Category Archives: Modern Life

Touch of death

Where dreams are dashed

I hate the casino.

It’s a sad sad place.

Banks and banks of soul destroying poker machines, and now even some of the gaming tables are electronic.

Very bad fashion.

We went there, Groover and I, after going to see Sleeping Beauty put on by the WA Ballet – and a fine production it was too.

Now previously we had a rule at the casino – and that was that I was to go far away from Groover so that he would win.

He is lucky.

Well he’s lucky when I’m not there.

My nickname is TOD – yeah you picked that up from the title.

But sweetly he said – no stay, I’m lucky and you’re my good luck charm.


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Ten minutes later when he was down to his last chip I suggested that maybe I might wait in the bar.

It’s like I balance out his luck… or maybe I suck all the bad luck away from him so he can be extra lucky.

A bad luck magnet.

So no.

I won’t be going back any time soon.

Although I was quite intrigued with a game called Pai Gow that uses Chinese dominos.

I wsa tempted to have a go but after half an hour I still couldn’t quite work out how you play.

And with my record – and at $50 mininum stake – I was wasn’t prepared to just wing it.

Although, having done some research it sounds just like the card game Brag.

Oh you want to know how Groover ended up?

Maybe next time I shouldn’t be in the building at all.

A good vintage

At the Sail and Anchor... again

You can’t wear your vintage dress just anywhere in Perth you know.

It would feel decidedly out of place (for me) in most places bar a fancy dress party and of course, Fremantle.

Fremantle with its bohemian culture is a place where anything goes so I went.

My vintage dress

I only wish I had the white gloves and bag to finish it all off but then again – matchy matchy is so yesteryear dahling.

A bit like my dress.

It felt a bit odd to have such a big skirt.
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The skirt is full and heavy – backed by interfacing to make it stick out a bit.

I bought it many years ago for a Sound of Music film screening – we all dressed up and I bet you can guess who I was dressed up as.

Yes the famous play clothes made from curtains.

The boys enjoy a cold one... well Groover's might have been warm.

Anyway the reason we went out for lunch was because it was B’s birthday.

And the chilli mussels at the Norfolk were, as always, excellent.

At the Norfolk.

Of course the birthday boy had a burger.

Standing still

Expect delays the sign said over the Kwinana Freeway.

Well duh.

By the time I saw this sign – about 150 metres on the Perth side of the Mt Henry Bridge – I’d already been sitting in standstill traffic for twenty minutes.

I’m quite fond of the Mt Henry Bridge – my dad was the Director of Engineering for the company that built it and I went to the opening – but I’m not keen to spend my Tuesday afternoon admiring the view from that vantage point.

A “police incident” at Leederville Train Station apparently closed both the Joondalup line and two lanes of the freeway heading north.

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It took me an hour to get to East Perth and I was grateful that I’d decided to catch the train in this morning rather than my car.

The tunnel (another Dad project) was chocablock.

Perth is rubbish when there is traffic.

One can only guess what the “police incident” was – and my heart goes out to those involved.

On the scale of things, sitting in traffic is – as Groover might say – a “nothing burger”.

Dirty blossom

Spring blossoms

I know that I take a lot of photos of flowers.

I’m a sucker for hitting my macro switch and stopping to photograph – and even sometimes smell – the roses.

You know how it is, you’re walking to the train or the shops and you have your camera.

Well that’s me.

I loved these blossoms when I walked past them.

They grow right alongside Stirling Highway and they look beautiful.

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And then…

Get out the spray and wipe!

Dirty blossom.

Ah well I guess most people don’t view the world through their macro setting.

And maybe that’s a good thing.

Maybe sometimes it’s good just to walk by and not look too closely.

They are not supposed to be like that!

Found in the grounds of UWA

If you were new to Perth you might think that these fantastic towering gums are supposed to look like this.

You know, with those spots of bark against the white.

They kind of look like the remnants of bark that has fallen off.

But no.

What you are looking at is hail damage.

Yes from the March 22 hailstorm.

Perth’s big disaster.
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That one.

Lets face it, Perth can’t cope with rain, let alone a hailstorm.

But I digress.

Only one side is damaged.

I took this photo so you can see the difference – spotty one side, clear the other.

