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First some exciting news. My brother Michael has asked me to join with him to create something for the Art in Bloom exhibition at the Art Gallery of WA. This is where artists and others who are not artists get together to make a display of flowers, fruit and found objects to complement a piece of art. I’ve always wanted to have a go at this so I’m really excited!

We’re having a meeting at the gallery tomorrow to choose our painting – or at least see it!

Apparently I hear whether I made the short list or not tomorrow.

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I’m about to change the look of this front page – it’s been nearly a year since I came up with this last design. Some elements will stay the same… some will change. That is the nature of life.

The photos in todays blogs are from our 2000 trip to Bali in fact during the Sydney Olympics which meant that we saw very little of the Olympics and what we saw was skewed towards non-Australian coverage.

We saw Cathy Freeman run – in the bar I think – but I remember very little else. Apart from the opening and closing ceremonies of course which I think we were home for. This was the trip where we met our friends Abi and Evan and we enjoyed it so much we did it all again for longer in 2002.