
I haven’t felt well today.  Over indulged in some rather fine red wine last night.  It was good fun.  I gave myself a leave pass to play bridge in the afternoon and then stayed on to dinner at Pavorottis (in Hampton Road… okay hearty Italian – you know the sort) and more drinking back at a house overlooking the river.

The lady who owns the house impressively breeds seahorses.  How many people do you know who do that?  I only know one.  She has two marine tanks and several freshwater ponds.  We stayed up late, playing Oh Hell and I got home rather worse for wear (though apparently not disgracing myself) and hit the Panadol. 

Today while no headache, I definitely feel a bit seedy.
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But its back to work tomorrow.  Sigh.  And my cold seems to have settled.  Touchwood.

One hour before Big Brother starts…