At night these trees are luminous in the moonlight.

I wonder how long it will be before they gleam, smooth and white, again.

Back to Fremantle

The scene at the Sail and Anchor in Fremantle on a Sunday afternoon
Just metres from where I met Groover back in 1990
Across the road at The Monk, Groover indulges in an Octoberfest beer
While I sample a cheeky pinot noir

Our 18th wedding anniversary saw us head to Fremantle to celebrate.

We started at the Sail and Anchor where I have to say I was disappointed with the beer list… none of my favourites on it.

I ended up with a midi of Redback, Groover had an IPL which he was very happy with.

The table needed a good wipedown.

Luckily the company was good and the atmosphere convivial.

After the beer we went for a walk around the town.

It was Sunday afternoon busy and we wandered in and out of the shops along High St all the way down to the Roundhouse where we saw a bridal party right near the spot where we first kissed all those years ago in 1990.

The Whalers’ Tunnel is now closed but that night in January it was open and we explored it together in the balmy heat of an Australian summer.

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They do THE BEST pork belly and scallops and they chop the squid up like french fries and serve it with a Thai dressing that is to die for.

We sat outside on the not-so-high stools and sampled the beer and a cheeky pinot noir that went down as easily as something that goes down really easily…

But Groover was craving another IPL so back to the Sail and Anchor we went for another round.

No pinot on the menu either so I settled for a Sav Blanc.

Sigh… such hardship.

Eighteen years is a long time and there have been times when it seemed impossible that we would be here together.

But here we are, Groover cleaning the pool, me about to sew a dress… the picture of domestic harmony.

Oh and the kids?

Banned from their computers.

Maybe not so harmonious after all.


I’ve been thinking about that spider

Check out the eyes!

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When my son was a little tacker – about 2 – we asked him what he was thinking about.

He answered:

“I’m thinking about that spider.”

I don’t remember what spider – or even if there was a spider or if he was thinking about another spider somewhere else but it was such a sweet response that we have used it ever since.

You know, when you are staring off into the distance with your mind in limbo.

Or when asked what you’re thinking, you suddenly forget.

It’s a handy response to have in your back pocket.

This spider, the one in today’s photo was hiding behind a piece of loose bark on the tree my son was climbing.

It dropped to the ground and I think the spider was a bit stunned because not even the very close lens of my camera startled it.

Even prodding it gently with a twig only caused him to lethargically wave a front leg.

On the way home my son – now 15 – asked me what kind of spider it was.

A huntsman, I guessed.

What do they eat?



No, not really.


Even at 15 he’s still thinking about spiders.

Up close and personal

Crawley Boathouse

The Crawley boathouse

Today I wandered towards the Crawley boathouse and the Eliza statue for a bit of a looksee.

On Saturdays you struggle for space as the jetty out to the old boathouse is groaning under the weight of bridal parties keen for those “special shots”.

(or maybe not so special as there are A LOT of brides who get the boatshed shots)

But have you ever wondered about the boat that lives inside the boathouse?

Me too.

Through the broken board.

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A lone kayak

Afterward I wandered back to Neds for a coffee and then had lunch with an archaeology friend.

She is so enthusiastic about archaeology that it is impossible not to be inspired, so afterwards I enquired about post-graduate diplomas.

It’s a “next-year” project if it ever happens but I confess that some of the units do look very interesting.

And oh! The excitement of field trips. I loves it.


We’ll see.

Bloody crows

And I thought my alarm was bad.

These birds were so loud this morning.
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I felt I was in the Hitchcock film “The Birds”.

And such an unattractive call.

The darling buds of August

My enthusiastic glory vine

It seems only yesterday that I was posting photos of my glory vine’s last bright red leaves.

It is now a twist of twigs over my rotting pergola, the beams sagging, held together by inexpertly attached shadecloth.

Well it was.

Today, as the bright sunlight of winter shone through I noticed greenery.

It’s budding.

And there are still two red leaves from last season.
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Spring has sprung my friends, and we didn’t even have winter.

Well, maybe a day or two of winter.

And that freak storm in March.

Maybe we’ll have winter in spring?

Then my glory vine WILL be confused.

The last red leaves of my glory vine