Category Archives: Modern Life

What’s on your Saturday to-do list?

Here’s mine:

  1. Get up and join group for Jacob’s Ladder experience – do JL 4 times and run up and down Mount St Hill twice.  Completed.
  2. Stand in pool for 20 minutes to help my aching legs (apparently it’s what you do).  Done.
  3. Eat breakfast, fruit salad.  Done.
  4. Blog.  Nearly complete.
  5. Get hair dyed, temporary rinse.  9.45
  6. Exercise my democratic right.  Vote!  I just LOVE elections.
  7. Take sewing machine to repair shop.
  8. Iron black trousers for tonight.
  9. See if I can fit in a massage or tomorrow will be hell… depends on Mum.
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  11. Go to work.

How much fun is election night eh?  And tonight’s looks to be a doozy.  

Centrebet last night had brought down the price of the Libs to $3.10 and the latest poll looks like the Libs by a landslide.  I tend to believe the punters though – they are after all putting their money where their mouth’s at and with Labor at a dollar something… well? 

At any rate with all the changed boundaries and new seats and new independents it will be a fun night… and I get to work in the Tally Room!  W00t!  

In other news, standing on top of Jacob’s Ladder today – pictured – I looked down at those white trees I was telling you about earlier – and you can really see where the birds have been – if you know what I mean.  I was heartened by another in our group saying that she went past them all the time too and thought they had died because of all the building dust.  

Jacob’s Ladder meanwhile, I’ve learned refers to to a ladder to heaven, described in the Book of Genesis, which the biblical patriarch Jacob envisions during his flight from his brother Esau.  

I think it’s more of a ladder to HELL!

OMG my legs are sore.

Anyhoo gotta go – hair appointment!

Hope you get your to do list done. 🙂

Please help Ivy by signing the petition

One of my must reads is Three Ring Circus. Tiff writes about her family of 7 kids, including little Ivy who is struggling at the moment.  

Reading her struggles makes me grateful every day for the health for my two.  (touchwood)

The thing is, Ivy needs a particular drug to help her, and approval has been denied.  Her paediatrician is going to plight her case to the drug board and in the meantime a petition has been set up to support his application.  Here’s a summary of Ivy’s story.
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It’s really easy to sign on and takes about 4 minutes tops, and that’s if you’re a really slow typist!

Please.  Sign the petition and lets get Ivy the drug she needs to live a healthy, happy life.  And for Tiff’s family to do the same.

Update: Tuesday 9th September. Good news – Ivy is going to get the drug she needs.

The mystery of the white trees of Perth

For the last few years when driving past the man-made lake on Mounts Bay Road in Perth I’ve wondered why all the trees are white.

The white trees of Perth

The kids always ask me why, and I, like the guy on that ad – you know the Great Wall of China is to keep the rabbits out guy – make up some rubbish because I don’t know.

Like: “It’s the dust from the roadworks where they are building the railway.” Which of course didn’t hold water after the railway was opened last year…

The other day I decided enough was enough. I was going to get to the bottom of this for once and for all. I stopped the car, got out and investigated, Nancy Drew style.

These trees look as if they have been spray-painted and now I can reveal that they have… in a way.

Bird in flight

This bird – and his mates – are the culprits. Up in the branches there is a colony of these black birds (does anyone know what they are)… and that white stuff?
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You got it. Guano. Birdshit.

Doh! I should have guessed that.

It was, perhaps not surprisingly, very obvious. It coats the trees from the top to the ground – I’m surprised they can photosynthesise at all.

Mystery solved.

Just call me Nancy.

Motivation for the un-fit

Don’t worry.  This won’t be a long post about how painful my ten days of intense fitness training are proving, or how pathetic I looked at the top of the DNA tower in Kings Park after the eighth time.  No.

in step

I simply want to share with you two quotes and ask you which you’d find more motivational to keep exercising.

1.  Your 16 year old son says – “Mum those pants are too tight.  It looks like you’ve got a front bottom!”

The Barclays board hopes that the departure of Mr Agius, who had a difficult relationship online levitra canada with shareholders, will relieve some pressure on the bank’s embattled chief executive, Bob Diamond. It was initially produced by Pfizer chemists. viagra spain For my long clinical practice, I observe many mild acute pancreatitis buy cheap levitra after that. When one suffers from this medical condition, it affects their confidence cialis canada generic levels, their self esteem, their romantic lives and even their sexual satisfaction. 2.  Your husband says to you – “Don’t give up.  Pain is just weakness leaking out of your body.”

Both have been said to participants in my fitness group… so I guess you could say both work.

