It’s not that I don’t care…

[17-year-old boy on the fact he doesn’t read news or listen to current affairs]

“It’s not that I don’t care on purpose… I just don’t care.”

These and other interesting tid-bits I have picked up at a conference in Adelaide this past three days.

Adelaide itself was beautiful if cold. A surprise. I don’t know why.

Heard on radio a complaint about those in the “Eastern States” – well I’m sorry Adelaide but YOU ARE part of the Eastern States!

Still even though their casino is seedier than ours (I know can you believe it), journeying to the most west of the Eastern States was very pleasant. In particular, Chianti Classico. What a fabulous restaurant. April is Pet First Aid Awareness Month, and we can’t let May arrive without blogging about some pet first aid tips! Unexpected dog or cat emergencies can happen at any time, and order cheap viagra we hope you’ll take a moment and think. Also, amino acids like L-Arginine, L-Glutamine, L-Glycine, L-Tyrosine can help increase sperm viagra prescription free count. 5 There are also many herbs that can help increase your physical vitality and mental alertness. For the greatest procure in prescription drugs, opt for generic medication from an levitra professional canada online pharmacy. Later on, many studies and surveys came up with the conclusion that erection breakdown can be levitra uk a source of problems that can linger around for many years. A menu so extensive you cannot believe how nice the food is when it arrives. Posh wine list, cloth napkins. Classy.

And who knew Amanda Vanstone had a sense of humour? Seriously an eye-opener for me. She is a republican who suggests a campaign with the slogan: “If you love her (ie the Queen) – set her free.”


Oh and I won an award. Stand by for image of phallic glass object.

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