Category Archives: Modern Life

Waiting game

The road to the Perth Domestic Terminal

Have you ever driven to Perth airport and noticed the lines of cars along the main drag leaving to the car park?

They are nearly always there and today I am one of them.

I am picking up a colleague’s wife who is coming down to Perth for treatment.

Her flight is coming in at five past nine and I’m early.

It’s a typical scenario, no doubt replicated elsewhere, where there is nowhere to park at the airport if you are picking someone up except of course at the vastly overpriced short term car park.

Well… there’s room for about eight cars… maybe.
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So I wonder why airport designers or local government don’t just cater for it.

Widen the area on the side of the road slightly.

Or at least make the edge of the road less sharp… thought I might burst a tyre.

Just to make it a bit safer.

Make it standing only.

Or am I being ridiculous?

My first time in Bali, told live without notes

So The Bird was a revelation.

What a great venue.

Small, intimate – yet with quite a lot of seating.

Cute bar.

Great acoustics.

(a little warm – but hey it’s winter soon… please tell me winter is happening this year)

It was the first night of Barefaced since the Blue Room season ended and we were all pretty hyped up.

Would anyone come?

What would the venue be like?

Would our stories be any good?

Can I remember my story??
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No notes remember.

And how would the “out of the hat” idea work?

Well it was a great success IMHO.

First, the venue was packed, and thanks to those of you who came along to support me, and the other story tellers of course.

The venue was great.

Our stories were good – and I remembered (most of) mine.

And the out of the hat idea where two wildcard storytellers were drawn out on the night to tell their stories worked too.

Highlights – Shirley’s reaction when she wins the blue ribbon, Andrea’s Chooky Fowler (OMG hilarious!), Alison telling how she wagged school and was sent to hospital was classic and George’s trekking tale brought back some memories – I related!

The next session is last Tuesday of April – which is the day after Easter – and the theme is Heroes and Villains.

If you want to have a go – go to the website – and come along to our workshopping sessions – the more the merrier!

You can hear my first story here.

Not whining about the endless summer

My two as the sun goes down

How can you complain about the weather when we can head down to the beach and enjoy a sunset like that?

Warm enough for my son to go swimming

It was my parents who suggested it – and what a good idea it was to go down the beach for fish and chips on a Saturday evening and watch the sun go down.

It made me wonder why we don’t go down the beach for twilight meals more often.

We even live closer to the beach than they do.

I’m not really the beachy type.
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Maybe that’s it.

And once I’m tucked into my house of an evening it’s akin to winkling a barnacle off a rock to get me out.

Not easy.

Still it was lovely and if invited I’d go again.

I think.


Baring all at The Bird

Don’t get too excited – the clothes are staying on.

Artwork by Matt Cipov

What am I saying?

Get excited!

This is stage two of the story-telling project I’m involved in.

You remember part 1 don’t you?

Barefaced Stories.

Part 1 was me doing the course and then telling my nude beach story at the Blue Room in February.

There is a lot more detail in the story that was told on the night and you can listen to that below.

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Did you have a listen?

Well that gives you a good idea of what we are doing – true stories told in front of an audience without any notes.

Tonight I’m telling a story about my first time in Bali.

It’s a gentler story.

Not quite as racy but I hope will be entertaining.

After my first experience I’ve been dying to have another go.

It was so exhilarating!

You cialis professional cheap might have noticed a reduction in the quality of erections. And to add in the list, riding excessive bicycles can also lead to impotence. prescription viagra The loss of erectile capacity can lead to a profound state of relaxation, overnight delivery cialis peace and even bliss. Located at Kharghar, sector7, Aum viagra for sale cheap Sai CHS, Plot no-C/23, next to Royal Tulip Hotel. And we’re opening the floor up so if you think you might want to have a go, come along to our fortnightly Sunday practice sessions.

Or just come along tonight and enjoy the party.

It’s all happening at The Bird, a tiny little pub on William St, Northbridge, just opposite the new State Theatre Centre.

And come up and say hi!

Here’s the official blurb:

Perth’s newest underground storytelling night.

Barefaced Stories recently featured as part of The Blue Room Theatre’s Summer Nights  and is moving to The Bird in Northbridge.

This exciting new regular storytelling series features trained solo raconteurs, from comedians to prowrestlers, who will take the stage with nothing but their true life tales – some humourous, some sad, and some downright perverse.

Join Barefaced for an entertaining night of intimatedisclosures and heartfelt anecdotes.

“Storytelling has exploded into a thriving genre all itsown.” – New York Times

Last Tuesday in March, the 29th.

Show starts at 8pm

Tickets: $10 at the door.