But do they work for you?

Creative Commons License photo credit: patrick dentler

City to curse

Yes I was cursing a little as I staggered down or rather up Oceanic Drive.

City to Surf. 12 kilometres from St George’s Terrace – the heart of Perth’s CBD, to City Beach – winds its way through the pleasant suburbs of Subiaco, Jolimont and Floreat.

37,000 people ran walked and pushed their way on Sunday and I, for the first time, was one of them.

I nearly died.

City to Surf 2008

The day started at 6.30 when I got up to get ready. I caught the train at 7.09 and made it to the city by 7.30. The train was packed with excited, expectant participants. Packed. They’d doubled the number of carriages and it was packed. We walked through to St George’s Terrace and joined the huge crowd.

I was walking and by happy circumstance the exact spot where the walkers start is where my friends from work chose to meet – London Court.

I think a few were surprised to see me. I’m not the fittest little black duck.

The race started and we piled into the main road, in with the throng. You shuffle forward slowly towards the start line. It’s high-tech you know. A little thingy you tie on your shoe registers your start time as you cross the line and as soon as we did the crowd seemed to thin a bit.

The first hill, up by Parliament House is not known as Heartbreak Hill for nothing. It’s long. It’s steep. My untrained thighs kept up with my fitter companions.

But then… I slowed down and they moved ahead. Later I learned that some of them ran the rest of the way. I’m afraid for me running was not an option.

City to Surf 2008

I walked past the first watering point – 2 kilometres in – amazed at the amount of litter. They had used plastic and cardboard cups – the plastic ones crackling underfoot as thousands walked past, kicking them to the curb. In later points they only used paper cups so maybe they ran out?

There was also a bank of toilets and bizarrely so close to the start of the race there was a HUGE queue. I walked on.

I’d completely lost sight of anyone I knew at this point.

Two kilometres on I was feeling a twinge in my hip flexor – you know the one I injured a few weeks back – and my calves were starting to ache.
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My boss walked past – and he had a heart operation this time last year…

At the 6 kilometre mark I was in pain. My gluts were burning. I ate a muesli bar.

At 8 kilometers I was also busting – but the queues for the few loos were enormous – I pushed on.

This is the last hill:

City to Surf 2008

I rang mum to see if she had time to give me a massage. She wasn’t home.

I decided I was going to get into a queue for a toilet… at that point a half hour time delay wasn’t that important.

Finally I could see the sea and then… the finish line.

City to Surf 2008

I almost jogged with joy but I was in too much pain.

Pain with the exertion of the walk and in the realisation as to how UNFIT I am.

Hey… but I still got a medal!

City to Surf 2008

Hmmm not looking too good, and that grin looks a bit forced…

The next day – I got up at 5.30 for a brisk 3 kilometre run – yes I’m doing the fitness thing again.

And it felt good to say – with all the fit people that ran in it – yeah I did the city to surf yesterday…

Next year I’m hoping to beat my time… and let me tell you – that won’t be hard. 🙂

A dinner for clever people

Remember how we won that quiz nite way back in July? Well last night we used the prize – a $500 voucher at Lamonts in Cottesloe.

Winners are grinners

Winners are grinners.

This is another Kate Lamont restaurant to go with the East Perth posh dining and the more rustic fare in the Swan Valley.

The business model is a wine bar, serving little plates of yumminess – none of which I photographed (sorry TFP).

It is not a cheap night out.

I’ve been there a few times now and enjoyed the atmosphere – which is buzzing. I’ve never been there when it’s quiet. The wine is always good. The tea organic. The service exceptional. But the food…

You know, it is beautifully prepared but I just find it a bit meh.

Last night we had the scallops… or should I say scallop. You only get one scallop per serve and even for a small plate of yumminess that’s a bit rich I think. The slice I had was delicious.

The venison chorizo was also tasty – I’d recommend that if you go.

The truffle fritters were deep fried and that saves many a dish – I found the centre tasteless myself.

The roulade was generous (for Lamonts) and quite tasty – loved the pistachios.

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We had a potato and artichoke (I think) stack – which I didn’t like at all… but it was slightly better than the scordalio I had last time – bleah… it’s like a lump of cold mashed potato.

And we had the saffron chips. They were yummy.

We tried the chocolate mousse – which I had last time and found a bit heavy – and the creme caramel – which I must admit was the best creme caramel I have ever tasted.

I left feeling vaguely unsatisfied with the food.

It was like reading a book from an award winning author. All the ingredients are there, you know the author is celebrated, but… you just can’t get into it. You feel you should… but you’re left wanting another book.

