Photo Shmoto

I’m kind of over the whole photo thing.C'est Moi

It feels selfish to say it but from now on, I just want to go to events rather than record them.  That’s not to say I won’t take photos but if I do it’ll be a spontaneous capture-the-moment moment.

It’s not to say I’m not flattered when asked – you must like my photos or why ask me… so, thank you.

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Tonight was a case in point.  My brother’s exhibition – which was great by the way – but I just wanted to be there, and not as official photographer.  To be fair, there was no pressure and yes I did take one or two pics… but tonight I handed my camera to my 9-year-old and let her loose.

I thought she did okay.  Lots of pictures of the pictures which wasn’t really the point but also some great shots of the people and from a different perspective.  And I got to enjoy the event. 🙂

Open for business Hmmmm Mum's friends ... and Mum The glitteratti The Poshi and son Waiting Sold! Guest of honour Speech