Category Archives: Modern Life

A taste of summer

Random beach photo

This blog is fast becoming a weather blog.

(I suppose a one time weather girl can be excused)

But it’s HOT today. 

Really hot.

36C kind of hot.

Oh sure we’re expecting a cool change overnight and it’s only one day… but still.
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36 degrees.

It was hot waiting at the train station, and the cool airconditioning welcome on arrival at work.

There are fires today at Red Hill, Eneabba and Wagin and they are just the ones I know about.

Suddenly I’m not looking forward to summer.

Although it would be nice to be on holidays near a beach…

Get your mum to apply the sunblock

This is why.

Use zinc cream to get this effect

Ah the follies of youth.

Of course none of us would go outside in the Perth sunshine, well known for its lethal properties and expose our skin to within an inch of the burns unit.

Would we?


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My poor baby has been in pain for four days and scratching for another four following this fun day at the beach.

We’re hoping she learns from this experience.

Poor thing.

Imagine having bloggers as parents…

Groover blogs here.

Can you help name this wildflower?

What is this called?

Yesterday I asked for your help in naming the flowers I photographed on my recent trip to Dunsborough.

A trip obstensively organised in order for me to play bridge, drink and eat with others who like to play bridge, drink and eat.

We didn’t win any money but the Busselton Bridge Club put on a fine event and we had a lot of fun.
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Luckily for this blog, Doug (well his fiancee) and Paul came to the party with a bunch of names and now there is just one little orphan.

Any ideas?

Does this pic help?

Wildflowers in Dunsborough are tiny treasures

Blue lady orchid

I know that I am somewhat parochial when it comes to the wonders of Western Australia.

This will come as no surprise to you.

We are carrying the nation at the moment of course and some of our natural features are extraordinary:

Purnalulu, Karajini, whale sharks to name a few.

And of course our wonderful wildflowers.

Mostly when you say wildflowers people think of the carpet of flowers that spreads across the midwest, but this time of year the southern forests are a treasure trove.

No wonder pioneer Georgiana Molloy got so excited.

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And of course I was walking with my macro set to on.

I discovered two orchids – a pink enamel (my son assures me) and a blue lady.

Pink enamel orchid

If you can help me with the names of some of the others I’d love you for it.

How gorgeous is this purple fringed one?!

Some kind of fringe flower

In a New York Minute

“In a New York Minute, everything can change… things can get a little strange” DON HENLEY

I’m in this  Spontaneous Insanity show at the Subiaco Arts Centre and I am out of my comfort zone.

Featuring Libby, Glenn, Louisa and Shane

It is a wholly improvised show, with improvised music and improvised lighting.

Some of the cast with Glenn Hall (centre), the director.

Luckily I completely trust my fellow actors and the director.

It is really exciting to consider long form improvised theatre.
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Unlike Theatresports, there are no games and the director gets more involved in the action.

Glenn, Bree and Emmet ham it up for the camera

We’re in the studio at Subiaco Arts Centre. There will be caberet seating – you know… little tables and chairs – and there will be nibbles on each table.

You will be close to the action.

Book here.

This is me - all dressed up with somewhere to go

Weather with you

Rainy Royal Street

You can tell it has been a dry winter when I’m blogging OMG it’s raining posts.

OMG it’s raining!

No really.

It is.

It is sooooo nice to see the rainwashed pavements, to see the thundercloud gloom spread through the big picture windows of the office.

Yes I have raised the blind to let in more light and watch the rain sheet across my vision.

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I could have predicted rain this end of October.

It always rains around my birthday.


I predict the traffic will be woeful this afternoon.

Perth can’t handle the rain!  (she says in her best Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men style)

Perth motorists plus puddles equals traffic chaos

The stratification of a Zumba class

A lame photo of my zumba shoes... well I was desperate for an illustrative pic,

Following yesterday’s post on my Zumba class, I received an email teasing me about being at the back of the class and it occurred to me that my Zumba class has very clear stratification.

The hard core Zumba-ists are at the front.

They know the routines backwards, they are for the most part – fit, and in halls where there are mirrors – they like to have a clear view of their hips shaking.

The HCZ’s are the ones that volunteer to go on stage.

And they ALWAYS arrive early.

Next come the MILFS (or maybe that should be MYLFS).

These are the women whose eyesight, perhaps, requires them to be nearer the front, and who are less confident in their sexy moves… or less fit.

They are quite often late because they are busy on a Saturday morning sorting everyone else out.

But they are past being embarrassed about shaking their thing.

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Well, nearly everything.

They rarely lift their shirts in the wooah wooah bit.

Behind them, at the back are the said children, now teenagers.

They are chatting with their support buddies, and their perfect bodies and natural enthusiasm make up for any shortfall in following the choreography.

Last week I found myself at the back of the class (I was late,  having failed to convince my teenager that a Zumba class would be fun).

I was out of my comfort zone.

