Tag Archives: incident

Trackside at Karrakatta

Karrakatta from the tracks

Another incident stopped the trains last night, well, stopped the Fremantle line, and this time I was on the train.

The train stopped about 25 m shy of the Karrakatta platform.

The driver’s voice came over the PA – “Passengers.  There has been an incident and the train will be stopped for a while.  Please be patient.”

(or something along those lines)

Of course most of us can guess what that means.

A short time later fire and emergency trucks started to arrive, lights flashing, and we could hear people shouting along side the train.

Couldn’t really hear what they were saying though, and we couldn’t see down the train to what the problem was.

Then an announcement came over that we should stand back from the doors which were going to be opened and a fellow jumped in and said that “Obviosuly there’s been an accident, please be patient, and you probably don’t want to look out the windows on the left hand side.”

Well of course then most people looked out the windows but from our carriage – the front one – you couldn’t see anything.

Then followed a period of waiting with emergency personnel running up and down alongside the train.

Then the lights went out.

I saw a blanket being passed down.

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Lots of shouting.

Eventually we saw people walking past which is when we realised they were evacuating the train carriage behind us.

And then we saw a ladder come past and we were asked to go to the front of the carriage to disembark.

We used the ladder to hold onto to jump safely to the ground with the help of tough looking emergency officers… tough but gentle.

And walked along the track to the platform where more emergency officers were standing by to help us up.

I thought they might debrief us but instead we were asked to move to the side of the road where busses would be coming to take us down the line.

They were very efficient in getting us all off the train safely.

I forgot of course to “tag off”.  (For non-commuters – you tag off with your electonic smartrider card to show that you’ve left the train)

In the end I got a lift home with a kid who had got his mum to pick him up.

In fact, turns out I knew her from my kids’ first school.

Small place, Perth.

You just have to feel sorry for the family and for the poor driver.