Category Archives: Modern Life

Photos from a Google phone

Photo taken by Google phone

This is a photo of some lovely flowers Groover gave me last week.

They have opened so beautifully, so slowly that we really have enjoyed them but the reason for the post is to show you the capability of his new Google phone.

I think it has some fancy filters applied but even so, pretty impressive hey?

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This photo taken with my little Canon Ixy

Frankly I’m blown away.

The blackberry I use for work also has a 5MP camera and the photos aren’t nearly so clear.

And maybe there are filters I can apply but they are not so easy to apply (or find).

Willie wagtail encounter

Today I decided I’d tackle the front verge of our house and weed it.

Our house has looked neglected and abandoned.

Well… we all hate weeding.

So even though I’d left my iPod at work and was forced to weed unaccompanied, out I went into the cold but brilliant sunshine of a Sunday afternoon in winter.

In fact it made my day.

I was kneeling there, on my oh so attractive orange knee-pads, a baggy oversized polarfleece jumper and red woolen beanie completing my look, when I heard a flapping sound.

To my astonishment a willy wagtail had flown down and was perched on the end of my bucket, well the old fridge vegie tray that I was using as my bucket.

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He chattered away, as they do, waggled his tail, hopped from one end of the tray to the other, clearing checking me out.

Maybe my attire made me less threatening?

He then flew off and chattered at me from the wall.

Which is when I went inside to get my camera.

Unfortunately he never flew down again but I felt honoured to have met him.

It made weeding the verge feel good, and very few things do that!

The value of good friends

Cannot be underestimated.

I am a stronger person, a better person , because of these two women.

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Of course I missed tonight’s lunar eclipse.  Sigh.

Was it exciting?

What the hell is that?


So I flew up to Geraldton the other week and as I flew up the coast past our fair city I noticed what appeared to be – I don’t know – oil slicks? – emanating from the land.

Sewage slicks?

Freshwater creeks?

They were all along the coast but stopped once we got past civilisation.

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Quickly sliding my little instamatic behind a convenient cardie when the cabin crew walked past.

So what is your best guess?

I’m buggered if I know.

UPDATE:  Well you guys were rubbish at telling me what those lines were I must say!  Luckily at work today I ran across Professor Jorg Imberger who is the water guru of Perth, and he told me they are the result of Langmuir circulation. Vis a vis – it is wind my friends, wind.  Well you learn something every day.  I am, for one, happy to learn that they aren’t the result of pollution or anything nasty.


Geraldton 2008

I love this photo – my two gorgeous ones laughing and enjoying being kids on a swingy roundabout.

But they won’t be able to do that again.

The fun police – the wrap your children in cotton wool brigade – have decided that it’s too dangerous.

I’m in Geraldton and I discover to my SHOCK that the Merry Go Round by the Sea otherwise known as the 50 cent swing has been clamped to the ground!

Where is the fun in that I ask you???
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It’s a seat.

Merry Go Round


Merry go round

Not happy. (despite the photo)

Coffee in Subiaco

Coffee in Subiaco

This Sunday we pootled over to Subiaco for a coffee in one of our favourite coffee shops – Brew Ha.

Truth be told we’d be tempted to move back to Subi because we just love the ambiance and well… the coffee.

Coffee table

We also popped in to see some family friends as Groover was being computer consultant and helping with their (ancient) laptops – yes, if your laptop is more than 6 years old, it’s ancient.

Coffee with Hamish

While the Groovy one was making cyber magic, I went for a walk to see what caught my eye.

Subiaco Hotel

Peeling posters

When we got home we decided we really should investigate why our aerial was leaning at such an odd angle.

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And we discovered that it was bolted to a rotten piece of wood.

So rotten I could put my finger through it.

Frankly I’m surprised it stayed up as long as it had.

But I’m a busy girl so I left my handyman to it and swanned off to Theatresports dahling where we had a great workshop and a much better night on stage.


And really.

Could the world be a bad place with this beauty in it?


Aerial by the way – now straight and true – thanks to Groover and Son Pty Ltd.

The edge of winter

Autumn leaves

It’s been a bit cold and wet in Perth over the last few days and truth be told it does feel like winter.

In East Perth autumn leaves pile in drifts and then wilt flat against the pavement.

Today there are blue skies and if you hadn’t been outside you might even think it was quite warm.

20 degrees celcius.

For us, the thin-blooded natives of this fair city, it is cold.
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No central heating, coats designed for a light chill in the air, gloves and scarves?

What are they again?

Winter is officially just 4 days away.

I’m getting out the ski gear.

Autumn leaves


Pine trees

I quite often drive by Karrakatta Cemetary and every time I do recently I feel sad for the pine trees, completely stripped of their foliage in that big March hailstorm.

The graves below were covered for weeks with thick mulch.

I am guessing it will be a while before they regrow.

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This is what they should look like…

Pine Tree

And hail damaged cars are everywhere too.

Tired, snotty, with cold


A photo of me at the moment would not be a pretty sight so I’m distracting you with a lovely sunset.

I am not a great patient.

I am grumpy and tired and I’ve eaten too much today.

Being home all day near a refrigerator is another bad idea.

And I’m clumsy.

As I was lying on the couch watching telly I noticed my toenails needed painting so of course I did them and watching House waited for them to dry.

Cleaning up I knock the nail polish over the floor.

The carpet.
True to their assertion that your penis pfizer viagra tablets improve in length yet the issue is your penis can’t stand long hour of sexual act. Horny goat weed, scientifically known as epimedium got its name when a goat herder noticed increased promiscuous activities in his goats after eating this leafy herb. viagra tablets 20mg A chiropractor’s course of rehabilitation for a sports injury truly means addressing all imbalances in the body if taken cost of tadalafil orally. How to buy American ginseng? There free viagra uk are reliable online platforms where you can get Wisconsin ginseng for sale.
Then I go out to get a pie for dinner – I can’t cook when I’m sick (and I’ve eaten all the leftovers in the fridge) and when I cut it open it’s chicken and mushroom not beef and stout and the kid won’t eat it.

Bad things happen in threes they say.

  1. I get a cold
  2. I knock over the nail polish (it’s hard to get off carpet you know)
  3. I get a dud pie

Phew… I thought I was going to have to wait for one more.

Mothers’ Day

The Rose

I asked my daughter what it was about me that makes me a good mother (yes it’s always about me) and she said:

  • You set boundaries but give us the freedom to make mistakes
  • You talk with us like we’re real people, not children
  • You let us make mistakes and are there when we do

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And that’s the best mothers’ day present of all.

I have teenagers now.

And you know what?

I love them even more.

They are so interesting.

So brave.

So like me. (and Groover)

How did that happen?

Am I like my parents?

I hope so.

Happy Mothers’ Day mum and to all mums out there.

The Rose