Category Archives: Modern Life

Education fail

No, not the school, me.

My son has lost 4% on a recent maths test because of me.

The question read something like this:

Sam went to a restaurant, he had the choice of two entrees, three main courses and two desserts.  Pate and pumpkin soup for the entrees, steak, chicken and beef for main course and icecream and chocolate cake for the desserts.  What is the probability that Sam would choose soup and chocolate cake?

The correct answer is 1 in 4 but unfortunately my son had no idea what pate was (see image on the right if you are unsure… no, not the bread).

He thought “pate” might be “some kind of random gourmet product you might turn into soup”.

In other words he thought BOTH entrees were soup.
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Knew I should have made him eat pate!

This is why feeding expensive, overpriced gourmet foods to your children from an early age is important if you want them to do well at school.

Bless him, he’s asked the teacher to restore his marks on the basis that the question was ambiguous.

Note:  Hugamuga would like to point out that their was no illustrative photograph with the words “Pate de Foie” on the test.

Time to own up

C'mon confess! I know there are more than two of us...

I thought it was just me that kept a pair of tweezers in my car but the other day I discovered another close friend of mine had the same secret.

Yes we’re both (cough) forty-something (cough) and yes occasionally we’ve sat at the lights… looked in the visor mirror and almost spat out our take-away coffee.


What is THAT doing growing THERE?!!!

The problem is that at 40-something, not only do you start growing hair in unusual places but your eyesight is failing.

So it is rare for you to notice that stray hair until you are faced with the mega-magnification of that little mirror on the inside of your visor.

And even if you did notice that rogue – wtf is that doing on my face – hair… quite often,  because you need glasses, you can’t do anything about it.
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Have you ever tried to pluck your eyebrows, needing glasses?

Trust me – it can’t be done.

Hence the tweezers in the car.

The ultra-magnification of the mirror allows you to see the wretched rogue hairs without glasses.

Yes, you look like an idiot at the lights…

But at least you don’t look like Wicked Witch of the East when you get to work.

Job done.

The foggy sun

Yachts in the foggy sun

I love the dreamy light in this photo.

In real life the sun glinting on the water and the fog was blinding and without sunglasses, painful.

But it was a beautiful morning to walk along the river and think of nothing except for camera angles.

Father and son

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What do you think?

Less contrast?

The unedited version

Not good at English?

Not impressed with my poetry selection

This week I received this text from my errant son:

I have not completed my english speech, please do not be alarmed to recieve a phone call from my friendly yet evil english teacher you dont need to eat me she already has, thank you for your cooperation most sincerely H

Okay so he needs the “I before E except after C” lesson, but it was a text so I can forgive the lack of punctuation… impressed he bothered to put any in if I’m honest.

He was supposed to have chosen a poem and discussed it…

I gave him my three favourite poetry books to help him choose a poem but hey… what do I know?

I chose TS Eliot – Selected Poems – still annotated with my notes from Year 11 lit.

My (ex-nun) teacher was a huge fan of Cats.

Can anyone really go past The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock?

I grow old… I grow old…
I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.
Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach?
I shall wear white flannel trousers, and walk upon the beach.
I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each.


(and of course not complete)

Then I suggested “Smoke Encrypted Whispers” by Samuel Wagan Watson who I heard recite his poetry at a Book Slam in Leederville a few years ago…

How about this – “mudflat”:

dried up and cracked
of prehistoric reptile scales
huge and menacing,
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that twists along the shores of the wetland

– but waiting for the veil of the incoming tide
is the monster
content when cold and hungry for
the mass that rolls with the current

it never sleeps

A geographical flavour for my geography nut?

Anyway, then I suggested Carol Ann Duffy‘s The World’s Wife.

My friend J gave me this book and I love it.

Pithy poems about some of the more famous wives in history.

Like Mrs Darwin:

7 April 1852.
Went to the Zoo
I said to Him –
Something about that Chimpanzee over there reminds me of you.


My favourite is Eurydice and if you see me in real life – don’t ask me about it – or you may be in for a recital.


Anyway – he didn’t choose a poem – any poem – and now he is in trouble.

(But he writes a good text – don’t you think?)

Sometimes you just get lucky

So I was on my morning walk (to the shops, not really for exercise) looking for the extraordinary in the ordinary as is my want, and I saw a row of marigolds up against a fence.