Next time, I’ll make sure I get a spot in MILFworld.

Oh and the only bloke?

He’s about second row – hard bodies in front, and close to the instructor.

Get me more of that Latin rhythm

Not very glamourous but great fun

So every Saturday – except for next Saturday – you’ll find me at the Claremont Town Hall in my combat shorts and singlet and special not very grippy sandshoes, shaking my wild thing to the Latin grooves of Zumba.

I just don’t like those black legging things…

Zumba is a cross between a dance class and an exercise class.

Not as strict as a dance class – as you’ll see from the size of the crowd there is not a lot of individual attention… and not as repetitive as an aerobics class.

The choreography is complicated enough to keep you thinking, but not too hard that you feel like a klutz.

By the second song I’ve usually built up a sweat and by the end I’m wondering where the time went.

Time goes fast when you’re having fun – and I’m usually smiling my way through class.

That’s good because it is practically the only exercise I get all week apart from walking to and from the train station.
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Cellobella your name is SLACK.

And I thank goodness for my reconditioned pelvic floor every time I go to class.

I’m hoping one day to have the body of a Zumba instructor – a female one – they are hot hot hot!

In our class there is only one bloke and he stands at the front to get a good view.


Maybe I need to go to class more than once a week…

Zumba is usually followed by coffee with my Zumba classmate and then bridge.

And that, for the most part, takes care of Saturday.

Tripping the light not-so fantastic


I love the Council House lightshow and when showing visitors around I will always point it out – if I’m near the city.

The other day for instance I drove my eastern states colleague back to his hotel and driving past Kings Park I thought a little detour was in order.

He made the usual appreciative noises about the view – which is pretty spectacular – and I, pointed out Council House.

“See that building down there lit up in pink”, I said, “Well the City spent millions on this great lightshow and I really love it. Any minute now it will change colour. ”

“It’s soooo beautiful!” I enthused.

And we waited.

And waited.

And waited.

But the building remained stubbornly pink.

And I shamefacedly drove down the hill and dropped him off.

Two nights later I was driving back from bridge – State Open Teams – we’re coming last – and I noticed that the building was STILL pink!

What the hell?

Was it broken?

So I rang up the City of Perth (as you do) and asked them.

Turns out if you’re a not-for-profit or charity you can book the light show.

This week, apparently, the light show has been commandeered by the Pink Ribbon Day crowd.

You know, for breast cancer.

And get this… it’s free!

Well… unless you want a complicated show that is when it costs you the time it takes to program in the lights… maybe $50 the fellow told me.

And it can be quite complicated – words scrolling across the building for example.

I was blown away.

But, I’m afraid, still a little bit pissed off that the “proper” light show wasn’t on when I wanted to show off to my colleague.

But that’s just me.


Breast cancer research is a good cause – I just kind of wish they’d paid the $50 and put on a show.

Council House lit up in pink for Pink Ribbon Day...


Apologies for fuzzy cam but it’s only an instamatic camera – what can you do?

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And that green spiky thing is the belltower.

I wonder if you can hire that too?

A little bit of Venice in Perth

The gorgeous Peggy!

Friday night, Groover and I went back to the Art Gallery for the Opening of the Penny Guggenheim Exhibition.

This is from her collection in Venice.

Ahhhh Venice – so romantic, so beautiful.

I went twice to this collection in Venice when we were there in 2005 – and we were only there for a day – so I was looking forward to seeing how it travelled.

What a delight to see our good friend acting as Peggy Guggenheim – although she shaved her legs and apparently Peggy didn’t… maybe people didn’t in the 30s so – we’ll overlook it – you might remember her from Theatresports earlier in the year.

Me and Miss Peggy

It is a stunning collection of modern art – all the big names – extraordinary to see the work which still looks modern even though some of it is nearly 100 years old.

A Jackson Pollock which is figurative!  Who knew?  (probably all of you)

Go and see it – it is on until the end of January and is only coming to Perth… hey that’s closer than Venice.

That’s the advantage of having a Gallery Director who was born in Venice and is married to a former intern of the Peggy Guggenheim collection.

(Oh that Italian accent!  Mamma mia!!)

Afterwards, with 15 minutes to wait until the train we sat and talked in the organic garden just outside the gallery.

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Groovy Groover

I just wanted to show you more of my frock.

Unfortunately we got so into playing with the slow synchro mode on my camera that we missed our train.

So we decided to wait the next HALF AN HOUR in the station.

That's not our train.
We love catching the train at night - it feels so cosmopolitan.

So that was Friday night.

On the way home the security guards found two passengers next to us without tickets.

They took their names and addresses but before they had time to check (over the phone to who knows?) the girl had walked off – hey this is my station… see ya!

They had no power to stop her and who knows if she gave her real name – although she was warned that it is an offence to give a false one.

Seems a rather inefficient system to me but what do you do?

Microchip everyone?

Detain fare evaders?