Category Archives: Modern Life

New Year’s Eve toga special

So first thing Friday morning I get a text from my friend who has just read her emails more carefully and has realised where we’re going that night for New Year’s Eve…

Okay, I’ve calmed down a bit now… Just looked at The Court website to see we are attending (breathe breathe) a gay and lesbian toga frat party extravaganza??!! Is that correct? Or did I wake up this morning and fall out of bed into a parallel universe where I’m still hot enough to wear a toga among teenagers without looking like a sad old bag lady who just stumbled in off the street!?! Please explain.

We laughed.

Yes that’s where we went and after a Vodka and Red Bull my friend danced her arse off!

On the dancefloor!
I was wearing a dress which had a suggestion of toga about it.
The four old people at the party

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This girl and her (boy) friend really got into it. They were covered with signatures.

The boys were beautiful and the girls were less beautiful.

It was a perfect warm evening and the streets of Northbridge relatively quiet. 

Of course that might be because the nightclub is right next door to the police station.

And we weren’t the oldest there.

Happy New Year!

Cyclone days and summer nights

My cyclone track map pin-up board

So this is what my life at work is like at the moment…

Fire fire flood fire fire fire fire fire cyclone fire.

So far we haven’t had many cyclones – ah but it is early in the season my friend.

This next one they are calling a “midget” cyclone.

At the start of the season I clear my pin-up board in readiness.

This year they are predicting about 6-7 cyclones to hit the north west and my role is to coordinate our emergency warnings.

So I need a bit of space.

Then as the cyclones develop I print out the track maps and pin them up.

I love track maps.

Don’t they look cool?

Okay… maybe you have to be there.

The other thing I like to know in advance is what the bureau are going to name the cyclone.
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Now we’ve just had Tasha (in Queensland) soooo I reckon this new one will be TC Vince.

Which sounds a bit close to Vance if you ask me and Vance was nasty.

This is a map showing where cyclones have tracked in Australia (credit: BOM)
This is a map showing where cyclones have tracked in Australia (credit: BOM)

Usually I get a call from the severe weather centre – when I hear Andrew Burton’s voice my heart sinks.

Not that he’s not a nice guy but him calling me means a cyclone and a cyclone means long hours and rostering people on public holidays.

Still – I no complain.

Imagine being in Queensland at the moment.  Find out how you can help here.

Or Carnarvon.

Let’s hope the midget cyclone does the right thing and buggers off out to sea.

And the arsonists stay at home over the long weekend.

Oh.  And happy new year!

UPDATE: The cyclone turned into a fizzer… not sure if they will even name it.

My new toy

Nice phone but no flash... wish I knew that before I bought it...

So I’ve got myself a new smart phone and what a timewaster it is.

It’s a Samsung galaxy and apart from the fact that it doesn’t have a flash, it is very gorgeous indeed.

I don’t get why there isn’t a flash though.

You would think every one would want a flash and I didn’t even think to check as I assumed it would have one.

Not very smart.

Still apart from it’s flash-less-ness, it’s a lovely device and I can see I’ll be most distracted by it in the weeks to come.
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I have access to my own copy of Angry Birds.

And oh that’s right… A new phone number as well.

Email me if you want it.

Or call me on my work number.


My son reminds me that my phone does record in HD video though so I won’t complain too loudly… although I will be complaining because if there is no flash – recording at night – even in HD – will be lame.

Merry Christmas

Happy Christmas

So this is Christmas.

This year I am assured of at least getting gifts from my son and my daughter.

This is because I have bought them.

Interestingly I was commenting to the young folk at the surf shop that my son had failed to buy me a birthday present this year and they all agreed that they never bought their mothers’ presents.

What kind of generation is this?


It’s not that I want them to buy me anything.

A voucher for maybe a foot massage done by them would be nice.
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It really is the thought*.

Is that too much to ask?

They are sweet kids really.

Last night we watched a video together and it was lovely.

I’m just glad they they are here, healthy and whole.

Perhaps their “presence” is enough.

*Note to kids:  you do actually have to translate that thought into action. 🙂

Why I don’t have any more teacups

Just a video today.

This is one of my favourites from my daughter’s early days.

Here she’s about 14 months old.

A determined wee lassie.

Many people can’t watch this film without wincing.
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I’m not sure what it says about my parenting style but I can assure you that no children – or for that matter teacups – were hurt in the making of this video.

I hope you love it.

Sunset strip

Tonight I walked home with my daughter under a pink sky.

Straight out of the camera - promise

She had been at Tai-jitsu – Ninja training basically.

Yes, they wear black.

Sometimes you just get lucky

I guess I am lucky.
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To have a daughter patient enough to wait for me to dig out my camera.

And one who even points out a good shot.

Love ya.

Now speaking of colour – it’s my turn to do you a favour Dippity.

Ah but that’s tomorrow’s post.

