Back to Venice

When in Venice...

There is a dog making snuffling noises nearby – I shudder to think what it is snuffling. Sounds unsavory to say the least.

The weather has turned cold. I’m wearing long sleeves for the first time in weeks and even put on my new jacket – but that was mainly because it was new – it is a bit too warm.

Anyway back to Venice. The next day – My brother and I couldn’t bear not to go back to Venice. The rain of the night before had disappeared and it was sunny. He wanted to see the Gug – the Peggy Guggenheim Museum of Modern Art and I just wanted to go back. Groover and Hugamuga were keen to see the Ferrari Museum in Maranello and Mum and Dad just wanted to go home!

Anyway we split up. Bro and I spending some sibling time together on the train back to Venice and the others off to see fast cars.

The train trip was a breeze and we landing in Venice at about 11 o’clock and raced through the twisty turny streets to the Gug. The museum had every painter you’ve heard of from the 20s to the 60s (except for some reason Matisse) and included a poignant gallery of Pegeen – Peggy’s daughter’s works. It was simple, almost childlike painting -with beautiful colours but I found it unbearably sad. In just about every frame there was a figure with bare breasts – when others were clothed – her neck long and vulnerable. In one painting she sits with a baby on the floor crying.

To me they were self portraits of an exposed, vulnerable girl/woman, struggling to live up to her mother’s huge expectations for her. No wonder she died young.

But we spent too much time at the Gug and there was no time for anything else. We raced for the train, catching the Vaporetto – that was fun!!!, and missed the train by three minutes. This would not have been a drama but Dad had organised Carla to cook a meal for us and we were now going to be late.

I loved Venice. I want to go back. Did I mention that I saw Tina Turner?

This photo was taken in Sorrento on Mum’s camera but I love it so much I’m putting it online here.

In Sorrento

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Meanwhile at the Ferrari Museum…

Groover and the kids had a great time drooling over Enzos, watching the formula ones being test driven, Hugamuga even found a Ferrari Monopoly set. Groover said it was amusing watching all these couples, some obviously on honeymoon, with the women attempting to be very interested in transmission boxes and gear sticks! He was in heaven.

And the food, when we finally got back to the Villa was awesome.