The Bird, 181 William St, Northbridge

Barefaced Stories website

Barefaced Stories on Facebook

Barefaced group on Facebook

Perth Airport does something right

Perth Airport
Photo thanks to M Munns

I’ve been known to slag off Perth Airport from time to time but on arrival last Monday I felt so welcomed that I have only praise.

I know.

I can’t quite believe it either.

I only took carry-on – which in itself is quite impressive for a four day weekend, plus conference, plus dinner dance – so I was able to waltz straight past the baggage retrieval thingys – what is the proper term for them anyway? – past the growing taxi rank – which is always ridiculous – and out to the general vicinity of where the shuttle collects you for the long term parking.

Except the shuttle was just leaving.

I made eye-contact with the driver and did that little moue of disappointment crossed with hopeful smile and gestures of where I need to stand to get a ride – you’ve seen me do it before I’m sure…it’s similar to the look I give at the bar when I finally get enough of your attention to order a crisp Sav Blanc or cheeky Pinot Noir… that look.

Anyway, instead of driving past me and off to the long term carpark, instead of pointing behind him, instead of ignoring me, the driver smiles… I kid you not… smiles, and pulls across the lane into the drop off zone and opens the door.

Off to the long term carpark love?

Thank you so much, I gush.

I turn on my phone to tweet my appreciation – still having a post-conference lovefest with twitter – and before I know it we are pulling into carpark A and I get out to pay the $62 bucks I owe for four days parking (short term would have cost $140 – which is outrageous) and I don’t have a credit card because I’ve had to cancel it again due to the number being on my daughters’ mobile that got lost over the weekend so I have to pay with wads of cash which fortunately I remember to get out of the bank while I was in Sydney.

One can also order Kamagra through internet based online levitra prescription cost pharmacy. It rejuvenates the liver and normalizes cipla viagra its function. This magical YES mantra is one of the from uk viagra most powerful manifesting workouts you can take on. A sizeable percentage of people in the world suffer from this disease but In the USA costs more than $100 without insurance but only less than $50 in Canada for cheap generic viagra the similar prescription. Thank you I say sweetly to the kind driver and I make my way to the pay machine where a young girl in a high viz vest is smiling at me.

Hello, can I help you?

I’m struggling to find the ticket which I’m sure I’ve put somewhere safe in my wallet/mini-bag but of course it’s been four days and anything could have happened to it but eventually I find it and she puts it in the machine for me, and even though I’m perfectly capable of managing a pay machine as I am a grown up and tall enough to reach, it’s nice to be looked after.

Then she points to the bit where the money goes, and that’s good because I’m used to paying with credit cards which are SO much easier, and I only have a $100 bill because that’s what the bank gave me, but she assures me that the machine will accept such a big note and that I will get notes in change, which is also nice.

I get a cheery farewell and I’m off to my car patiently waiting in S row.

Now I didn’t really need a person helping me with the pay machine but I walked off feeling a bit special – it doesn’t take much.

I felt looked after.

And I’m sure it must be a pretty boring job but the girl was so cheery and sweet and made you feel as if it was her pleasure to be standing around a pay machine at 7.30 on a Monday night, as if there was nothing better she would want to be doing.

And that’s a skill.

So, Perth Airport people, please go and give the driver and the pay-machine girl at carpark A a pat on the back from me, they were great, and you can feel good about yourself too for employing them.

Well done.

Navigation fail in Sydney

It's iconic

Gotta love Sydney.

Well I do.

I guess it’s because I spent a couple of months at a critical age in this fair town… and because I consider Sydney to be to Perth’s somewhat brash teenage self an…

Older, gay uncle?

Worldly, confident spinster aunt?

Or is that Melbourne?

Whatever… I love Sydney.

I love the water, the casual confidence of its inhabitants, the fact you can find scrambled eggs and toast for $7 on a Sunday morning.

I know that Perth people are weeping  into their $4.50 coffees right now.

Seven bucks.

Perth prices are outrageous.

But I digress.

What was I saying?

Oh yes, Sydney.

City crush.

Loved this
Gotta love a city with grafitti like this
Loved this memorial to women who came out because of the Irish famine
She looks determined doesn't she... the new St Mary...

So I’m completely in love with Sydney again and I stay with my friend who I lived with way back in the day when I lived and partied in Sydney.

She lived in Greenwich and she still does so I figured I’d catch the ferry over for old times sake.

Those following me on twitter would have seen how the story unfolded:

Cellobella At circular quay waiting for the greenwich ferry. Life is good. 🙂

Cellobella Forgot how much I love the ferry service in sydney. #wanttoliveinsydney 🙂

Cellobella @deeleea totes. It’s such a nice way to get around. Feels like a treat not public transport. 🙂

Cellobella Lol just discovered I’m on completely the wrong ferry. It’s back to circular quay for me. #whatanidiot

Cellobella Bored of being on ferry now #navigationfail

My friend had texted me and when I said oh I was just at Watson’s Bay, rang me to tell me I’d caught a ferry going in completely the opposite direction.

