Category Archives: Modern Life

Warning: This post contains photos of my breasts



Yes I had a mammogram.  First one ever.

The clinic was very efficient.  I was in and out within about 15 minutes.

I probably would have been quicker but I asked the nurse if I could have a look at the plates.

Normally you get the photos taken and walk away to wait for the results, two weeks later, by post.

It took me three years to get a mammogram done.

Three years since I was sternly talked to by two of my closest friends to get them done.

Two years with the note from my GP in my handbag.

It wasn’t because I was scared.

I honestly thought the tales of discomfort were probably exaggerated for effect.

The tales are probably exaggerated to the same level that pain in childbirth is exaggerated.

Not. In other words.

You think at first that it’s not going to be that bad.

It’s firm pressure, yes, but painful?  No.

But then the nurse presses down just a little bit more.

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You stand there, caught with one breast in a vice, thinking “For f**k’s sake take the picture already!”

And then they take the sideways picture.

Yikes!  It’s even worse.  Breasts aren’t supposed to be squashed that way.


So what’s the verdict?

Well I don’t know do I?

She talked about ducts and probable cysts but as they say in the classics – no news is good news.

I’ll hope just for a letter in the mail in a fortnight.

I told my mum by the way that I was having one done and she shocked me!

I’ve had a good life she said.  I don’t want to know.

That.  Does.  Not.  Compute.

She’s not even 70.

Mind you, she is so healthy and fit she’ll live to 100 or more with or without painful squishings.

Still it was a little… unsettling.

And as for me… two years until the next one.

UPDATE:  I have the all clear.

First winter storm in Perth

This is the view from my office window at about 12.15pm when the storm front came through.

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Is that it?

The sharks at Blackwell Reach


A lot of people go diving off Blackwell Reach – or at least they used to – it’s very deep.

There are rumours of large river sharks that live down there.

I imagine the visibility is a little “confronting”, but maybe that just means ignorance is bliss.

Anyway my morning walk meandered down to Chidley Point, which is a delightful picnic spot in Mosman Park opposite the reach.

It was a still, quiet morning.


Until the power boats cranked up. 

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Anyway, I’m standing there, wondering about the sharks and whether or not they hang out at Blackwell Reach to get down below all the power boats when…


I love Perth.

There’s something special about seeing dolphins on your morning walk, don’t you think?

UPDATE: I just found out that the cliffs of Blackwell Reach is one of two locations that are part of Earth Cache in Western Australia. My sister is going to the Connecticut ones at the moment and inspired me to find out where they are in WA.

The other one is in the Yalgorup National Park – just south of Mandurah.

Yes day


Today West Australians go to the polls to vote for or against daylight saving.

It’s a beautiful morning. The sky is blue, there’s no wind. It’s tee-shirt weather.

You don’t get mornings like this in summer. Or at least you do… but only if you get up REALLY early.

Of course if you have Daylight Saving you can get up a little later and still enjoy the morning before it gets too hot, but the chances of that happening in this referendum are slim.

Enjoy your mornings while you can peeps.

It’s an argument I’m surprised the Yes campaign haven’t latched onto.

I first heard it on the radio.

Although there are several treatment viagra for women uk options available but the most effective and result driven is male breast surgery. How does sildenafil tablets lift their potency? viagra sildenafil citrate as its active ingredient. In addition to the same, American or Wisconsin grown ginseng is known for reducing stress, treating diabetes, lowering blood sugar viagra online canada & cholesterol levels, promoting relaxation, and treating sexual dysfunction but also acts as a sex stimulator. Doctors will determine if your heart wholesale tadalafil is healthy enough to take you to the point of orgasm with gentleness. An elderly woman rang up and I was expecting the full-on No rant and instead she said that she liked Daylight Saving because it meant it was cool enough for her to walk to her shops in the morning.

She didn’t drive and in a non-daylight saving summer she normally relied on friends and family to drive her as it was too hot to walk. She didn’t like to shop in the evening as she was concerned about her safety in the near-dark and anyway the shops weren’t open! (another referendum fail)

I hope she’s got a lot of friends because she’ll probably need them next summer.

