Being twelve

I would say this is a picture of me when I was 12… but I might have been 10. Dad would say it is a picture of his wall.

Do you remember when you were 12?

My best friend that year was a Scorpio just like me.

She was born in Vancouver and I in Montreal (although she was a ‘proper’ Canadian, my parents were both Australian working overseas).

She was the one who taught me how to riffle shuffle.

I was in Miss Greenham’s class.

I liked to play endless games of cards, monopoly, hopscotch and anything else we could find.

We had sleepovers and talked about the boys we liked.

And the ones we didn’t.

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We both wore pale pink broderie anglaise dresses to the disco at the end of the year.

I was in the recorder group and played the clarinet.

I went to ballet classes twice a week.

I was a long way from puberty.

My twelve year old daughter seems a lot older to me.

The new twelve?

But… isn’t she gorgeous?

My daughter

My daughter

3 thoughts on “Being twelve”

  1. I’ve tried hard to forget twelve, now you’ve brought it all back. I was a very “young” twelve, innocent, childish, but with over enthusiastic breast development……oh, the teasing!

  2. I’m with River – I’d rather forget that age – all the way up to 20 🙂

    I had great times in my teens – but the really uncomfortable ones really seemed to out number them… but I’m so glad I wasn’t a girl – being a boy was bad enough!!! 😉

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