It’s been twenty years since I lived in Sydney.

So I changed ferries…

Me on the RIGHT ferry

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And I spent the night in Greenwich and we reminisced about old times…

Going to Rogues…

On our way out to Rogues back in 1991...

OMG yes… check out those clip-on earrings… oh dear me… such glamour.

We drank wine and discussed how we met the drummer of Air Supply and he told us that Mariah Carey was the next big thing.

We talked more about Rogues… well it was our favourite nightclub.

Hey that was a designer dress... stop laughing!

Thought you might like to see the full look.

We haven’t changed a bit!

Okay maybe a bit.

Don’t you love the tassles?

Not enough dresses these days have tassles IMHO.

This was my outfit of choice for going to the casino back in Perth – but I wore it with a waist length wig.

And then it started raining.

And I fell asleep to the sound of rain on the roof and actually I didn’t sleep well because it was soooo noisy.

Such a novelty to hear rain though.

*slaps self* This is not going to be a weather post.

Next morning I waited patiently for the rain to stop.

But it was torrential.

And, with a coffee date in the city I had to get going.

‘sif a Perth person is going to have an umbrella!

Monday morning was... wet.

I could feel the rain slide off the back of my jacket, through my top and slip down the back of my jeans.


I was wet wet wet.

But still happy to be in Sydney.

Even though I was a little over the rain.

I dried out about 3pm.

Ahhh my dear Uncle Syd.

See ya next time.

Peeps… Gay uncle?  Worldly older cousin?  What do you think?

Finding Nigel

Alison with her newly discovered vagina

So we found the sculpture (pictured above) and now Narelle wants to find Nigel.

Narelle being Alison, or at least Alison when she was 20, and fresh born into the city.

The back story.

The search.

Anyhoo the thing is that Alison is in Sydney this week – and so is the artist that sculpted her veejayjay back in the day and she wants to find him.

She has an mp3 of the story she told at our storytelling sessions and a photograph of… well… herself to give him.

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It’s just for old times sake (she is in a relationship at the moment) so she isn’t stalking him or anything.



So if you know where the artist is – please let us know!

We have a twitter search going on – have a look on

Oh and his name isn’t Nigel.



So the conference is over and a better organised conference I don’t think I’ve been to.

This btw is really a holding post.

Written from my phone.

Today my plan is to catch a ferry to greenwich to stay with a friend.

Then tomorrow catching up with a few work friends before heading back to perth in time for the first night of the women’s teams.

Bridge of course.

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Remember rain perthites?

I love not being hot so much I am not even going to take a taxi to circular quay.

I certainly won’t look hot after that.

More on the bloggers conference when I get to a computer but for now love to my new bloggy friends.

You are amazing.


Why I’m a good daughter

This is what happens if the door is left ever so slightly open

Oh I know darlings!

Enough said right?

I mean I don’t even defrost my OWN fridge so what the hell am I doing, the floors strewn with towels, trying to dislodge the wedged in drawers of my parents’ fridge?

Good daughter things.

That’s what I’m doing.

Luckily it is quite warm so the fridge is defrosting quickly, I am after all only here in Dunsborough one night before heading back to Perth to catch my plane to Sydney on Friday – exciting club!
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It’s very quiet.

Weird being here on my own.

I bought Indian takeaway (too much) and a few beers, although I’ve only drunk one (they were on special).

(Sure I hear you say… well they were $18 for 6, which is better than $6.50 for one – so what’s a girl to do)

And life feels pretty mellow.

A beer and a view of Geographe Bay

Improvising in the kitchen

Essential oil burner

I came home from work today, opened the door and was transported to the outer suburbs olfactorally speaking.

To the tip to be precise… which may or may not be in the outer suburbs… I haven’t been there… that’s what rates are for.

The kitchen bin REALLY needed emptying.

But not onto the floor which is what happened when Groover pulled the plastic bag out of the shiny stainless steel bin and trying to stop the small drips from a hole in said bag managed to tip it over the floor.

Then the house really started to reek.

A shame as we’d done quite a good job in cleaning the house over the weekend.

Apart, obviously, from actually emptying all the bins.

Anyhoo we needed DRASTIC odour manipulation but an essential oil atomiser was not to be found.
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Fear not, says Groover, and he quickly rigged up the above home atomising kit.

Now our house smells of lavender.


Later it was Dippity’s turn to do the washing up.

She likes to dress for the occasion.

My little maid

Aw.  Cute.

(she did a good job too)