Hey the company was great though!

Does this look like a girl whose car tire is flat?

Winners are grinners

Winners are grinners

And afterwards our chivalrous blokes changed a tyre.

Chivalry is not dead

How embarrassment!

Spring has sprung

This my lime tree – in flower again while on some branches ripe fruit hangs. I think it’s confused.

It really has nothing to do with this post except to say if you sucked on a wedge of lime your face might resemble the look on the person’s face when you say something – or do something really embarrassing.

Have you ever done that?

Something to this day you regret saying, that you would curl up with remorse, that you would really like to take back.

I’m sure there have been hundreds of moments for me but one that I will never forget is talking with a mate about the term MILF… you know…. Mothers I’d like to F….  Someone else (who I was sure was gay but hadn’t come out) came up and asked what we were talking about and this mate says… you know MILF – don’t you think Cellobella is MILF?  Oh, I say, I don’t think I’m his type.  What do you mean?  OMG I could have died.
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Some very awkward backpedalling.

And as I said, a face like he’d just sucked something sour.

Lets not mention the “when are you due” question – THAT MUST NEVER BE ASKED!

I can even remember once canoeing with this boy I rather fancied… I was about 15.  He fell out of his canoe and I DIVED in to go to his aid.  When I came to the surface he was, of course, not needing my help (I’m not even a strong swimmer) and I back-paddled to look as if I was just going for a swim… as you do.

Canoes are for noobs, right?

Scene from the dinner table

Okay then Dippity – what do you want to achieve with your life?  What do you want to do?

Oh I don’t know…

C’mon you must have something you want to do…

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I’d like to take over the world with my army of flying evil ninja monkeys!


Where did this child come from?

The see-through wall

Our brick wall

We have a little problem with our walls. They are… thinning a bit.

I’m wondering if all we need is a bit of render…

What do you reckon?

Okay clearly maybe more than a bit.

Our walls were exposed recently when I asked my dad round to help me prune back a grevillia which had grown a little large and was blocking access to our side gate.

I’ll bring my chainsaw said Engineer of the Year, and he did, along with the mulcher.

I love the mulcher. I love the way you feed in a branch and it sucks it in and spits it out in tiny bits… And then you have mulch. It’s just all good.

So of course I got a little carried away – a chainsaw, a mulcher, a parent. The perfect formula for adiosing three trees and a few branches… and the grevillia.

One of the branches came from the bottlebrush tree and smelled like essential oil when it was munched up.

It was a fine afternoon’s work but now the wall is exposed… and seemingly our front garden as well.


UPDATE: In the transfer of hosts of this site some of your comments (and jokes) got lost. So here they are…

River wrote: You just need a new brick. Chip out the old mortar, clean and prepare the surface and cement a new brick in place.

Anita joked: ooooh, did you hear about the invention that lets you see through walls?

A: It’s called a window.

he he he eh ehehe
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And again with:
oh oh oh, and then there’s the invention that lets you WALK through walls…

Yes, it’s called a “door”.

chuckle chuckle chuckle

I groaned back with:

They are first class “dad” jokes Anita!

River you’re right and I would bother for one brick. Sadly we have a great many “windows”. I’ll post a photo soon so you can see what I mean.

Jen – thanks 🙂

Joh – yes – but he was under direction. 🙂 I love a man with a chainsaw.

PQ – me too. I wants one.

Flit wrote: yup…that’s pretty thin 🙂

Anita came back with:
Dad jokes for sure!

Just thinking… in Italy you see little holes in walls like this all the time, with metal garnishments to give you sneak peeks into secret worlds… perhaps you could modify this hole somehow to make it look “on purpose”?


To which I replied:
Anita – what I like about you is your positivity!

You’re definitely glass half full!

A quick apology

For my S L O W website at the moment.

The problem is with my hosting company iPower. Details here.

I hope to have the problem resolved soon but in the meantime perhaps the best way to stay in touch is through your reader. 🙂

The dose may be increased to a cheap cialis maximum or minimum on the basis of effectiveness and tolerance. How it Works The main advantage of order viagra online is that it pumps up the blood flow near the organ. No man on the earth supports the condition that humiliates him levitra online pharmacy in the bed. The side effects from radiation can discount levitra rx be severe stress or anxiety or emotional problems with the partner. Thank you to those of you have commented in the last few days braving the glacial download times – I appreciate the effort you went to. h&b, Drew, Carol, Andrew and of course River.

Needless to say this is very frustrating for me!

I’ll let you know as soon as the problem is resolved.