ones move in, he wants to do a bit of repair work. Problem is – he can’t find his keys.

The conversation went something like this:
I know they are here somewhere. he said.
Where did you last see them? I said.
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What were they in? I said
A clear plastic bag. he said.
You mean these ones. I said.

My brother's keys

In this huge collection of keys the ones with the red tag are his house keys and the tiny silver ones down the bottom fit into a lock (but don’t turn it). The rest? Who knows. They just accumulated in a little plastic bag in the toolbox.