Category Archives: Modern Life

Shocked that I care


I was in two office sweeps this year at a total outlay of $7.

I feel I got away lightly.

I was a bit bah humbug about the cup today. 

It felt like an interruption.

I resented the distraction.

Of course I tried to contact someone in Melbourne for work and it was a public holiday.  Sheesh!
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I’m sure my horses did their best.

The highlight?

Watching the trainer realising he’d won.

It brought a tear to the eye.

Maybe I do like the Melbourne Cup after all.

Hand me the new Dick Francis novel and a champagne darling!

Images from my birthday


I have this big wall calendar on my pin-up board and hopefully my colleagues noted my reminder!


The date jumps out at me from everywhere.


My colleagues have bought me a present but it doesn’t arrive for a few days… intrigued?  I am.  So one of them bought me some earrings – just to tide me over.


And my boss bought me flowers.


The clouds were gathering over the city as I sat in the carpark otherwise known as the entrance to the tunnel.


My sister-in-law made me this cute sunhat!

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And a matching bag, delivered with charm by my God-daughter.


My nephew wasn’t too sure about it. 🙂


My darlings bought me chocolate and a book voucher.  Noice.


Mum popped in for a visit (and to see if I’d used my massage vouchers…).


And then Groover took me out to Pata Negra for dinner.

I am no food pornographer.

It was a delicious day.

It’s my birthday


Why is it that birthdays are less exciting the older you get?


Groover was sweet.  He knew I wanted to take choc chip cookies to work rather than a cake and so he made some for me.

Unfortunately they didn’t work out so well – dud recipe with no baking powder.
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But I love that he tried.

Luckily I had bought extra ingredients and the result you see above.

And maybe next time he’ll go to for the best choc chip cookie recipe of all time.

We don’t call them nom noms for nothing!

Birth of an elephant is risky business

Go and watch this video – it is quite amazing.


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That’s all I have for you today.

New habits are hard to make


About a month ago Property at work changed the swipe point to gain access to the building.

It used to be right next to the door, now you have to stop about 3 metres before the door and swipe your ID card.

But old habits are hard to break.

Every day this week I have walked up to the door only to have to double back to swipe in.

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Even today – after taking this photo – for the sole purpose of THIS post, I walked to the door to swipe in.

Double Arghh!

I know we are talking four years of habit versus four weeks but when will it become second nature?

And do you have any tips to make it sooner rather than later?

I heart faces – Pink


This week, I heart faces is celebrating breast cancer awareness month with Pink Week.


So let me tell you the story of this photo.

On Saturday I went for my regular walk along the seafront at Cottesloe.  We usually walk all the way to Swanborne and back.

Nearing the Swanborne end we came across one of the benches which had been wrapped in pink tulle.

Must be a wedding says Groover.

So I took a photo – it’s not something you see everyday –  and we went on our merry way.

It was hot.

The hottest October day for many many years.

It was much cooler the following day and again we got up to do our walk.

(Slightly hungover – it must be said – from a party the night before.)

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I asked her what it was in aid of.

Her friend had died three years ago, and every year they decorate her bench and sit and drink champagne and think of her.

She was young.

And she was a survivor.

I must have had that “hang on… that does not compute” look on my face.

Her friend had been diagnosed with breast cancer and told she would only have 18 months to live.

She survived for ten years.

She was a believer in positive thinking and complementary medicine.

A survivor indeed.

And I think she would like the fact that her friends continue to honour her memory.

I wonder how long they will come to her bench…


Not what we mean by “hands free”

I think maybe this guy misunderstood what is meant by hands-free when using a Here are four damages that levitra 10 mg men should be aware of concerning penile health are outlined here. Did you know that he’s known for proposing to women on the first date? Yes, well good thing I’m here to stop you from making a HUGE mistake! levitra 20 mg Anyway…”And there you go. It may be that excessive sweating cialis generika exacerbates skin inflammation. It is the simplest way to get rid of the most common health problems. buy tadalafil 20mg mobile phone in the car…

It’s the PHONE that’s supposed to be hands-free you dufuss!

Stupid sign

Random sign

I first saw this sign at North Cottesloe.

I thought then it was a stupid sign.

What are they trying to warn against?


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Why not just say that?? 

To just say “water” seems a bit obvious.

Hello… it is the Indian Ocean…

Having two stupid signs… does that make the Town of Cottesloe twice as stupid?

A lavender lunch


I sat opposite this lavender the other day, eating my Vietnamese spring rolls.

I was sharing the park bench with another woman who told me her life story.

She came from Sydney, about a year ago.

Her husband, a landscape gardener, had got a job and, as their kids had finished high school, they thought they would make the move.

On arrival the job didn’t work out and she took a job doing admin at a training college until she could find something better.

It’s been very difficult for her to find other work though. 

And even the World Anti-Doping Agency has gotten into the act. viagra sale canada Yes, earlier it was a big tough to cure impotence as there are limited options to combat levitra prescription erectile failure. pfizer viagra achat Along these lines, the expense of the treatment relies on upon how sexually dynamic the patient by and large is. Safed Musli offers effective treatment levitra vardenafil generic for oligozoospermia and boosts libido. The boom time is long gone and so now she feels a bit stuck.

But she loves Perth.

The weather was particularly nice that day – the first really warm day – around 27 degrees.

She loves the fact there are so many green spaces in Perth where you can go for lunch.  It’s not the same in Sydney.

At least not where she used to work.

After she left I took this photo. 

The lavender was buzzing with bees.

The good thing about puberty


Thanks to puberty, I have a decent chance of finally beating my son at Singstar.

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*Cost to winner… pride, feeling of being a “good mother”…