A cool tattoo?

I don’t normally take photos of hunky blokes down the beach.

Surfee dude types

Especially not ones who – lets face it – could be my sons.

I’m not the cougar type.

But when I spied that tattoo on his back… well!

Smiley face tattoo

My first thought was… are you kidding me?!

Who gets a smiley face tattoo.

My next thought was… have I missed a “cool” lesson somewhere?

So tell me internets – cool or uncool?

And then we went for a walk.

It had been a hot day.  Bushfires.  Windy.
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So I thought an evening stoll en famile would be nice.

Cottesloe Beach
Fishing from the groin

When we got to the beach it was COLD!

Really windy.

A little… unpleasant.

So rather than a longer walk towards Swanborne – we headed for the groin.

A bit pathetic really.

The pylon with the smog of the fires on the horizon

Of course you can’t keep a teenage boy out of the water no matter how much you talk about shark weather…

Fun in the surf keeping an eye out for sharks

Cloud street

Cumulonimbus cloud bubbles up above the horizon

Look out the window, they cried, look at the clouds!

Well it is not often that my colleagues are inspired to look at clouds and so I thought they must be pretty spectacular, but it turns out that they just thought I’d be interested because I am a cloud geek… actually I do like taking photos of clouds.

I rushed to the huge office window and looked down Royal St – and indeed the cumulonimbus clouds were pretty impressive.

Not impressive enough for me to actually leave the building to photograph but impressive enough for a quick pic through the glass.

No rain though.
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Tomorrow night I’m off to Queensland for the GNOT finals.

I bet there’ll be rain on the Sunshine Coast.

First day of the first test ALWAYS rains.

If you’re lucky, I might even take a photo of the storm clouds.


Could Christmas decorations in Perth be more lame?

Sigh. So lame.

I’m sorry but isn’t this the boom state?

Could we not do something a little more classier?

I know that everyone has those old tinsel trees ready to throw on the verge and therefore the City of Perth is doing us a favour by recycling them but please people!

Surely we can do better that these, discovered at the corner of William and Hay this afternoon.

It’s not like they are traditional – no sentimental value here to warm the cockles of my jaded heart.

They are just crap and ugly.

(in fact Worst of Perth, you must be close to doing a Christmas special no?)

How I long for the fairy lights of New York and London.

Yes yes it is dark there just after lunch and we need something down in Sandgroperland that will stand out in the bright sunshine.

Surely it can’t be that hard.

Boughs of holly or some other dark green foliage… maybe something native?  Or those leafy red flowers that are around at Christmas time… poinsettias.
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They look Christmassy and you could always add fairy lights for night-time.

I know it must be hard but year after year I am embarrassed.

To call them more appropriate for a country town suggests they have some rural charm.

I’m not sure even the most impoverished town would want them.

Of course… I could be wrong.

And goodness knows we could spend the money elsewhere.

In a way, I’d rather they didn’t have any decorations at all.

Bah humbug!

Just call me Scrooge.

It’s only November after all.

Lame lame lame

Trackside at Karrakatta

Karrakatta from the tracks

Another incident stopped the trains last night, well, stopped the Fremantle line, and this time I was on the train.

The train stopped about 25 m shy of the Karrakatta platform.

The driver’s voice came over the PA – “Passengers.  There has been an incident and the train will be stopped for a while.  Please be patient.”

(or something along those lines)

Of course most of us can guess what that means.

A short time later fire and emergency trucks started to arrive, lights flashing, and we could hear people shouting along side the train.

Couldn’t really hear what they were saying though, and we couldn’t see down the train to what the problem was.

Then an announcement came over that we should stand back from the doors which were going to be opened and a fellow jumped in and said that “Obviosuly there’s been an accident, please be patient, and you probably don’t want to look out the windows on the left hand side.”

Well of course then most people looked out the windows but from our carriage – the front one – you couldn’t see anything.

Then followed a period of waiting with emergency personnel running up and down alongside the train.

Then the lights went out.

I saw a blanket being passed down.

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Lots of shouting.

Eventually we saw people walking past which is when we realised they were evacuating the train carriage behind us.

And then we saw a ladder come past and we were asked to go to the front of the carriage to disembark.

We used the ladder to hold onto to jump safely to the ground with the help of tough looking emergency officers… tough but gentle.

And walked along the track to the platform where more emergency officers were standing by to help us up.

I thought they might debrief us but instead we were asked to move to the side of the road where busses would be coming to take us down the line.

They were very efficient in getting us all off the train safely.

I forgot of course to “tag off”.  (For non-commuters – you tag off with your electonic smartrider card to show that you’ve left the train)

In the end I got a lift home with a kid who had got his mum to pick him up.

In fact, turns out I knew her from my kids’ first school.

Small place, Perth.

You just have to feel sorry for the family and for the poor driver.