But look what I caught on film!

Bee in the Marigolds


Bee in flight

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The ordinariness of a weed

One day though it would be nice not to have to look for the extraordinary in the ordinary but to have the extraordinary happen!

Or maybe not.

A float beached on a verge

Winter sun

Cottesloe Beach in Winter

Oh I know we need the rain but there is something glorious about Perth when the winter sun shines across a barely populated beach.

When the sky is bluer than a summer’s day, uncluttered by leaves and verdant green.

Sure it’s a bit chilly in the morning, but the light my friend, the light!

I went to a photography course today at work.

There’s also something delicious about voluntarily going into work when you’re on long service leave…

“What are you doing here?”

“I thought it was you but then I thought no… she’s on leave!”

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It was good to be back at work today, firstly to see old friends and secondly not to do any work!

The course was fun and distracting, about a subject I am passionate about.

I love taking photos, and learning how to take better ones makes me more enthusiastic.

It has also inspired me to add to my growing lists of “presents I will one day buy myself” – yes I need a camera with manual controls… just in case, you know, I might actually want to experiment with aperture and shutter speed.

In the meantime, me and my trusty point and click will concentrate on composition, leading lines and angles.

(taps nose in a knowing way)

Oh yes, I am a photographer now.

A walk by the river

Just photos today – some things that caught my attention as I walked along the Nedlands foreshore.

Perth city
Nice view if you can afford it.
Flotsam along the shoreline

A line of algae

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Foam on the water

More foam
The moon

Down the Dalkeith end.

The unofficial blood rule

Half time at the footy

The photo was taken at the Country Week semi-finals at Fremantle Oval on the coldest day Perth has had.

I was sitting in the stands next to a football player’s wife and she wryly made the observation that women never take to the field to stand around and listen to the coaches berate the players.

It’s not the done thing dahling.

And it was true!

Not a single person of the female persuasion walked onto the oval… well there was one small girl, aged about 5, but I’m sure the rule hadn’t been explained to her.

Or maybe she was allowed because she hadn’t reached puberty.

The unofficial “blood rule”.
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It amused me.

I think it is all to do with male pride.

After all what man wants to be yelled at in front of their near and dear?

Not that their near and dear would do anything other but support them, no matter what the coach said.

I’d be more mortified to be yelled at in front of my mates.

Maybe it’s secret men’s business.

Now I AM curious!!!

The philosophy of weeding

Sunlight through winter trees
Sunlight through winter trees

On Wednesday, the weather was clear and bright.

The bluest of skies, the sun glinting through the trees.

I spent the day gardening.

Weeding can be therapeutic, don’t you think?

Firstly the physical act of pulling out a plant is satisfying.

It’s like you are removing all the imperfections of your own life.

Take that unpaid bills!

Poor game of bridge!

Annoying kids!

Nagging husband!

Fat thighs!
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Then it is so good to look at the garden bed, smooth and perfect at the end.

Of course, as the garden bed becomes more and more perfect, you become less so.

Dirt marks your face and streaks your clothes, your nails fill with mud and crack, your knees start to ache and your back protests.

It makes me think that whenever I see perfection, I’m really looking at hard work.

That somewhere, like The Picture of Dorian Gray, there is a dirty, unkempt, maybe injured person – the agent of the perfection before you.

Nothing’s perfect.

And perhaps the most perfect looking things are the least perfect of all.

Even now, when I look at my newly weeded garden beds I can see the stubborn shoots of the odd weed poking their way out to taunt me.

I think I will let them grow.

For now.

Maybe life shouldn’t be perfect.

Why don’t they use spellcheck?


Is it that hard to apply spellcheck to signs BEFORE printing them?

Bad enough reading a real estate ad on the back of a local paper and noticing the word SEPERATELY spelled incorrectly – yes it should be sepArately – but perhaps the offence was less because the font was really small.

It seems far worse a crime when it is writ large upon your business.

I blame the sign writers – yes sure they get a brief from the businesses that use them but it should be a basic duty of care to not let your clients look like numpty heads!

It offends my eye.

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That wasn’t so hard… was it?

(mind you, I’m tempted to get my car washed to get a free vaccum – sounds quite exotic)