Category Archives: Modern Life

Sunset in the suburbs

Everything is pink outside said my son this afternoon…

Ah ha! I thought, the perfect chance to use the “sunset” feature on my new camera…


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Cool huh?

(are you getting sick of me talking about my new toy yet?  I will tone it down from now on…)

Tasmanian bark


On my first day with my new camera I was walking past some trees in Fielder St, East Perth.

The bark looked like the perfect subject to test the macro features out.

So interesting…

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Kind of geographical…  like a map…


Somewhere down near Tasmania maybe?

My blogjo is back

Some people think and therefore blog.

Others blog and therefore think.

But I need a photo.

Without a camera – my blog mojo evaporates.


Groover – smart fellow – realised this – and even though it was me who lost his camera, went out and bought me a Canon Ixy*.

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Ooooh it’s a fabulous camera…

HD video, wide screen, fantastic features… I love it!

Oh yeah…

And I love him.


*Interestingly Canon see fit to call this camera different things around the world… on the manual it also says Powershot SD960IS and Ixus 110IS.

GFP – a story of bacterial magic

Expression of GFP in E. coli. The bacteria on the right side of the figure have the GFP expression plasmid. Cells were photographed during irradiation with a hand-held long-wave UV source (Photo courtesy Marty Chalfie from the original 1994 Science article and GFP).

You know that saying about parents living through their children.

Well today I was that parent.

Today my son got to do some genetic engineering.

He’s 14.

They hadn’t got much past Mendel when I was 14.

When I was doing microbiology at university, the same university where he was today, we didn’t go much past gram stains.

And here he is at 14 inserting plasmids with Green Flourescent Protein into Escherichia coli.

How cool is that?

(it is very cool… in a geeky-I-wish-I’d-been-a-genetic-engineer kind of way… I mean lets face it usually “glow in the dark” refers to those stars you stick on the ceiling)

Last month I was listening to my NFP* about this cool bunch of genetic engineering students at MIT who had got sick of working with stinky E. coli (it smells like poo) and so engineered in wintergreen so that it would smell nice.

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Little did I know then that a few weeks later he’d be doing it himself.

Damn I wish I was at school again!

Unfortunately, when they get to high-school they don’t seem to want their parents to volunteer as parent helpers on excursions… and the teachers don’t seem to want you either – or at least are very slow at picking up the hint so I offered Hugamuga my video camera to film the lab so I could “be there”.

Strangely he wasn’t keen.

But my boy is a nice kid.

Taking pity on his geeky saddo mother he filmed a bit of it for me on his mate’s phone.


Still, when he boasted over dinner tonight that today he had “made life”, I gently brought him back down with the reminder that I had already done it.


And they also sometimes smelled like poo.

*NFP = New Favourite Podcast.

Red or Blue


Remember this scene from The Matrix?

Take the blue pill and you stay asleep… take the red and wake up to reality?

Why did they choose those colours?

Why blue and red?

It might be based in science.

I was listening to some back-episodes of my new favourite podcast – RadioLab – and one of the stories that stood out for me on the Placebo episode was the story about why the colour of pills is important.

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Same ingredients – very different effect.

So why the anomoly with Italian men?

According to the scientist – it’s because of their football team:
The sight of that blue colour excites Italian men so much they can’t sleep… or don’t sleep as well as say other men taking a blue pill.


I wonder if Viagra is more effective in Italy?

Now there’s a research project people!

I feel like a pelican

Who knew pelicans would elicit more pelicans?

Buckets sent me this gorgeous photo of some pelicans he took at Innamincka, South Australia.  It’s near the border of Queensland and New South Wales.

Beyond, well beyond, the so-called Black Stump.


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Meanwhile, I do actually feel like a pelican – wherever I turn I’m confronted by an ENORMOUS bill!

And payday is still two days away…

Cheer me up with your pelican photo!

Albany Pelicans





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I travelled to Albany this week and discovered how beautiful a place it is.

I took these photos down at Fishing Boat Harbour.

More stories to come.

The greenhood


Found under a bush at Dunsborough.  July 4, 2009.

About 18 cm tall.

Pterostylis vittata
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More about this orchid.

Of course my orchid hunter (Hugamuga) found it.

It was the first time we’ve seen a greenhood on this site.

Three score years and ten


We were down in Dunsborough for mum’s 70th birthday celebration.

She had invited her family to Caves House for a breakfast.

The photos in the room were of Caves House in the year of her birth – 1939.


This is the youngest member of the family being held by the oldest, my great aunt.


I didn’t take many photos.  This is my mother’s cousin.  They are very close in age.

Two brothers married two sisters and mum and her cousin are both the third children of their respective pairings.

They used to play together.

They both have sons who are artists.

They are both into alternative health.

The birthday celebration was lovely.
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We brought up all the old stories… those awful eggplant patties even the dog refused to eat, the time she tried to make my brother sick of meat pies by making him eat them for every meal (she gave up after a fortnight), the education we received in transactional analysis…


And I have never been so embarrassed.

How does it happen that you spell your mother’s name wrong in a video slideshow on her 70th birthday?

Please tell me how that could have happened?


The shame.

I know my kids are going to deliberately spell my name wrong now.

It’s going to be one of those stories.

Up there with the eggplant patties.

And they’ll probably also add the inedible lime casserole I made last week.

Who knew you couldn’t substitute limes for lemons?

Meeting the new man


It was a beautiful sunny morning in Cottesloe.  The sky as blue as any summer day.

The ocean smooth all the way to Rottnest, which sat on the horizon, clear enough to see the lighthouse.

We met for breakfast at The Blue Duck, a restaurant Groover and I tend to avoid for some reason.

The coffee was the best I’ve tasted in a long while.

The Poshi is rarely in town these days so I grabbed the chance to catch up.

The coven was completed by our friend J whom I hadn’t seen seen for some months.


It was a lovely breakfast.

We ate a lot.

We talked about Melissa’s new bloke who we hope will one day come downunder to meet us all (or maybe one day we’ll get to England).

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We talked about J’s plans to start her law degree.

We talked and talked and talked.

And while we talked, we eyed off J’s new man, who had bravely came along and dared to put six sugars in his coffee in front of us.


I know, you’re still getting past the six sugars in the coffee bit (but I had a spoonful and the result is quite delicious).

J’s been seeing this fellow for – well it must be close to a year – so I can only imagine that she was a little nervous about how we would react.

Not that it matters J but for the record.

I really liked him.

He’s lovely.

And if excessive amounts of sugar in his coffee is his worst vice… a keeper.