We thought on arrival at our polling place this morning at about 9.30 that we’d got the wrong place.

There were no streamers, no posters… just the sign you see above.

As we left the Yes supporters showed up.

Maybe the Nos slept in?


Isn’t she lovely…


How beautiful is my new little niece?!

And how clever my sister in law?
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Okay… and I know you had something to do with it my brother but lets face it – your real work starts now!

Love.  Love.  Love.

Welcome to the world!

I’m very excited to write that my brother’s first born entered the world this morning at 9.08am Melbourne time.

My mother has already “done her numbers” and she has the soul urge of an artist. Three. So to celebrate her birth I thought I should put something up that’s arty.

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Apparently mother and baby are doing well and my brother sounds deliriously happy… he probably is a bit delirious given he’s been up all night. 🙂

Now to organise a weekend in Melbourne!

A literal rant

Is it just me or am I the only one who is noticing how often the word ‘literally’ is used?

this photo literally has nothing to do with the post

“I was literally going to the shops…”

“That is literally the best movie I’ve ever seen!”

It is the new ‘like’.

I, like, hate it.

But you know what?

I hate it even more when the word is pronounced lit-er-al-ly.
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For me, literally should be pronounced the same way as you’d pronounce actually and virtually.

People – it’s act-shul-ly, virt-chew-ly and lit-tra-ly.

Now I know my friends in the United States say all four syllables… well good on them.

For me, all four syllables is like fingernails down a blackboard.

Literally and for that matter, virtually and actually.


Control your use!

Canberra Photo Essay





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The George and the camera affair


You know, usually, when you leave something in a taxi, you get that sick dread feeling that you’ll never see it again.

That’s how I felt when I realised getting ready tonight that I didn’t have my camera.

I’d even done a cursory check of the backseat to make sure I’d left nothing behind… it was like I knew…

Luckily I had a card from the taxi company and I called them…

I couldn’t tell them the taxi number or driver’s name or even the exact time I was in the cab.

All I remembered was that we’d been at the National Portrait Gallery and that the driver was from Queensland.

Anyway the guy on the enquiries line was quite sweet and he took down my number and promised to send out a message to the fleet.
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I didn’t hold out much hope and tried not to think about how I was going to explain to Groover that I had lost his camera.

To my great surprise, not an hour later they had found it!

It had fallen to the floor of the cab and George, the cab driver brought it round to me while we were still at dinner.

Doesn’t it just give you faith in people again?

Yay Canberra!  You rock.

Even if some of your taxi’s could do with a little TLC.




The Art of Consipicuous Parenting

Colonial Brewery

Have you ever heard a parent say in company:

“Say ‘Thank you’.” 

If the  parent’s voice is slightly louder than necessary – that’s conspicuous parenting.

Take today.

We were on our normal walk that we haven’t done for several weeks due to slackness.

A young mother was blocking the path.  

She was crouched down next to her young child, pointing at the sky:

“Look at the sky darling!” She crooned. “What colour is the sky?!”


Conspicuous parenting FAIL.

You hear it all the time…

“What do you say darling?”*

It’s not that I haven’t been guilty of the odd bit of CP myself.
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I have taught my kids to say “Thanks Mum! You are the greatest!” when I do something for them.

Frankly I’m pleased when they go out of the house with their shorts on the right way.

But when is conspicuous parenting just good parenting?

I was thinking about the parent who brings along a little container of chopped up raw vegetables for her child to munch at a restaurant or party.

Is that conspicuous?  No.  That’s just good.

The conspicuous parent pretends they would normally only feed their child raw vegies and allows them to have chips.

“OK darling, but just this time, chips are an ‘occasional’ food…”

Yeah right… bet the kid gets them every night next to their fish fingers.

So go on, ‘fess up, what’s your example of conspicuous parenting?

* Which reminds me of that joke:

Child: Can I have some more icecream?

Parent: What do you say darling?

Child: Can I have some more icecream now?