Category Archives: Modern Life

Pylon wars

It’s the first day of my holidays and to make it feel like a holiday and not just a weekend, instead of a walk by the beach I insisted we swim around the Cottesloe pylon.

I needed to feel sand between my toes and have the sharp bite* of the Indian Ocean wake me up.

But a shock was in store…


Those hooligans from North Cottesloe surf lifesaving club had been up to mischief!

You might remember not that long ago I commented on the fact that the pylon had finally been repaired.

Here it is in all it’s glory back in October:

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Note the Cottesloe Surf Lifesaving club colours of yellow and black.


I wonder how long it will take them to paint the blue and white of North Cottesloe over.

Meantime, we swam around the pylon. It was low tide and wasn’t quite the workout I had expected.

I can tell you that both the repair job and the paint job are not so flash from the other side.

* Not a literal bite obviously although that’s not an implausible conclusion. The area is known for it’s Great White attacks…



I’m on holidays.

For four whole weeks.

And this year I want a real holiday.


I’m not very good at turning off.

I like to keep across my work emails.

I like to feel connected.

This year I’m trying something different.

I’ve left my Blackberry at work for my replacement.

I’ve set my emails to delete as they hit my inbox.

I don’t want to know.
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I’m pretending I’m the one trekking in India with no way of being contacted… by work.

It feels weird though.

My new phone feels too small.  Too slim.

I feel “out-of-the-loop” and it’s only been a couple of hours since I left work.

I feel… disconnected.

Hellooooo is anybody out there?!

So I have a new phone and if you want to ring me – send me an email or use the contact me form.

Oh and I’m hoping for a good handover note when I get back.

Visit to Melbourne


The other weekend I dropped into Melbourne on my way to a conference to see my newest niece and drop in a Christmas present.


Here she is with my soon-to-be sister-in-law.


Isn’t she adorable! Well… they both are.

And I reckon my brother is pretty cute too.


My brother was recently on telly, featured in an Arts documentary called The Wall.

The Wall was a grey wall surrounding an outdoor area at a local mental health hospital.

Now, it looks like this:


My brother took his family and I along to see it in person.

It was the first time we had seen it in the flesh… well obviously my brother had because he was the consulting artist but the rest of us hadn’t seen it other than on film.

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Close up it is very bright!


This is my favourite bit.

The design has a river running through it which kind of ties the whole piece together.


The designs were developed by out-patients at the clinic (I think they were outpatients) and then the group painted the wall – with direction and help from my brother who firstly transferred their designs and then helped them do the painting.

There is already some graffiti:


This is on a door that leads to the outside.

I’m not sure but I think my brother thought it rather added to the project.

Interestingly a painting of two kids skipping rope was painted over as the images distressed some of the patients.

It is a magical design.

I felt privileged to see it.

Raspberry patch



I’ve planted a raspberry bush.

I love raspberries but at $10 a punnet who can afford to eat them!

We buy the frozen ones sometimes as a special treat and the kids make short work of them.

The best raspberries I’ve ever tasted were at a berry farm on the east coast of Tasmania.

Oh rapture!

I bought the plant at the Mt Claremont Farmers Market last weekend.

My gardening advisor said lots of organic matter and a handful of some fast release fertiliser in the bottom of the hole.

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Does this look like a happy raspberry plant?

Apparently raspberries send out runners and I could end up with a raspberry corner.

Bring it on!

Of course my pommy husband Groover was skeptical.

“I grew up with raspberries” sniffs he, “and they will never survive in Perth!”

Yeah whatever.

*blows raspberry*

We’ll see who is right in a few months and whether four years studying agricultural science actually counts for anything.



I was telling a mate the other day about a funny thing my son said in the car on the way to school.

He asked me what the safety rating of my car was.

I said I had no idea but it was probably a lot less with me driving it.


And my friend said – in a serious tone – oh yes well you are a bit of a tailgator aren’t you?

Am I?

*worried look*

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Am I?

So I asked Groover.

No… he said after some considered thought… I wouldn’t say you’re a tailgator…

(not the ringing endorsement I was looking for but I’ll take it)

And then I got my son to take a photo when we’re driving as proof.



What is a kibitzer?


For the first time EVER in all the years I’ve gone to quiz nights.

There has been a question about bridge.

And I knew the answer.

And we came second overall.

No.  It wasn’t one answer that got us second place but gee it sure felt good.

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But here’s a weird thing…

Today looking at my Twitter feed I noticed that hazelblackberry was at the same quiz nite!  (her blog)

It makes me wonder how often that happens…

Can’t be that often I wouldn’t have thought.

When two worlds collide eh?

Perth is a small place.

I heart faces – Autumn Beauty


Arghh!  The agony of choosing an Autumn Beauty photo.

Of course it is spring here but I found a whole bunch of fallen leaves at the Uni yesterday and took a thousand shots of my beautiful daughter… it’s just that… they weren’t autumny enough!

So I’ve entered this one.
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I took this in Autumn at my parent’s place with my camera on auto timer.

I love the 3D effect of the leaves and the light.

How to bow – the caterpillar lesson

I’ve been looking at some old family videos which we’ve recently digitised, and came across this one of my son’s second cello lesson.

Here he is learning to bow.

Or not.

My friend The Poshi and I decided we’d share lessons and get our sons learning Suzuki cello.

I even bought a cello to encourage him, though I never learned to play myself.

That’s where the whole Cellobella name came from.

We lasted a year or two but the boys hated it… well my boy did.

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And in retrospect he must have found reading the music so hard given his undiagnosed need for glasses.

He plays the piano now and I don’t have to force him to practice.

And yes, I still have my cello.

In the back room.

Untouched by human hand for years.

Funnily enough I discovered that my boss also has an untouched cello which she’s never learned to play.

Weird huh?

I heart faces – Balloons


This week’s theme  is balloons and when I think of balloons I always think of my dad’s 60th birthday.

We held it at my place and blew up about 200 helium filled balloons with long ribbon tails to cover the ceiling.

Then we all waited with the lights off in the lounge room for him to arrive.

It was a new house, with no curtains and we had windows letting in the moonlight.

We didn’t surprise him.

He could see the silhouettes of the guests through the windows not hidden by the wall.
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The next morning, the balloons had started to fall from the ceiling and floated at every height.

The kids (aged about 4 and 16 months) were elated.

They captured them in enormous balloon bundles, crocodiles and ran through the house. [see video]

You could hardly see them for balloons.

Check out some of the other entries for some more balloon magic.

21 Up South Africa

I was watching the South African version of 21 UP on SBS tonight.

Three of the original 11 children have died, two of AIDS.

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But then I thought how amazing it was that none of the original kids in the UK series have.