New Music

Before I tell you about this new music… just wanted to vent.

We don’t have a DVD player at the moment thanks to the small girl child who lives with us.  And I foolishly somehow didn’t tape the whole “Taming of the Shrew” last Sunday night.  Anyway I secured a DVD copy, borrowed my brother’s DVD Player (which he’d lent to Mum) and started watching.  Of course I forgot to borrow the remote control and the wretched thing doesn’t have a fast forward control on the box – only play/stop/pause.  Arghhh.

Brilliant version by the way – modern take on the classic tale.  Looking forward to next week’s Midsummers Night Dream.

New music in a moment… but first I have to share (fanfare) Neil’s Garlic Prawns Recipe!

Slice your garlic and slowly roast it in olive oil on low heat in a wok til the flavour permeates the oil…

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Yum yum yummy yum yum.  Onya Neil.

Right, now the music.  Head over to gacjezv to check out some new music by a very new emerging artist – I reckon this kid has potential.


And you thought I was so unhip my legs had fallen off (apologies to D. Adams).