Collapsing time

Today was an emotional day for many of us as we commemorated one year since Harry died. At the church I stood next to Janet as we listened to the priest say a prayer for Harry. Of course we didn’t understand a word as it was in high Greek but it was moving to see Harry’s photo on the table at the front of the church and to stand there with Janet and Harry’s family.

For me it was as if time had collapsed. I felt I was back in those horrible first days last year when we struggled to come to terms with the enormity of our loss.

Afterward we ate some traditional food, wheat and icing sugar which tasted okay. I’m a bit hazy on the significance of it though. Then it was downstairs where there was more food than you could reasonably imagine. Seeing all of Harry’s sisters and his mum, Anna, really took me back a year. It’s felt like a long 12 months, but in that moment I felt as if it was a day later. For Janet I can only imagine it is the same only more extreme. Like yesterday – like 10 years later.

Back at the house I was happy to do the womanly thing (yes, I know) and help out in the kitchen. Janet’s sister Margaret (Hi Margaret, how are you this morning?) and I got to work cutting potatoes and cooking. It was fun.
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I caught up with Mrs Deeks, whose son Peter married Harry’s youngest sister. Mrs Deeks was a maths teacher at school – didn’t actually teach me as she taught the brainy maths but she pretended to remember me which was nice. I mean how could you remember everyone in the school!

It was a strange afternoon. Like and unlike the year before. It was nice to see the faces from last year and strange to think that a year had passed with a lot of significant events happening.

I felt privileged to be there. I really miss Harry.