Category Archives: Modern Life

Maths problem – do two negatives really equal a positive?

If two emos have a baby – is their baby happy?
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(is that a better image?)

Of all the wanky signs…

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I suppose they are trying to be cute.

Thank you America!

The enduring image for me will be two women at my work embracing each other, tears in their eyes, saying to me “finally I can be proud to be American.”

It was a magic moment and I was glad to witness it in my lifetime.

Thank you.

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It feels like a new world.

And what’s that feeling I’m having… um… haven’t felt it for a while… oh I know…


Cottesloe sunset

This is the sun setting on Cottesloe on the last day before Daylight Saving in WA.

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They are also great company.

The food at il lido was fabulous – and I am so having that icecream/coffee/liquour thing next time.

Bali Bombers on death row

You know, I’ve been increasingly uncomfortable with this endless… what would you call it… vigil… wait… for the deaths of the Bali bombers.

It’s as if as soon as they are gunned down by the firing squad the whole of Australia can take a deep breath and feel safe again.

It’s bollocks.

Three more deaths is not going to bring our innocence back.

Yes, these men committed a heinous crime. No one could dispute that.

Yes, they don’t appear to be repentant. At all.

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But to say these men deserve the death penalty just feels so wrong to me.

I don’t believe in the death penalty. I don’t think it solves anything. It doesn’t bring the victims back. It doesn’t deter others.  It makes martyrs of criminals.

And how can the Australian government appeal for clemency for Australians overseas if we don’t speak up for these men?

All the death penalty does is bring law abiding citizens down to the same level – and I don’t want to go there.

I just don’t want to go there.

The working lunch

I’ve been pretty good this weekend. Yesterday I spent five hours weeding in the garden.

It was long overdue – thigh high thistles – and it took me ages to clear just a small section of my garden.

I figured that counted as exercise.

Then, this morning Groover and I went for an 8 kilometre walk. It was a beautiful day. My legs are aching now though.

Unfortunately two days of exercise won’t make up for the five days of slackness before hand but in that time it was my birthday and I made a dress so I figure that counts for something.


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Anyway here’s my exciting news which I’m sure will excite my fellow Club HASAYers – especially the ones who work outside the home.

At work we’ve formed a lunch club.

(no, really, this is good… keep reading)

What we do is each day one of us makes lunch for all five in the group. The lunch must be lo-fat and healthy.

It’s brilliant. It’s cheaper than getting lunch from the local cafes, it means we always have a healthy lunch that we don’t have to make and it makes us part of a little community. It means each day we get a surprise. And really – making one salad or five doesn’t really take that much more effort.

My first day is Wednesday and I can’t say I’m looking forward to it. I’m a bit nervous the girls won’t like my salad. So, any recipes, tips would be gratefully received.

The toilet paper experiment

If there’s one thing that annoys me is racing into a stall to go to the loo and finding – after you’ve started – that there is no toilet paper!


I noticed that it happened quite often in my stall of choice at work while other stalls seemed to be well supplied.

It occurred to me that my toilet stalls are very likely not equally used and I wondered which ones were used more often.

Knowing the popularity of the stall position would inform my choice and give me a greater chance of getting a stall with paper.

Up there for thinking – right?

Last night I was at work late – there was a quiz night on site – my table won – and I realised that now was the perfect time to see which stalls get the most use.

I snuck upstairs to the ladies and took a photograph in each stall and this is what I found.

Our facilities have a mirror/washbasin area followed by four stalls in a row. 

Stall 1

Stall 2

Stall 3
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Stall 4

Now as you can see Stall 1 has the least toilet paper. For some reason… laziness(?), urgency(?)… people choose the stall closest to the door.

Stall 2 has the most.

Stall 3 still has quite a bit

Stall 4 had already gone through a whole roll and nearly finished another two.

From this I concluded that people feel more comfortable at the extremities of the room.  Perhaps it was the fact you only have one shared wall.  Stalls 1 and 4 were definitely the most used.

For those who don’t mind the middle stalls, I’m guessing they choose to leave a gap between them and the occupied toilet – most likely to be stall 1 – you know for privacy.  Not that you can’t hear EVERYTHING.

Which means, if you want to be guaranteed a better chance of being able to wipe your bum – choose stall 2.

This public information service has been brought to you by 🙂

Over to you

Does your experience back my conclusions? Why not do the same experiment and compare results?

And by the way, what is the etiquette when you are caught short in a public loo?

An effluent area

I like to go for a walk along Marine Parade, Cottesloe, one of Perth’s premier beaches. 

The other week I got up early to go for said walk.  It was the day after an early Summer day and at 6.30 in the morning the air was clear with the promise of a lovely warm day.

It was a little breezy and as I walked through the suburb to the beachfront the pages of a copy of “The Financial Review” fluttered past me.

A suburb of affluence I thought as I bent to pick up the pages closest to me.

As I reached Marine Parade I saw that the rest of the paper was scattered along the dunes, caught in the tufty plants that hold the beach sand together along the pathway.

I started picking up pages and as I did several other early morning walkers joined in.

It was lovely, a real sense of “this is a beautiful place and we want to keep it that way”.

We smiled at eachother as we put the papers in the bin.

I even found a bra caught in the bushes.

“How nice”, I thought, “to live in a place where people care about their environment.”

I continued my walk towards the main beach. 

I couldn’t believe my eyes.
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As far as they eye could see the beach, the grassy banks, the footpaths, were covered with rubbish.  The bins were overflowing.

It looked like a rubbish tip, with seagulls wheeling overhead.

People were picking their way through papers, drink bottles, plastics to the sea to swim.

It was appalling.  Disgusting. Embarrassing.

I walked along the beachfront for about 200 metres before turning back inland.

I couldn’t bear to see the beach anymore.  I felt angry. Impotent.

Later that day the rangers came and raked the beach.

It had been a hot day.  Apparently 5000 people converged on Cottesloe that Sunday. 

But in my opinion that does not excuse the behaviour. 

People if it doesn’t fit in the bin – TAKE IT WITH YOU.


The Dress Project – Part 2

It’s finished.

Total cost $59.60 – I had to buy some more thread – although if I use the pattern again, that cost will go down slightly. 🙂

I’m wearing it to work today and getting lots of nice comments. 🙂

So here’s how it turned out in pictures…

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It’s not perfect but for my first dress I’m quite happy with it.  It fits really well.

I used that hemming tape – it’s like double sided iron on interfacing – so easy.  And I might go back and use it around the neck line to hold the lining in place.

The pattern (Burda 7854) though a little fiddly was easy to follow and when I was patient enough to baste first and do all the right things I didn’t have to unpick… there was a bit of unpicking!

Anyway now that’s over I have three work dresses in my wardrobe (two to go) and time to follow up on my HASAY exercise which has sadly fallen by the wayside a bit with the birthday and all…

By the way – for all HASAY members who work – I’ve got a great idea to share with you so come back soon!

The birthday rules

Dear Hugamuga and Dippity,

This is what I expect on my birthday.  

Be aware this is the minimum requirement of you, feel free to exceed expectations.

1.  I expect you to enter my bedroom (after knocking) and wish me a happy birthday before I get up.   Cup of black tea optional but welcome.

2.  I expect a card, handmade or bought, with a loving wish.

3.  I expect not to have to nag you all day to clean up after yourselves or to contribute to the general tidiness of the house.

That’s it.


Your mother
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Yes, it’s my birthday.  Groover somehow managed to find a dress that fits me perfectly with the perfect hemlength.  Totally impressive, especially because I really didn’t want to have to iron on my birthday and some serious wardrobe gazing was before me had I got the pool lounger I asked for.

I also received a lovely pair of silver earings, an ipod nano and a voucher for a facial and product from Jurlique, lots of text messages and phone calls and generally I felt loved. 🙂

I do like having to work on my birthday. First of all we have a thing where the birthday person has to bring in a cake.

This is a fine thing.

It alerts everyone that it’s your birthday and you always have a cake YOU like on your birthday.

When I came home my little darlings had rallied and I was greeted with a clean(ish) house, another charm for my Pandora bracelet and a homemade card.

Then we all went out to dinner.

All this and I’m STILL in my early 40s.